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Last active February 7, 2020 17:28
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input_choice = nil
student_data =
file_data = nil
# Introduce Program to user, select manual or file mode, and
# initiate the array of full_names accordingly.
puts "Welcome to Ada's Student Account Generator."
puts "Would you like to enter student names manually or by file?
Enter 'M' for manually or 'F' for file:"
input_choice = gets.chomp.upcase()
if input_choice == "F"
puts "What is the name of your text file, extension included?
Note: make sure your text file has no trailing empty lines."
# Open data file with open.
file_name = gets.chomp
file_data =
student_data =
if input_choice == "M"
puts "How many names will you enter?"
student_data =
# Times loop to get student names (if entering manually), create
# ID numbers, generate student emails, and print full account info
(student_data.length).times do |i|
# initialize hash for individual account
acc_hash =
# finalize full_names
if input_choice == "M"
puts "enter student name:"
acc_hash[:full_name] = gets.chomp.upcase()
elsif input_choice == "F"
acc_hash[:full_name] = file_data.readline().chomp.upcase()
# generate ID #
acc_hash[:id] = rand(111111..999999)
# generate email
fnl_names = acc_hash[:full_name].split(" ")
f_initial = fnl_names[0][0,1]
if fnl_names.length > 2
f_initial << fnl_names[1][0,1]
acc_hash[:email] = f_initial + fnl_names.last + acc_hash[:id].to_s[3,5] + ""
# assign to student_data array before moving on to next student
student_data[i] = acc_hash
# Print all students' generated account info
(student_data.length).times do |i|
puts student_data[i][:full_name] + ": ID - " + student_data[i][:id].to_s + ", email - " + student_data[i][:email] + "\n"
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Account Generator - Using Hashes

Requirement Comments
Well formatted code πŸ‘ Good indentation and meaningful variable names. I also like the comments breaking up each section.
Creates an array of hashes with keys for names, ID numbers and email addresses πŸ‘
Reads in Student names πŸ‘
Generates random ID numbers πŸ‘
Generates proper student email addresses using the (first initial) + (last name) + (last 3 digits of the ID number) πŸ‘
Prints out student accounts πŸ‘
Optional Prevents duplicates NA
Optional Handles small last 3 digits of an ID number πŸ‘
Optional Handles first names with spaces (initials MJ for "Mary Jane") πŸ‘ , for 3-word names
Optional Reads input from a file πŸ‘ , nice work


Great work, you hit all the learning goals here. I hope your 1st week at Ada is going well.

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