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Created August 18, 2022 09:07
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Bicep cosmosdb
@description('The location to deploy the Cosmos DB account to. Default value is the location of the resource group.')
param location string = resourceGroup().location
@description('Name of our application')
param applicationName string = uniqueString((resourceGroup().id))
@description('The secondary replica region for the Cosmos DB account')
param secondaryRegion string = 'australiasoutheast'
@description('Name of our Cosmos DB account that will be deployed')
param cosmosDbAccountName string = '${applicationName}db'
@description('The default consistency level of the Cosmos DB account.')
param defaultConsistencyLevel string = 'Session'
@description('Enable automatic failover for this account')
param enableAutomaticFailover bool = true
@description('Enable Analytical storage for this account')
param enableAnalyticalStorage bool = true
@description('Enable Full Text Query capabilities for this account')
param enableFullTextQuery string = 'True'
@description('The name for the database')
param databaseName string = 'OrdersDB'
@description('The name for the container')
param containerName string = 'orders'
@description('The maximum amount of throughput to provision on this container')
param maxThroughput int = 4000
@description('The name of the Log Analytics workspace that the account will send logs to')
param logAnalyticsWorkspaceName string = '${applicationName}law'
@description('The SKU to use for the Log Analytics workspace')
param logAnalyticsWorkspaceSKU string = 'PerGB2018'
@description('Enable or disable public access for Log Analytics workspace')
param enablePublicAccessOnWorkspace string = 'Enabled'
@description('The name of the key vault that we will create')
param keyVaultName string = '${applicationName}kv'
@description('The name of our storage account that the Function will use')
param storageAccountName string = '${replace(applicationName, '-', '')}fnstor'
@description('The SKU that our storage account will use')
param storageAccountSKU string = 'Standard_LRS'
@description('The name of our Application Insights workspace')
param appInsightsName string = '${applicationName}ai'
@description('The name of the App Service Plan')
param appServicePlanName string = '${applicationName}asp'
@description('The name of our Function App')
param functionAppName string = '${applicationName}func'
@description('The time that this deployment was initiated')
param deploymentTime string = utcNow('u')
var tags = {
DeployedAt: deploymentTime
// Define our Cosmos DB account.
resource cosmosDbAccount 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts@2022-05-15-preview' = {
name: cosmosDbAccountName
kind: 'GlobalDocumentDB'
tags: tags
location: location
properties: {
enableAnalyticalStorage: enableAnalyticalStorage
analyticalStorageConfiguration: {
schemaType: 'WellDefined'
backupPolicy: {
type: 'Periodic'
periodicModeProperties: {
backupIntervalInMinutes: 60
backupRetentionIntervalInHours: 8
backupStorageRedundancy: 'Geo'
consistencyPolicy: {
defaultConsistencyLevel: defaultConsistencyLevel
enableAutomaticFailover: enableAutomaticFailover
databaseAccountOfferType: 'Standard'
diagnosticLogSettings: {
enableFullTextQuery: enableFullTextQuery
locations: [
locationName: location
failoverPriority: 0
isZoneRedundant: true
locationName: secondaryRegion
failoverPriority: 1
isZoneRedundant: false
identity: {
type: 'SystemAssigned'
// Create a database within the defined account
resource database 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlDatabases@2022-05-15-preview' = {
name: databaseName
parent: cosmosDbAccount
properties: {
resource: {
id: databaseName
// Create a container within the above defined database
resource container 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlDatabases/containers@2022-05-15-preview' = {
parent: database
properties: {
resource: {
id: containerName
partitionKey: {
paths: [
kind: 'Hash'
indexingPolicy: {
indexingMode: 'consistent'
includedPaths: [
path: '/*'
options: {
autoscaleSettings: {
maxThroughput: maxThroughput
// Create diagnostic logs for Cosmos DB account
resource diagnosticLogs 'Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings@2021-05-01-preview' = {
scope: cosmosDbAccount
properties: {
workspaceId: logAnalyticsWorkspace.outputs.logAnalyticsWorkspaceId
logs: [
category: 'ControlPlaneRequests'
enabled: true
retentionPolicy: {
days: 30
enabled: true
category: 'PartitionKeyStatistics'
enabled: true
retentionPolicy: {
days: 30
enabled: true
category: 'QueryRuntimeStatistics'
enabled: true
retentionPolicy: {
days: 30
enabled: true
category: 'PartitionKeyRUConsumption'
enabled: true
retentionPolicy: {
days: 30
enabled: true
category: 'DataPlaneRequests'
enabled: true
retentionPolicy: {
days: 30
enabled: true
metrics: [
category: 'Requests'
enabled: true
retentionPolicy: {
days: 30
enabled: true
// Enable Microsoft Defender on Cosmos DB account.
resource defenderEnabled 'Microsoft.Security/advancedThreatProtectionSettings@2019-01-01' = {
name: 'current'
scope: cosmosDbAccount
properties: {
isEnabled: true
module keyVault 'modules/keyVault.bicep' = {
name: 'keyVault'
params: {
keyVaultName: keyVaultName
location: location
// Create a Log Analytics workspace to send diagnostic logs from Cosmos DB to.
module logAnalyticsWorkspace 'modules/logAnalytics.bicep' = {
name: 'logAnalyticsWorkspace'
params: {
enablePublicAccessOnWorkspace: enablePublicAccessOnWorkspace
location: location
logAnalyticsWorkspaceName: logAnalyticsWorkspaceName
logAnalyticsWorkspaceSKU: logAnalyticsWorkspaceSKU
// Define resources for our Azure Function
module appServicePlan 'modules/appServicePlan.bicep' = {
name: 'appServicePlan'
params: {
appServicePlanName: appServicePlanName
location: location
module appInsights 'modules/appInsights.bicep' = {
name: 'appInsights'
params: {
appInsightsName: appInsightsName
enablePublicAccessOnWorkspace: enablePublicAccessOnWorkspace
location: location
logAnalyticsWorkspaceId: logAnalyticsWorkspace.outputs.logAnalyticsWorkspaceId
module functionApp 'modules/functionApp.bicep' = {
name: 'functionApp'
params: {
appInsightsInstrumentationKey: appInsights.outputs.instrumentationKey
appServicePlanId: appServicePlan.outputs.appServicePlanId
functionAppName: functionAppName
location: location
storageAccountName: storageAccountName
storageAccountSKU: storageAccountSKU
// SQL Role Assignment for Function App
module sqlRoleAssignment 'modules/sqlRoleAssignment.bicep' = {
name: 'sqlRoleAssignment'
params: {
functionAppPrincipalId: functionApp.outputs.functionAppPrincipalId
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