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Focussed on work.

Syed Bakibillah Sakib sakibian

Focussed on work.
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sakibian / Creative Team Plan.txt
Created July 11, 2024 09:30
Creative Team Plan
# Product Plan - Medical Practices
###### Date: 11-july-2024
We are aiming to give services on Medical Practice market.
## Getting Started
These instructions will get us ready for the next phase.
### Prerequisites
* Portfolio (5 Projects).
sakibian /
Created May 9, 2024 13:42 — forked from PurpleBooth/
A template to make good

Project Title

One Paragraph of project description goes here

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


sakibian / Laravel PHP7 LEMP
Created October 18, 2023 08:51 — forked from santoshachari/Laravel PHP7 LEMP
Laravel 5.x on Ubuntu 16.x, PHP 7.x, Nginx 1.9.x

#Steps to install latest Laravel, LEMP on AWS Ubuntu 16.4 version. This tutorial is the improvised verision of this tutorial on Digitalocean based on my experience.

Install PHP 7 on Ubuntu

Run the following commands in sequence.

sudo apt-get install -y language-pack-en-base
sudo LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install zip unzip
sakibian /
Created March 10, 2023 16:47 — forked from tabletopbd/
Common paths in cPanel and WHM, Useful for regular use. Source: Note: I don't take any credits for this article (All credits go to the author who published it), I've just converted into markdown format for regular reference (Personal preference).

Common paths in cPanel and WHM

For those users who use cPanel/WHM on their virtual or dedicated servers the following article describes common system paths and utilities.

Paths of Base Modules

PHP /usr/bin/php

sakibian /
Created January 22, 2023 04:26 — forked from F21/
Commands to clean up docker

Remove dangling images

docker images -qf dangling=true | xargs docker rmi

Remove dangling volumes

docker volume ls -qf dangling=true | xargs -r docker volume rm

Windows Env variables

  1. ANDROID_SDK_ROOT - location of your android SDK folder
  2. ANDROID_HOME - location of your android SDK folder
  3. JAVA_HOME - Location of your JDK folder
  4. PATH - Locations where programs could be located

PATH Should Include

  • %ANDROID_SDK_ROOT%\emulator
  • %ANDROID_SDK_ROOT%\tools
  • %ANDROID_SDK_ROOT%\tools\bin

To Build a Cordova App

For Android

On Windows

  1. Android Studio - which will include the Android SDK Android Studio Download
  2. JDK - Java Developer Kit JDK Download
  3. Node - which will include NPM Node download
  4. Set up your Environmental Variables
Object Oriented Programming.
Web Development
Personal Project
Getting A Job
-- Choice to make --
sakibian /
Created January 29, 2022 06:09 — forked from dominictarr/
Distributed Systems Papers

(dominic: this list of papers was originally recommended to me by Brain Noguchi @bnoguchi, and was a great start to understanding distributed systems)

Here's a selection of papers that I think you would find helpful and interesting:

Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System

The seminal paper about event ordering and concurrency. The important result is that events in a distributed system define a partially ordered set. The connection to what we're working on is fundamental, as this defines how to detect concurrent updates. Moreover, the chosen algorithm to turn the partially ordered set into a totally ordered set defines the conflict resolution algorithm.

sakibian /
Created September 1, 2018 06:32 — forked from nathansmith/
Resources for learning web design & front-end development