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Created July 25, 2012 14:08
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Save sakuramilk/3176370 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
$(call inherit-product, device/samsung/d2dcm/
# Inherit some common CM stuff.
$(call inherit-product, vendor/cm/config/
# Enhanced NFC
$(call inherit-product, vendor/cm/config/
# Inherit some common CM stuff.
$(call inherit-product, vendor/cm/config/
PRODUCT_BUILD_PROP_OVERRIDES += PRODUCT_NAME=d2om TARGET_DEVICE=d2dcm BUILD_FINGERPRINT="samsung/d2om/d2dcm:4.0.4/IMM76D/SC06DOMALG1:user/release-keys" PRIVATE_BUILD_DESC="d2om-user 4.0.4 IMM76D SC06DOMALG1 release-keys"
TARGET_BOOTANIMATION_NAME := vertical-720x1280
PRODUCT_NAME := cm_d2dcm
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