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Created January 30, 2018 09:09
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.C:0810 00 BRK
.C:0811 28 PLP
.C:0812 50 78 BVC $088C
.C:0814 A0 C8 LDY #$C8
.C:0816 F0 18 BEQ $0830
.C:0818 40 RTI
.C:0819 68 PLA
.C:081a 90 B8 BCC $07D4
.C:081c E0 08 CPX #$08
.C:081e 30 58 BMI $0878
.C:0820 80 A8 NOOP #$A8
.C:0822 D0 F8 BNE $081C
.C:0824 20 48 70 JSR $7048
.C:0827 98 TYA
.C:0828 C0 04 CPY #$04
.C:082a 04 04 NOOP $04
.C:082c 04 04 NOOP $04
.C:082e 04 04 NOOP $04
.C:0830 05 05 ORA $05
.C:0832 05 05 ORA $05
.C:0834 05 05 ORA $05
.C:0836 06 06 ASL $06
.C:0838 06 06 ASL $06
.C:083a 06 06 ASL $06
.C:083c 06 07 ASL $07
.C:083e 07 07 SLO $07
.C:0840 07 07 SLO $07
.C:0842 00 BRK
.C:0843 28 PLP
.C:0844 50 78 BVC $08BE
.C:0846 A0 C8 LDY #$C8
.C:0848 F0 18 BEQ $0862
.C:084a 40 RTI
.C:084b 68 PLA
.C:084c 90 B8 BCC $0806
.C:084e E0 08 CPX #$08
.C:0850 30 58 BMI $08AA
.C:0852 80 A8 NOOP #$A8
.C:0854 D0 F8 BNE $084E
.C:0856 20 48 70 JSR $7048
.C:0859 98 TYA
.C:085a C0 D8 CPY #$D8
.C:085c D8 CLD
.C:085d D8 CLD
.C:085e D8 CLD
.C:085f D8 CLD
.C:0860 D8 CLD
.C:0861 D8 CLD
.C:0862 D9 D9 D9 CMP $D9D9,Y
.C:0865 D9 D9 D9 CMP $D9D9,Y
.C:0868 DA NOOP
.C:0869 DA NOOP
.C:086a DA NOOP
.C:086b DA NOOP
.C:086c DA NOOP
.C:086d DA NOOP
.C:086e DA NOOP
.C:0872 DB DB 00 DCP $00DB,Y
.C:0875 00 BRK
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