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Last active January 24, 2018 17:41
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textareaを中身に応じて自動リサイズする ref:
* How to use
* import ResizeTextarea from './path/to/ResizeTextarea';
* let textarea = document.querySelector('#textarea');
* const resizeTextarea = new ResizeTextarea(textarea);
* textarea.addEventListener('input', () => {
* resizeTextarea.resize();
* });
export default class ResizeTextarea {
constructor(textarea) {
this.textarea = textarea; = window.getComputedStyle(textarea, null)
resize() {
if (this.scrollHeight > this.offsetHeight) {
this.height = this.scrollHeight;
} else {
while(true) {
this.height = this.height - this.lineHeight;
if (this.scrollHeight >= this.offsetHeight) {
this.height = this.scrollHeight;
// get height of textarea from inline style attribute or css
// return Number
get height() {
let heightCss = ||'height');
return Number(heightCss.slice(0, -2)) || 0;
// get line-height of textarea from inline style attribute or css
// return Number
get lineHeight() {
let lineHeightCss = ||'line-height');
return Number(lineHeightCss.slice(0, -2)) || 0;
// return Number
get scrollHeight() {
return this.textarea.scrollHeight;
// return Number
get offsetHeight() {
return this.textarea.offsetHeight;
// param Number
set height(height) {
if (typeof(height) !== 'number') console.error('expect: ResizeTextarea get heightの引数は数値です。got: ', typeof(height)); = height + 'px';
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