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Forked from ashw7n/
Created June 9, 2018 06:50
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import collections
import threading
__author__ = 'ashw7n'
import socket
import json
import logging
a simple client to talk to ovsdb over json rpc
def default_echo_handler(message, ovsconn):
logging.debug("responding to echo")
ovsconn.send({"result": message.get("params", None),
"error": None, "id": message['id']})
def default_message_handler(message, ovsconn):
logging.debug("default handler called for method %s", message['method'])
class OVSDBConnection(threading.Thread):
"""Connects to an ovsdb server that has manager set using
ovs-vsctl set-manager ptcp:5000
clients can make calls and register a callback for results, callbacks
are linked based on the message ids.
clients can also register methods which they are interested in by
providing a callback.
def __init__(self, IP, PORT, **handlers):
super(OVSDBConnection, self).__init__()
self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.socket.connect((IP, PORT))
self.responses = []
self.callbacks = {}
self.read_on = True
self.handlers = handlers or {"echo": default_echo_handler}
def send(self, message, callback=None):
if callback:
self.callbacks[message['id']] = callback
def response(self, id):
return [x for x in self.responses if x['id'] == id]
def set_handler(self, method_name, handler):
self.handlers[method_name] = handler
def _on_remote_message(self, message):
logging.debug("message %s", message)
json_m = json.loads(message,
#check first to see if the message is for a method and we have a
# handler for it
handler_method = json_m.get('method', None)
if handler_method:
self.handlers.get(handler_method, default_message_handler)(
json_m, self)
elif json_m.get("result", None) and json_m['id'] in self.callbacks:
id = json_m['id']
#check if this is a result of an earlier call we made and that
# we have a callback registered
if not self.callbacks[id](json_m, self):
# if callback is to be persisted, callback should return
# something
#add it for sync clients
default_message_handler(message, self)
except Exception as e:
logging.exception("exception [%s] while handling message [%s]", e.message, message)
def __echo_response(message, self):
self.send({"result": message.get("params", None),
"error": None, "id": message['id']})
def run(self):
chunks = []
lc = rc = 0
while self.read_on:
response = self.socket.recv(4096)
if response:
response = response.decode('utf8')
message_mark = 0
for i, c in enumerate(response):
#todo fix the curlies in quotes
if c == '{':
lc += 1
elif c == '}':
rc += 1
if rc > lc:
raise Exception("json string not valid")
elif lc == rc and lc is not 0:
chunks.append(response[message_mark:i + 1])
message = "".join(chunks)
lc = rc = 0
message_mark = i + 1
chunks = []
def stop(self, force=False):
self.read_on = False
if force:
if __name__ == '__main__':
# E.g of setting a custom handler
# def custom_echo_handler(message, ovsconn):
# print "handling echo..."
# ovsconn.send({"result": message.get("params", None),
# "error": None, "id": message['id']})
# ovsdb = OVSDBConnection(OVSDB_IP, OVSDB_PORT, echo=custom_echo_handler)
ovsdb = OVSDBConnection(OVSDB_IP, OVSDB_PORT)
# E.g setting a callback and making a call. Note that the callback has to
# set everytime unless the callback returns a truth value (True)
def res(message, ovsconn):
print "list_dbs_query response ", json.dumps(message)
# #with callback
list_dbs_query = {"method": "get_schema", "params": ['Open_vSwitch'],
"id": 0}
ovsdb.send(list_dbs_query, res)
def monitor_res(message, ovsconn):
print "monitor response", json.dumps(message)
return True # we want to persist this callback
monitor_message = {'id': 100, 'method': 'monitor', 'params': ['Open_vSwitch', None, {
'Bridge': [{'select': {'initial': True, 'insert': True, 'delete': True,
'modify': True}}]}]}
ovsdb.set_handler("update", monitor_res)
ovsdb.send(monitor_message, monitor_res)
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