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Last active October 13, 2015 22:08
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はてブのコメントを簡単に Quote する Tombloo パッチ
//{url} で動作する.
// 範囲選択せずにコメント上でコンテクストメニューを開けば全文 Quote.
// 範囲選択するとそこだけ Quote.
// 本文の先頭にはてな ID が入り permalink にアンカーされる.
// タグ, 日付は省略.
name: 'Quote - Hatena Bookmark',
RE: /^http:\/\/b\.hatena\.ne\.jp\/entry\//,
check: function(ctx){
if (!this.RE.test(ctx.href))
return false;
if (ctx.selection) {
var sel = ctx.window.getSelection().anchorNode;
if ($x('./ancestor-or-self::li[starts-with(@id, "bookmark-user-")]', sel))
return true;
var ctx_li = $x('./ancestor-or-self::li[starts-with(@id, "bookmark-user-")]',;
if (ctx_li)
var comment = $x('.//span[contains(concat(" ", @class, " "), " comment ")]', ctx_li);
if (comment && comment.textContent)
return true;
return false;
extract: function(ctx){
var sel, li, doc, username, comment, permalink;
if (ctx.selection) {
sel = ctx.window.getSelection().anchorNode;
li = $x('./ancestor-or-self::li[starts-with(@id, "bookmark-user-")]', sel);
comment = ctx.window.getSelection();
} else {
li = $x('./ancestor-or-self::li[starts-with(@id, "bookmark-user-")]',;
comment = $x('.//span[contains(concat(" ", @class, " "), " comment ")]', li).textContent;
doc = li.ownerDocument;
permalink = $x('.//a[contains(concat(" ", @class, " "), " username ")]', li).href;
username =[A-Za-z0-9_-]{3,15})/, '$1');
return {
type: 'quote',
item : doc.title,
body: '<a href="' + permalink + '">' + username + '</a> ' + comment,
itemUrl: doc.location.href,
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