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Last active December 24, 2015 06:59
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  • Save sajt/6760809 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sajt/6760809 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My drupal install. This will be a drupal profile later.
git clone --branch 7.x
cd drupal
drush si --db-url=mysql://root:password@localhost/drupal_dev --locale=hu
cd sites/all/modules/
mkdir custom contrib features ../libraries
drush dl -y views admin_menu features pathauto token panels panels_everywhere ctools l10n_update media markdown markdowneditor strongarm devel views_bulk_operations jquery_update ds rules module_filter
drush en -y views_ui admin_menu admin_menu_toolbar features pathauto token panels panels_everywhere ctools l10n_update media markdown markdowneditor strongarm devel views_bulk_operations jquery_update panels_mini panels_node module_filter rules_admin
drush dis -y overlay toolbar
drush vset jquery_update_jquery_version 1.7
drush vset jquery_update_jquery_cdn jquery
drush dl bootstrap
cd ../themes/bootstrap/
curl -O
#Aki erre tud jobbat, szóljon
#ceditor - when enable it maybe you can disable the bueditor
#cd ../libraries
#curl | tar zx
#drush dl -y ckeditor
#drush en -y ckeditor
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