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Closest Pair of Points using Divide and Conquer
# A utility function to find the distance between two points
def dist(p1, p2):
return (p1[0] - p2[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p2[1])**2
# O(N) operation as at most 3 points are passed to this.
def brute(xP, n):
minDis = float("inf")
for i in range(n):
for j in range(i + 1, n):
currDis = dist(xP[i], xP[j])
if currDis < minDis:
minDis = currDis
return minDis
def stripClosest(strip, size, d):
minVal = d
# Pick all points one by one and
# try the next points till the difference
# between y coordinates is smaller than d.
# This is a proven fact that this loop
# runs at most 6 times
for i in range(size):
j = i + 1
while j < size and (strip[j][1] -
strip[i][1]) < minVal:
minVal = dist(strip[i], strip[j])
j += 1
return minVal
def closestDivide(P, Q, n):
if n <= 3:
return brute(P, n)
# Divide at middle
mid = n//2
midPoint = P[mid]
lQ, rQ = [], [] # All points left of mid and right of mid, sorted vertically.
for p in Q:
if p[0] < midPoint[0]:
# Lets divide at mid point
dl = closestDivide(P[:mid], lQ, mid)
dr = closestDivide(P[mid:], rQ, n-mid)
d = min(dl, dr) # Min of both these sides.
# Build strip that contains the points close to Y. In the partial list.
strip = []
for point in Q:
if abs(point[0] - midPoint[0]) < d:
# Find the closest points in strip.
# Return the minimum of d and closest
# distance is strip[]
return min(d, stripClosest(strip, len(strip), d))
def closestSquaredDistance(numRobots, positionX, positionY):
points = list(zip(positionX, positionY))
x_sorted = sorted(points, key=lambda x:x[0])
y_sorted = sorted(points, key=lambda x:x[1])
# print(points, x_sorted, y_sorted)
ans = closestDivide(x_sorted, y_sorted, numRobots)
return ans
# O(n^2)
# def closestSquaredDistance(numRobots, positionX, positionY):
# minDis = float("inf")
# for i in range(numRobots):
# for j in range(i+1, numRobots):
# curr_dist = (positionX[i] - positionX[j])**2 + (positionY[i] - positionY[j])**2
# minDis = min(curr_dist, minDis)
# return minDis
print(closestSquaredDistance(4, [77, 1000, 992, 1000000], [0, 1000, 500, 0]))
print(closestSquaredDistance(6, [2,12,40,5,12,3], [3,30,50,1,10,4]))
print(closestSquaredDistance(3, [0,10,15], [0,10,20]))
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Thanks for the Python implementation !!!
I see 2 issues in it which I would like to highlight -

  1. Since, the squared distance is being computed above, the strip would include more points than required due to the comparison at line 57, which will result in the while loop at line 25 run more than 6 times, which might increase the time complexity of stripClosest() function beyond O(n).
  2. Before assigning distance to minVal at line 27, a check needs to be done whether the distance is less than minVal or not, otherwise, the code will produce wrong results. Example where above code fails - closestSquaredDistance(5, [6,5,0,13,7], [13,5,7,9,7])

Let me know if something's incorrect in these points.
Cheers !!!

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