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Last active June 16, 2020 23:42
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import re, os
from kebechet.utils import cloned_repo
from kebechet.managers import VersionManager
import typing
from git import Repo
import semver
import logging
from datetime import datetime
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_VERSION_PULL_REQUEST_NAME = 'Release of version {}'
_NO_VERSION_FOUND_ISSUE_NAME = f"No version identifier found in sources to perform a release"
_MULTIPLE_VERSIONS_FOUND_ISSUE_NAME = f"Multiple version identifiers found in sources to perform a new release"
_NO_MAINTAINERS_ERROR = "No release maintainers stated for this repository"
"new calendar release": lambda _: datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y.%m.%d"),
"new major release": lambda current_version : semver.VersionInfo.bump_major,
"new minor release": lambda current_version : str(semver.VersionInfo.parse(current_version).bump_minor()),
"new patch release": lambda current_version : str(semver.VersionInfo.parse(current_version).bump_patch()),
"new pre-release": lambda current_version : str(semver.VersionInfo.parse(current_version).bump_prerelease()),
"new build release": lambda current_version : str(semver.VersionInfo.parse(current_version).bump_build()),
"finalize version": lambda current_version : str(semver.VersionInfo.parse(current_version).finalize_version()),
def _get_new_version(issue_title: str, current_version: str) -> typing.Optional[str]:
"""Get next version based on user request."""
issue_title = issue_title.lower()
handler = _RELEASE_TITLES.get(issue_title)
if handler:
return handler(current_version)
except ValueError as exc: # Semver raises ValueError when version cannot be parsed.
if issue_title.endswith(_DIRECT_VERSION_TITLE): # a specific release
parts = issue_title.split(' ')
if len(parts) == 2:
return parts[0]
return None
def _adjust_version_file(file_path, issue) -> typing.Optional[tuple]:
"""Adjust version in the given file, return signalizes whether the return value indicates change in file."""
with open(file_path, 'r') as input_file:
content =
changed = False
new_version = None
old_version = None
for idx, line in enumerate(content):
if line.startswith('__version__ = '):
parts = line.split(' = ', maxsplit=1)
if len(parts) != 2:
"Found '__version__' identifier but unable to parse old version, skipping: %r", line
old_version = parts[1][1:-1] # Remove ' and " in string representation.
print("Old version found in sources: %s", old_version)
new_version = _get_new_version("new patch release", old_version)
print("Computed new version: %s", new_version)
content[idx] = f'__version__ = "{new_version}"'
changed = True
if not changed:
return None
# # Apply changes.
# with open(file_path, 'w') as output_file:
# output_file.write("\n".join(content))
# # Add new line at the of file explicitly.
# output_file.write("\n")
return new_version, old_version
def _adjust_version_in_sources(repo, labels, issue) -> typing.Optional[tuple]:
"""Walk through the directory structure and try to adjust version identifier in sources."""
adjusted = []
for root, _, files in os.walk('./'):
for file_name in files:
if file_name in ('', '', '', '', '', ''):
file_path = os.path.join(root, file_name)
adjusted_version = _adjust_version_file(file_path, issue)
if adjusted_version:
adjusted.append((file_path, adjusted_version[0], adjusted_version[1]))
if len(adjusted) == 0:
error_msg = print("Automated version release cannot be performed. No change")
if len(adjusted) > 1:
error_msg = print("Automated version release cannot be performed.")
print(f"Adjusted - {adjusted}")
# Return old and new version identifier.
return adjusted[0][1], adjusted[0][2]
def _compute_changelog(repo: Repo, old_version: str, new_version: str,
version_file: bool = False) -> typing.List[str]:
"""Compute changelog for the given repo.
If version file is used, add changelog to the version file and add changes to git.
_LOGGER.debug("Computing changelog for new release from version %r to version %r", old_version, new_version)
tags = repo.git.tag().splitlines()
is_tagged_version = False
for tag in tags:
if old_version == tag or re.match(f"v?{old_version}", tag):
old_version = tag
is_tagged_version = True
if not is_tagged_version:
"Old version was not found in the git tag history, assuming initial release"
# Use the initial commit if this the previous tag was not found - this
# can be in case of the very first release.
old_version = repo.git.rev_list("HEAD", max_parents=0)
changelog = repo.git.log(f'{old_version}..HEAD', no_merges=True, format='* %s').splitlines()
if version_file:
# TODO: We should prepend changes instead of appending them."Adding changelog to the file")
with open('', 'a') as changelog_file:
f"\n## Release {new_version} ({})\n"
print("Computed changelog has %d entries", len(changelog))
return changelog
with cloned_repo("", "thoth-station/storages") as repo:
# changelog = repo.git.log('v0.23.0..HEAD', no_merges=True, format='* %s').splitlines()
# print(changelog)
# old_version = repo.git.rev_list("HEAD", max_parents=0)
# print(old_version)
# changelog = repo.git.log(f'{old_version}..HEAD', no_merges=True, format='* %s').splitlines()
# print(changelog)
tags = repo.git.tag().splitlines()
version_identifier, old_version = _adjust_version_in_sources(repo, None, None)
print(version_identifier, old_version)
changelog = _compute_changelog(
repo, old_version, version_identifier, version_file=True
# changelog = repo.git.log(f'{old_version}..HEAD', no_merges=True, format='* %s').splitlines()
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