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Last active April 18, 2021 06:04
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module Timestamps
using Dates
export TimeGrid, RegularTimestamps, IrregularTimestamps, SparseTimestamps
TimeGrid represents discrete time axes for regularly sampled signal,
starting from `timestart` and sampling rate `freq`
It behaves just like a StepRange of discrete times, but with infinite length.
struct TimeGrid
freq::Float64 # samplerate (Hz), or instead timestep = 1/freq (s)
function TimeGrid(timestart::DateTime, freq)
TimeGrid(timestart, Float64(freq))
# internal reinterpret functions
@inline time2ms(time::Period) = Dates.value(Millisecond(time)) # time Period to integer milliseconds (may error for nanoseconds)
@inline ms2time(msec) = Millisecond(msec) # integer milliseconds to time Period
# @inline ms2time(msec) = DateTime(Dates.UTM(msec)) - transforms to absolute DateTime
# from index - to floating-point milliseconds
@inline index2ms(freq::Float64, index::Real) = (index - 1) * 1000 / freq
@inline ms2index(freq::Float64, ms::Real) = ms * freq / 1000 + 1
`ind = timegrid[time]`
transform relative time (from `timestart`) to index
function Base.getindex(timegrid::TimeGrid, time::Period)
i = ms2index(timegrid.freq, time2ms(time))
ind = trunc(Int, i)
`ind = timegrid[time]`
transform absolute time to index
function Base.getindex(timegrid::TimeGrid, time::DateTime)
timegrid[time - timegrid.timestart]
`time = timegrid[ind, Period]`
transform index to relative time (from `timestart`)
function Base.getindex(timegrid::TimeGrid, index::Real, ::Type{Period})
ms = index2ms(timegrid.freq, index)
time = ms2time(floor(Int, ms))
`time = timegrid[ind]`
transform index to absolute time
function Base.getindex(timegrid::TimeGrid, index::Real)
timegrid[index, Period] + timegrid.timestart
## =================================================
Based on TimeGrid discrete times, we can create:
- regularly-sampled discrete timestamps, that are computed on getindex,
- irregularly-sampled discrete timestamps, with inner index vector
# regularly-sampled timestamps
struct RegularTimestamps <: AbstractVector{DateTime}
index2time(vec::RegularTimestamps, index::Int) = vec.timegrid[index]
time2index(vec::RegularTimestamps, time::DateTime) = vec.timegrid[time]
Base.size(vec::RegularTimestamps) = (length(vec.range),)
function Base.getindex(vec::RegularTimestamps, i::Int)
@boundscheck i in vec.range || throw(BoundsError(vec, i))
index2time(vec, i)
## =================================================
# irregularly-sampled timestamps has index column (for events position on time grid)
struct IrregularTimestamps <: AbstractVector{DateTime}
index2time(vec::IrregularTimestamps, index::Int) = vec.timegrid[vec.indices[index]]
function time2index(vec::IrregularTimestamps, time::DateTime)
i = vec.timegrid[time]
index = searchsorted(vec.indices, i)
return i
Base.size(vec::IrregularTimestamps) = size(vec.indices)
function Base.getindex(vec::IrregularTimestamps, index::Int)
index2time(vec, index)
## =================================================
Or we can even create regular timestamps that have intervals of missing data,
e.g. due to sensor malfunction or lost connection
struct SparseTimestamps <: AbstractVector{DateTime}
restarts::Vector{UnitRange{Int}} # a list of increasing index ranges of valid data
offsets::Vector{Int} # cumulative offset for points after restart
len::Int # number of all included points
function SparseTimestamps(timegrid::TimeGrid, restarts::Vector{UnitRange{Int}})
offsets = Vector{Int}(undef, length(restarts)) #
r_stop = 0
sum = 0
len = 0
for (i, r) in enumerate(restarts)
sum += first(r) - r_stop - 1
offsets[i] = sum
r_stop = last(r)
len += length(r)
new(timegrid, restarts, offsets, len)
function sparse2denseindex(vec::SparseTimestamps, index::Int)
for (i, r) in enumerate(vec.restarts)
if index <= last(r)
@boundscheck first(r) <= index || throw(BoundsError(vec, i))
return index - vec.offsets[i]
throw(BoundsError(vec, i))
function dense2sparseindex(vec::SparseTimestamps, index::Int)
for (i, r) in enumerate(vec.restarts)
if index <= last(r) - vec.offsets[i]
index += vec.offsets[i]
@boundscheck first(r) <= index || throw(BoundsError(vec, i))
return index
throw(BoundsError(vec, i))
index2time(vec::SparseTimestamps, index::Int) = vec.timegrid[dense2sparseindex(vec, index)]
time2index(vec::SparseTimestamps, time::DateTime) = sparse2denseindex(vec, vec.timegrid[time])
Base.size(vec::SparseTimestamps) = (vec.len,)
function Base.getindex(vec::SparseTimestamps, i::Int)
@boundscheck 1 <= i <= vec.len || throw(BoundsError(vec, i))
index2time(vec, i)
end # module
## =================================================
using Dates
using .Timestamps
# TimeGrid examples
timestart = parse(DateTime, "2021-02-13T23:34:42")
timegrid = TimeGrid(timestart, 250) # 250 Hz (or 4 ms step)
timegrid[1] == timestart + Millisecond(0) # get absolute time
timegrid[2] == timestart + Millisecond(4)
timegrid[2, Period] == Millisecond(4) # get relative time from time start
timegrid[101] - timegrid[1] == Millisecond(400)
# all values between two discrete timestamps are truncated to nearest previous value
timegrid[Millisecond(0)] == 1
timegrid[Millisecond(3)] == 1
timegrid[Millisecond(4)] == 2
## =================================================
t1 = RegularTimestamps(timegrid, 1:100)
t1[1] == timestart
t1[2] == timestart + Millisecond(4)
t1[end] == timestart + Millisecond(396)
## =================================================
indices = [1, 15, 23, 55, 1000]
t2 = IrregularTimestamps(timegrid, indices)
t2[1] == timestart
t2[2] == timestart + Millisecond(4*14) # timestep * index
t2[end] == timestart + Millisecond(3996)
## =================================================
t3 = SparseTimestamps(timegrid, [1:5, 25:100])
t3[5] == t1[5]
t3[6] == t1[25]
length(t3) == 81
t3[end] == t1[100]
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