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Created March 27, 2021 19:50
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Paste text from alacritty into vim without additional blanklines
" Paste text from alacritty (windows) into vim without additional blanklines
" Issue:
" Place this vim file in a plugin directory of vim. Example: $HOME/.vim/plugin/alapasty.vim
" Type `:Ap<Cr>` to open up a buffer in insert mode. Use `Shift+Insert` to copy text into this buffer.
" Press <Esc> and the text will be formatted and placed in the originating buffer
" Note: This plugin takes care of some common edge-cases when working with code. Make sure the first few lines are
" either blank (just line endings is okay) or it has the first line of the content you want to paste.
" This is critical because the script uses "%normal jdd" to dispatch repetitive jump and delete motions over the entire file.
" Author: Sai Sasidhar Maddali <>
if exists('alapasty') || &cp
let alapasty=1
let AlapastyBufferName = ".alapasty"
function! s:AlapastyCreate()
let bufn = bufnr(g:AlapastyBufferName)
if bufn == -1
exe "new " . g:AlapastyBufferName
exe "split +buffer" . bufn
exe ":%d"
set paste
exe "startinsert"
function! s:AlapastyManipulate()
" count empty lines in the beginning of the buffer
let ls = line('$')
let ix = 1
while ls >= ix
let line = getbufline('$', ix)
if len(line[0]) != 0
let ix += 1
" remove empty lines
normal! gg
while ix > 1
exe ":0d"
let ix -= 1
" skip formatting and pasting if it does not make any sense (default line feed for an empty buffer)
if line('$') == 1
let line = getbufline('$', ix)
if len(line[0]) == 0
exe "hide"
" jump every other line and delete it
exe "%normal jdd"
normal! Gygg
exe "hide"
normal! p
function! s:AlapastySetProps()
setlocal buftype=nofile
setlocal bufhidden=hide
setlocal noswapfile
setlocal buflisted
autocmd BufNewFile .alapasty call s:AlapastySetProps()
autocmd InsertLeave .alapasty call s:AlapastyManipulate()
command! Ap call s:AlapastyCreate()
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