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Created January 12, 2021 03:00
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modified for two strings
import pdb
import time
# implementation of levenshtein for matching indian names
''' Calculates the Levenshtein distance of 2 strings'''
import csv
from optparse import OptionParser
import sys
from datetime import datetime
def parse_options():
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-d", "--distance", dest="distance",
help="Maximum Masala-Levenshtein distance to calculate", metavar="DIST")
parser.add_option("-1", "--file1", dest="file1",
help="First source csv file to match", metavar="FILE")
parser.add_option("-2", "--file2", dest="file2",
help="Second source csv file to match", metavar="FILE")
parser.add_option("-o", "--output_file", dest="outfile",
help="Output csv file", metavar="FILE")
parser.add_option("-s", "--sorted", dest="sorted", action="store_true",
help="sort words in strings (can take 2x time)")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
# if not options.outfile or not options.file1 or (options.file2 and not options.distance):
# parser.print_help()
# sys.exit()
# if options.file2:
# options.distance = float(options.distance) # don't calculate distances greater than this.
return options
# function to sort words in string. any 3-letter words or less at back of string are left unsorted
def sort_words(string):
# split string on words
word_list = string.split()
# get # of words to sort -- don't want <= 3 letter words at end.
count = 0
sort_count = 0
for word in word_list:
# if word is longer than 3, sort at least this far
# don't sort final words beginning with a digit either
if len(word) > 3 and word[0] not in range(0,9):
sort_count = count
count += 1
# sort the first sort_count words in the string
new_string = " ".join(sorted(word_list[0:sort_count + 1]))
# append unsorted words to the string if there are any
if sort_count < (len(word_list) - 1):
new_string += " " + " ".join(word_list[sort_count+1:])
return new_string
# confirm that we got the command line right
# print options
# function to read a data file in the following format:
# ID, "string"
def read_id_string_data(filename):
# open and read data file -- ignore unicode errors -- non-unicode characters will be removed
f = open(filename, encoding='utf8', errors='ignore')
csv = f.readlines()
g = {}
# loop over each csv line
for line in csv:
line = line.strip()
# get comma position
c1 = line.find(',')
# get 2 words: group id and string to lev match
group_id = line[0:c1]
string = line[c1+2:-1]
# create the group_id dictionary entry if it doesn't exist yet
if group_id not in g:
g[group_id] = []
# and add the string to be matched to the dictionary
# return dictionary
return g
def print_matrix(m):
print(' ')
for row in m:
for item in row:
sys.stdout.write("%5s," % str(item) )
print(' ')
# specify single-letter pairs that have a low cost match.
# specify each one twice, i.e. both directions so can be a fast lookup
pair_1to1 = set(['UW', 'WU', 'DT', 'TD', 'AE', 'AI', 'AO', 'AU', 'EA', 'EI', 'EO', 'EU', 'IA', 'IE', 'IO', 'IU', 'OA', 'OE', 'OI', 'OU', 'UA', 'UE', 'UI', 'UO', 'SZ', 'ZS', 'BV', 'VB', 'OW', 'WO', 'YI', 'IY', 'RD', 'DR', 'CK', 'KC', 'CS', 'SC', 'GJ', 'JG', 'ZJ', 'JZ', 'XZ', 'ZX', 'XS', 'SX', 'XJ', 'JS', 'SZ', 'ZS', 'KQ', 'QK', 'WV', 'VW', 'BV', 'VB', 'PF', 'FP'])
# 2to2 lists mean cheap processing of character transposition
pair_2to2 = set(['EV', 'EO', 'CK', 'KC', 'KQ', 'QK', 'PF', 'FP', 'GJ', 'JG', 'BV', 'VB', 'VW', 'WV', 'BW', 'WB', 'JZ', 'ZJ', 'XZ', 'ZX', 'XS', 'SX', 'ZS', 'SZ', 'SC', 'CS', 'YU', 'UY', 'AU', 'UA', 'EU', 'UE', 'IU', 'UI', 'IO', 'OI'])
# 2to1
pair_2to1_list = ['O-OW', 'U-UW', 'U-OO', 'E-IY', 'I-IY', 'X-KS', 'E-EE' , 'O-OO', 'S-SC' , 'X-XC', 'I-EE', 'A-YA']
# dictionary for cheap single letter omissions. spaces are free, but non-zero to avoid duplication problems.
pair_1to0 = {'A':0.2, 'H':0.2, 'N':0.45, ' ': 0.01, '(': 0.01, ')': 0.01 }
cost_swap = 0.45
cost_1to1 = 0.45
cost_2to2 = 0.2
cost_2to1 = 0.2
cost_double_letter = 0.1
# specify additional penalty for mismatched digits. (so village1 doesn't match village2)
digit_cost = 1.5
# other potential rules
# - N + consonant -> consonant
# - first letter wrong = cost 1.5
# N+consonant -> consonant: .25
# nb nc nd nf ng nh -> 0.8?
# W/Y -> 0.5
# initialize 2 to 1 matching dictionary
# format is [single-letter] -> [first of double-letter] -> [list of second of double-letter]
pair_2to1 = {}
# convert 2-to-1 list into a dictionary:
for item in pair_2to1_list:
if item[0] not in pair_2to1:
pair_2to1[item[0]] = {}
if item[2] not in pair_2to1[item[0]]:
pair_2to1[item[0]][item[2]] = []
if item[3] not in pair_2to1[item[0]][item[2]]:
def update_matrix(matrix, row, col, value):
if row >= len(matrix) or col >= len(matrix[0]): return
if matrix[row][col] > value: matrix[row][col] = value
# internet levensthein
def levenshtein(str1, str2):
s1 = str1 + " "
s2 = str2 + " "
l1 = len(s1)
l2 = len(s2)
# initialize matrix with worst case.
matrix = [list(range(l1 + 1))] * (l2 + 1)
for c2 in range(l2 + 1):
matrix[c2] = list(range(c2,c2 + l1 + 1))
# loop over each row
for c2 in range(0,l2):
# store minimum distance in this row
min_dist = options.distance
# loop over each column
for c1 in range(0,l1):
# update minimum distance if this is lower than current minimum
if matrix[c2][c1] < min_dist: min_dist = matrix[c2][c1]
# adjust right step, down step (characters dropped), and right-down step (character substitution)
update_matrix(matrix, c2+1, c1, matrix[c2][c1] + 1)
update_matrix(matrix, c2, c1+1, matrix[c2][c1] + 1)
update_matrix(matrix, c2+1, c1+1, matrix[c2][c1] + 1)
# if this position is a match
if s1[c1] == s2[c2]:
# set down-right cell to minimum of (right + 1, down + 1, this cell)
update_matrix(matrix, c2+1, c1+1, matrix[c2][c1])
# cheaper right step if c1 is in pair_1to0
if s1[c1] in pair_1to0:
update_matrix(matrix, c2, c1+1, matrix[c2][c1] + pair_1to0[s1[c1]])
# cheaper down step if c2 is in pair_1to0
if s2[c2] in pair_1to0:
update_matrix(matrix, c2+1, c1, matrix[c2][c1] + pair_1to0[s2[c2]])
# if the letters are close
if (s1[c1] + s2[c2]) in pair_1to1:
# pay 1to1 cost in right-down cell.
update_matrix(matrix, c2+1, c1+1, matrix[c2][c1] + cost_1to1)
# tricky part, if we find a match in the 2to1 list, adjust a knight's move number.
# this is separate from the other if block, since it doesn't affect the diagonal square.
if c1 < (l1-0) and c2 < (l2-1) and s1[c1] in pair_2to1 and s2[c2] in pair_2to1[s1[c1]] and s2[c2+1] in pair_2to1[s1[c1]][s2[c2]]:
# jump to 1 step right, 2 steps down
update_matrix(matrix, c2+2, c1+1, matrix[c2][c1] + cost_2to1)
# now check for a matching pair_ going the other way
if c2 < (l2-0) and c1 < (l1-1) and s2[c2] in pair_2to1 and s1[c1] in pair_2to1[s2[c2]] and s1[c1+1] in pair_2to1[s2[c2]][s1[c1]]:
# jump to 1 step down, 2 steps right
update_matrix(matrix, c2+1, c1+2, matrix[c2][c1] + cost_2to1)
# check for character position swap, and adjust +2,+2 matrix location
if c2 < (l2-1) and c1 < (l1-1) and ((s1[c1] + s1[c1 + 1]) == (s2[c2+1] + s2[c2])):
# if in cheap list, do it cheaply
if (s1[c1] + s1[c1 + 1]) in pair_2to2:
update_matrix(matrix, c2+2, c1+2, matrix[c2][c1] + cost_2to2)
update_matrix(matrix, c2+2, c1+2, matrix[c2][c1] + cost_swap)
# if single letter matches a double letter, low cost knight's move (1 right 2 down)
if c1 < (l1-0) and c2 < (l2-1) and s1[c1] == s2[c2] and s1[c1] == s2[c2+1]:
update_matrix(matrix, c2+2, c1+1, matrix[c2][c1] + cost_double_letter)
# ditto, 1 down 2 right
if c1 < (l1-1) and c2 < (l2-0) and s1[c1] == s2[c2] and s1[c1+1] == s2[c2]:
update_matrix(matrix, c2+1, c1+2, matrix[c2][c1] + cost_double_letter)
# if the lowest distance is too large, exit
if min_dist >= options.distance: return options.distance
return matrix[l2][l1]
# possible modifications
# 1:1 substitutions:
# x replacement is diagonal. so each time, could test for a close
# letter and pay a smaller diagonal cost
# x replacing 1 letter for two, use a knight's move.
# x 2-for-2? same strategy should work
# x add character swap as single operation
# x save time by quitting if minimum distance in a row is > X.
# swap two vowels in valid vowel pair list [au, eu, iu, io] : cost is 0.15
# swap vowel with consonant: cost is 0.25
# swap vowel with R: 0.15
# swap two consonants: 0.35
# W/Y -> 0.5
# base cost: 1
# vowels in valid list: 0.25
# # -> ! and vice versa? : 0.05
# "YI" "IY" "RD" "DR" "CK" "KC" "CS" "SC" "GJ" "JG" "ZJ" "JZ" "XZ" "ZX" "XS" "SX" "XJ" "JS" "SZ" "ZS" "KQ" "QK" "WV" "VW" "BV" "VB" "PF" "FP" : 0.25
# "KQ" "QK" "WV" "VW" "BV" "VB" "PF" "FP" : 0.15
# another substituion or translation list:
# "CK" "KC" "KQ" "QK" "PF" "FP" "GJ" "JG" "BV" "VB" "VW" "WV" "BW" "WB" "JZ" "ZJ" "XZ" "ZX" "XS" "SX" "ZS" "SZ" "SC" "CS" "YU" "UY"
# char list + H
# N + consonant = consonant
# W/Y -> 0.5
#calculates additional cost of comparison between two string.
#returns additional cost
def digit_compare(string1, string2):
first_digits = "" #empty string for digits found in first
second_digits = "" #empty string for digits found in second
# compares all letters and digits in first and separates the digits into first_digits
for i in string1:
# if this is a digit (ascii value between 48 and 57)
if ord(i) >= 48 and ord(i) <= 57:
first_digits += i
# repeat process for string2
for i in string2:
if ord(i) >= 48 and ord(i) <= 57:
second_digits += i
# run levenshtein again on just the digit strings
digit_penalty = digit_cost * levenshtein(first_digits, second_digits)
# return digit penalty
return digit_penalty
# many-to-many merge on two files, each a list of unique ids and strings
# Produces a new file with file1, file2, lev_dist
def two_file_match(options):
# print start timestamp
sys.stdout.write("Reading data files...")
print([options.file1, options.file2])
dict1 = read_id_string_data(options.file1)
dict2 = read_id_string_data(options.file2)
print("Calculating edit distances... ")
# open output file
foutput = open(options.outfile, 'w')
if not foutput:
print("Could not open output file")
# put some things in place for time estimation
start_time = time.time()
# calculate total number of comparisons to be done
total_comps = 0
for group_id in sorted(dict1.keys()):
if group_id in dict2:
total_comps += len(dict1[group_id]) * len(dict2[group_id])
finished_comps = 0
# loop over each group
count = len(dict1.keys())
i = 0
for group_id in sorted(dict1.keys()):
# update counter
i += 1
time_passed = time.time() - start_time
time_est = float(time_passed / (finished_comps + 1)) * float((total_comps - finished_comps))
# verify this group appears in both datasets
if group_id not in dict2: continue
# count the total number of comparisons to be done
comps = len(dict1[group_id]) * len(dict2[group_id])
print("%8.2f min: Group %4d/%d (%6d comparisons, %6.1f minutes remaining)" % (float(time_passed)/60, i, count, comps, float(time_est)/60))
for word1 in dict1[group_id]:
for word2 in dict2[group_id]:
# calculate lev distance
lev_dist = levenshtein(word1.strip().upper(), word2.strip().upper())
# double cost of first letter mismatch
if word1[0] != word2[0]:
lev_dist += levenshtein(word1[0].upper(), word2[0].upper())
# raise cost for digit substitutions
lev_dist += digit_compare(word1, word2)
# if sorted flag, repeat with sorted words
if options.sorted:
sorted1 = sort_words(word1)
sorted2 = sort_words(word2)
# only go to levenshtein if words are different
if sorted1 != word1 or sorted2 != word2:
# now repeat what we did above
sorted_lev_dist = levenshtein(sorted1.strip().upper(), sorted2.strip().upper())
if sorted1[0] != sorted2[0]:
sorted_lev_dist += levenshtein(sorted1[0].upper(), sorted2[0].upper())
sorted_lev_dist += digit_compare(sorted1, sorted2)
lev_dist = min(sorted_lev_dist, lev_dist)
# add a line to outfile with the distance
# print('"%s", "%s", %d' % (word1, word2, lev_dist) )
if lev_dist < options.distance:
foutput.write('"%s", "%s", "%s", %5.2f\n' % (group_id, word1, word2, lev_dist) )
# record how many comparisons are finished
finished_comps += comps
# print end timestamp
# read a list of word pairs and produce an output file with edit distances
def lev_calc(options):
f = open(options.file1, 'rt')
if not f:
output_list = []
reader = csv.reader(f)
for row in reader:
group = row[0]
lev_dist = levenshtein(row[1].strip().upper(), row[2].strip().upper())
output_list.append([group, row[1], row[2], str(lev_dist)])
# open output file
foutput = open(options.outfile, 'w')
if not foutput:
print("Could not open output file")
# write the matrix to a csv file
foutput.write("_row_number, _masala_word1, _masala_word2, _masala_dist\n")
for row in output_list:
foutput.write( '"' + '","'.join(row) + '"\n' )
# sys.stdout.write( '"' + '","'.join(row) + '"\n' )
# MAIN ##
options = parse_options()
# # run two file match if two files submitted
# if options.file2:
# two_file_match(options)
# else:
# options.distance = 1000
# lev_calc(options)
options.distance = 1000
s1 = input()
s2 = input()
print(levenshtein(str1=s1, str2=s2))
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