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Created September 13, 2011 08:02
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TiTestFlight sample
testflight = require 'co.saiten.ti.testflight'
testflight.takeOff '[team token]' "start application"
baseWin = Ti.UI.createWindow()
nav = Ti.UI.iPhone.createNavigationGroup()
baseWin.add nav
root = Ti.UI.createWindow
title: "Sample"
table = Ti.UI.createTableView
data: [
{ title: 'first', hasChild: true }
{ title: 'second', hasChild: true }
{ title: 'third', hasChild: true }
root.add table
table.addEventListener 'click', (e) -> "clicked : #{e.index}"
switch e.index
when 0
testflight.passCheckpoint 'first'
win = Ti.UI.createWindow
title: 'first'
backgroundColor: 'blue' win
when 1
testflight.passCheckpoint 'second'
win = Ti.UI.createWindow
title: 'second'
backgroundColor: 'red' win
when 2
# crash
testflight.passCheckpoint 'third'
root.add null
nav.window = root
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