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Created January 5, 2019 22:32
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Svg experiments with React Native
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { View, Text } from 'react-native';
import Svg, {
} from 'react-native-svg'
const colors = {
yellow: '#FFFF00',
green: '#76FF03',
red: 'red',
blue: '#2196F3'
const width = 240;
const height = 240;
const r = width / 2;
const offset = width * 0.1;
const startX = width / 2;
const startY = (height / 2) - r;
const centerX = width / 2 + offset / 2;
const centerY = height / 2 + offset / 2;
export default class RainbowCircle extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
animationIndex: 0
describeArc(start, end, radius, largePath, arcSweep) {
return [
"M", start.x, start.y,
"A", r, r, 0, largePath, arcSweep, end.x, end.y
].join(" ");
getCirclePoint(i, steps) {
var x = (centerX + r * Math.cos(2 * Math.PI * i / steps));
var y = (centerY + r * Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * i / steps));
return { x, y }
getPathArray = (steps, opacity, color) => {
var pathArray = [];
var p = this.getCirclePoint(0, steps);
var op = this.getCirclePoint(0, steps);
for (let i = 1; i < steps; i++) {
console.log("looping", i);
p = this.getCirclePoint(i, steps);
pathArray.push(<Path strokeOpacity={opacity + ""} d={this.describeArc({ x: op.x, y: op.y }, { x: p.x, y: p.y }, r, 0, 1)}
fill="none" stroke={color || `url(#linearColors${i})`} strokeWidth="8" />);
op = p;
op = this.getCirclePoint(0, steps);
pathArray.push(<Path strokeOpacity={opacity + ""} d={this.describeArc({ x: p.x, y: p.y }, { x: op.x, y: op.y }, r, 0, 1)}
fill="none" stroke={color || `url(#linearColors8)`} strokeWidth="8" />);
return pathArray;
getPath(step, steps, opacity, color) {
var p = this.getCirclePoint(step, steps);
var op = this.getCirclePoint(step + 1, steps);
return (<Path strokeOpacity={opacity + ""} d={this.describeArc({ x: p.x, y: p.y }, { x: op.x, y: op.y }, r, 0, 1)}
fill="none" stroke={color || `url(#linearColors${i})`} strokeWidth="8" />)
getPathInterval(startStep, endStep, steps, opacity, color) {
var sp = this.getCirclePoint(startStep, steps);
var ep = this.getCirclePoint(endStep, steps);
return (<Path strokeOpacity={opacity + ""} d={this.describeArc({ x: sp.x, y: sp.y }, { x: ep.x, y: ep.y }, r, endStep > 32 ? 1 : 0, 1)}
fill="none" stroke={color || `url(#linearColors${i})`} strokeWidth="8" />)
getCircle = (opacity,color) => {
return (
cx={centerX + ""}
cy={centerY + ""}
r={r + ""}
strokeOpacity={opacity + ""}
stroke={color || `url(#linearColors${i})`}
getDots = () => {
var pathArray = [];
for (let i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
console.log("looping", i);
let p = this.getCirclePoint(i);
pathArray.push(<Circle cx={p.x + ""} cy={p.y + ""} r="1" stroke="black" strokeWidth="3" fill="red" />);
return pathArray;
render() {
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
this.setState({ animationIndex: (this.state.animationIndex + 1) > 64 ? 0 : this.state.animationIndex + 1 })
return (
<View style={{ alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }}>
<Svg width={width + offset} height={height + offset} style={{ backgroundColor: 'transparent' }}>
<LinearGradient id="linearColors1" x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="100%" y2="100%">
<Stop offset="0" stopColor={} stopOpacity="1"></Stop>
<Stop offset="1" stopColor={} stopOpacity="1"></Stop>
<LinearGradient id="linearColors2" x1="50%" y1="0%" x2="50%" y2="100%">
<Stop offset="0" stopColor={} stopOpacity="1"></Stop>
<Stop offset="1" stopColor={} stopOpacity="1"></Stop>
<LinearGradient id="linearColors3" x1="100%" y1="100%" x2="0%" y2="0%">
<Stop offset="0%" stopColor={} stopOpacity="1"></Stop>
<Stop offset="100%" stopColor={} stopOpacity="1"></Stop>
<LinearGradient id="linearColors4" x1="50%" y1="100%" x2="50%" y2="0%">
<Stop offset="0%" stopColor={} stopOpacity="1"></Stop>
<Stop offset="100%" stopColor={} stopOpacity="1"></Stop>
<LinearGradient id="linearColors5" x1="50%" y1="100%" x2="50%" y2="0%">
<Stop offset="0%" stopColor={} stopOpacity="1"></Stop>
<Stop offset="100%" stopColor={} stopOpacity="1"></Stop>
<LinearGradient id="linearColors6" x1="50%" y1="100%" x2="50%" y2="0%">
<Stop offset="0%" stopColor={} stopOpacity="1"></Stop>
<Stop offset="100%" stopColor={colors.yellow} stopOpacity="1"></Stop>
<LinearGradient id="linearColors7" x1="50%" y1="100%" x2="50%" y2="0%">
<Stop offset="0%" stopColor={colors.yellow} stopOpacity="1"></Stop>
<Stop offset="100%" stopColor={colors.yellow} stopOpacity="1"></Stop>
<LinearGradient id="linearColors8" x1="50%" y1="100%" x2="50%" y2="0%">
<Stop offset="0%" stopColor={} stopOpacity="1"></Stop>
<Stop offset="100%" stopColor={colors.yellow} stopOpacity="1"></Stop>
this.getPathArray(8, 1).map(path => path)
this.getPathInterval(0, this.state.animationIndex, 64, .5, '#1f2431')
//this.getDots().map(dot => dot)
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