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Created April 28, 2015 17:02
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D/UiccController( 992): Received EVENT_ICC_STATUS_CHANGED, calling getIccCardStatus
D/RILJ ( 992): [3664]> GET_SIM_STATUS
E/RIL-QMI ( 240): [SMDPORT] >> BEFORE, Read SMD Port [fd = 10]
E/RIL-QMI ( 240): [SMDPORT] << AFTER, Read SMD Port [num_read = 45]
D/RIL-QMI ( 240): qmuxd: TX message on fd=22, to qmux_client_id=0x0, len=79
E/RILD ( 234): ReceiveMessage: svc(NAS), msg(0x4D:QMI_NAS_GET_SYS_INFO), indi(0), size(1068), err(0)
E/RILD ( 234): Result(0), Error(0)
E/RILD ( 234): [VoLTE] VoPS [0], EbSupport [0], EmergencyAccessBarred [0]
E/RILD ( 234): [CS] 1x reg [0], gsm reg [2], wcdma reg [2], lte reg [2], hdr reg [0], Td reg [0]
E/RILD ( 234): UpdateVoiceRte() - mVoiceRte(0), mVoiceRteConfidenceTag(4)
E/RILD ( 234): UpdateDataRte: [PS] 1x reg [0], gsm reg [2], wcdma reg [2], lte reg [2], hdr reg [0], Td reg [0]
E/RILD ( 234): UpdateDataRte: pref_data_tech(0), radio_tech_flag(1)
E/RILD ( 234): UpdateDataRte: [FINAL-PS] 1x reg [0], gsm reg [0], wcdma reg [0], lte reg [0], hdr reg [0], Td reg[0]
E/RILD ( 234): UpdateDataRte: mDataRte(0), confidence(4)
E/RILD ( 234): UpdateImsRte: mImsRte(0), mImsRteConfidenceTag(4)
E/RILD ( 234): UpdateVoiceTech() - RteType: 2, VoiceRadioTech: 0 -> 0
E/RILD ( 234): GetVoiceSysInfo: regState(2), voiceRte(0), isRte3gpp(1)
E/RILD ( 234): ... cid invalid, set cid to previous value 0, 0
E/RILD ( 234): cdmaCcsSupported: 0, SimulVoiceAndDataCapability Valid: 0, Value: 0
E/RILD ( 234): mReportedDataTechnology Valid: 0, Value: 0
E/RILD ( 234): .. VoPS: 0, EbSupport: 0, EmergencyBarring: 0
E/RILD ( 234): BuildVoiceRegState : rData->mTac : 0
E/RILD ( 234): GLNET-MGR: evt(101)
D/RILJ ( 992): [3665]> GET_CURRENT_CALLS
E/RILD ( 234): Can't open Hall IC Node. OnVoiceNetRegStateDone() No such file or directory.
E/RILD ( 234): GC-MGR: evt(100)
E/RILD ( 234): DoGetCurrentCalls():
E/RILD ( 234): SIM-MGR: evt(100)
E/RILD ( 234): TxGetUimStatus:
E/RILD ( 234): TxGetUimStatus: Before getting Uim Status Ind so blocking GET_SIM_STATUS
E/RILD ( 234): GC-MGR: evt(101)
E/RILD ( 234): OnGetCurrentCallsDone(): E911 progress: 2, isE911inCallList: 0, RAT: 0
E/RILD ( 234): OnGetCurrentCallsDone() - CallCount: 0
E/RILD ( 234): SIM-MGR: evt(200)
E/RILD ( 234): GLNET-MGR: evt(118)
E/IccCardProxy( 992): setExternalState: !override and newstate unchanged from NOT_READY
E/RILD ( 234): DoGetNetSelectionMode():
E/RILD ( 234): SendMessage: svc(NAS), msg(0x34:QMI_NAS_GET_SYSTEM_SELECTION_PREFERENCE), sync(1), internal(0), size(0)
D/RIL-QMI ( 240): qmuxd: RX 47 bytes on fd=22 from qmux_client_id=0x0
D/RIL-QMI ( 240): [SMDPORT] >> BEFORE, Write SMD Port [fd = 10] [msg_len = 13]
D/RIL-QMI ( 240): [SMDPORT] << AFTER, Write SMD Port [rc = 0]
D/RILJ ( 992): [3661]< DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE {2, 0000, 00000000, 0, null, 4}
D/RILJ ( 992): [3662]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {2, 0000, 00000000, 0, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null}
E/RIL-QMI ( 240): [SMDPORT] >> BEFORE, Read SMD Port [fd = 10]
D/RILJ ( 992): [3665]< GET_CURRENT_CALLS
E/RIL-QMI ( 240): [SMDPORT] << AFTER, Read SMD Port [num_read = 74]
D/RIL-QMI ( 240): qmuxd: TX message on fd=22, to qmux_client_id=0x0, len=108
D/RilRequest( 992): [3664]< GET_SIM_STATUS error: GENERIC_FAILURE ret=
E/RILD ( 234): ReceiveMessage: svc(NAS), msg(0x34:QMI_NAS_GET_SYSTEM_SELECTION_PREFERENCE), indi(0), size(208), err(0)
E/RILD ( 234): RxGetSystemSelectionPref: param(2), result(0), mode_pref_valid(1), net_sel_pref_valid(1)
E/RILD ( 234): Result(0), Error(0)
E/RILD ( 234): GLNET-MGR: evt(119)
E/RILD ( 234): GLNET-MGR: evt(141)
E/RILD ( 234): GetVoiceRadioTech: modePref(28), radioTech(0), logic(0), imsRte(0), voiceRte(0), dataRte(0)
E/RILD ( 234): GetVoiceRadioTech: rat from rte (0)
E/RILD ( 234): GetVoiceRadioTech: voice radio tech(3)
E/RILD ( 234): GMISC-MGR: evt(119)
E/RILD ( 234): SendMessage: svc(NAS), msg(0x41:QMI_NAS_GET_RTRE_CONFIG), sync(1), internal(0), size(0)
D/RIL-QMI ( 240): qmuxd: RX 47 bytes on fd=22 from qmux_client_id=0x0
D/RIL-QMI ( 240): [SMDPORT] >> BEFORE, Write SMD Port [fd = 10] [msg_len = 13]
D/RIL-QMI ( 240): [SMDPORT] << AFTER, Write SMD Port [rc = 0]
E/RIL-QMI ( 240): [SMDPORT] >> BEFORE, Read SMD Port [fd = 10]
E/RIL-QMI ( 240): [SMDPORT] << AFTER, Read SMD Port [num_read = 20]
D/RIL-QMI ( 240): qmuxd: TX message on fd=22, to qmux_client_id=0x0, len=54
E/RILD ( 234): ReceiveMessage: svc(NAS), msg(0x41:QMI_NAS_GET_RTRE_CONFIG), indi(0), size(24), err(0)
E/RILD ( 234): Result(1), Error(25)
E/RILD ( 234): GLNET-MGR: evt(142)
E/RILD ( 234): BuildVoiceRadioTechResponse: tech(3)
E/RILD ( 234): GMISC-MGR: evt(120)
D/GSMPhone( 992): Baseband version: SC06DOMBMK2
D/SubscriptionInfoUpdater( 992): EVENT_STACK_READY
D/SubscriptionInfoUpdater( 992): Wait for SIM1 IccId
D/GsmSST ( 992): [GsmSST] SubscriptionListener.onSubscriptionInfoChanged
D/SubscriptionController( 992): [getSubId]- mSlotIdToSubIdMap.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
D/SubscriptionController( 992): getDummySubIds: slotIdx=0 return 1 DummySubIds with each subId=5000
D/SubscriptionController( 992): [getSubId]- mSlotIdToSubIdMap.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
D/SubscriptionController( 992): getDummySubIds: slotIdx=0 return 1 DummySubIds with each subId=5000
D/GsmDCT ( 992): [0]SubscriptionListener.onSubscriptionInfoChanged
D/SubscriptionController( 992): [getSubId]- mSlotIdToSubIdMap.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
D/SubscriptionController( 992): getDummySubIds: slotIdx=0 return 1 DummySubIds with each subId=5000
D/DctController( 992): onSubInfoReady mPhoneNum=1
D/SubscriptionController( 992): [getSubId]- mSlotIdToSubIdMap.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
D/SubscriptionController( 992): getDummySubIds: slotIdx=0 return 1 DummySubIds with each subId=5000
D/DctController( 992): onSubInfoReady handle pending requests subId=5000
D/SubscriptionController( 992): [getSubId]- mSlotIdToSubIdMap.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
D/SubscriptionController( 992): getDummySubIds: slotIdx=0 return 1 DummySubIds with each subId=5000
D/DctController( 992): [TNF 5000]evalPendingRequest, pending request size is 1
D/SubscriptionController( 992): [getSubId]- mSlotIdToSubIdMap.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
D/SubscriptionController( 992): getDummySubIds: slotIdx=0 return 1 DummySubIds with each subId=5000
D/DctController( 992): [TNF 5000]evalPendingRequest: request = NetworkRequest [ id=1, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
D/SubscriptionController( 992): [getSubId]- mSlotIdToSubIdMap.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
D/SubscriptionController( 992): getDummySubIds: slotIdx=0 return 1 DummySubIds with each subId=5000
D/DctController( 992): [TNF 5000]Cellular needs Network for NetworkRequest [ id=1, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
D/SubscriptionController( 992): [getSubId]- mSlotIdToSubIdMap.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
D/SubscriptionController( 992): getDummySubIds: slotIdx=0 return 1 DummySubIds with each subId=5000
D/SubscriptionController( 992): [getSubInfoUsingSubIdx]- invalid subId or not ready = 5000
D/SubscriptionController( 992): [getSubId]- mSlotIdToSubIdMap.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
D/SubscriptionController( 992): getDummySubIds: slotIdx=0 return 1 DummySubIds with each subId=5000
D/DctController( 992): [TNF 5000]Sub Info has not been ready, pending request.
D/DctController( 992): processRequests
D/DctController( 992): handleMessage msg={ when=0 what=100 }
D/DctController( 992): getTopPriorityRequestPhoneId = 0, priority = -1
D/SubscriptionController( 992): [getSubId]- mSlotIdToSubIdMap.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
D/SubscriptionController( 992): getDummySubIds: slotIdx=0 return 1 DummySubIds with each subId=5000
D/DcSwitchAsyncChannel( 992): [DcSwitchAsyncChannel-0]: rspIsIdle=true
D/DctController( 992): onProcessRequest phoneId=0, activePhoneId=-1
D/SubscriptionController( 992): [getSubId]- mSlotIdToSubIdMap.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
D/SubscriptionController( 992): getDummySubIds: slotIdx=0 return 1 DummySubIds with each subId=5000
D/SubscriptionController( 992): [getSubId]- mSlotIdToSubIdMap.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
D/SubscriptionController( 992): getDummySubIds: slotIdx=0 return 1 DummySubIds with each subId=5000
D/SubscriptionController( 992): [getActiveSubInfoList]+
D/SubscriptionController( 992): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
D/SubscriptionController( 992): getPhoneId, received summy subId 5000
D/PhoneFactory( 992): getPhone: phoneId != DEFAULT_PHONE_ID
D/PhoneFactory( 992): getPhone:- phone=Handler ( {18f98572}
D/SubscriptionController( 992): getPhoneId, received summy subId 5000
D/SubscriptionManager( 992): [getPhoneId]- fail
D/TelephonyManager( 992): getTelephonyProperty: return propVal='null' phoneId=-1 property='gsm.operator.alpha' defaultVal='' prop=
E/PhoneBase( 992): Error! registerForCallWaiting() in PhoneBase should not be called, CDMAPhone inactive.
D/ModemStackController( 992): Received ACTION_SUBINFO_CONTENT_CHANGE on subId: -1for null intValue: 0
D/SubscriptionController( 992): [getSubId]- mSlotIdToSubIdMap.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
D/SubscriptionController( 992): getDummySubIds: slotIdx=0 return 1 DummySubIds with each subId=5000
D/SubscriptionController( 992): [getSubId]- mSlotIdToSubIdMap.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
D/SubscriptionController( 992): getDummySubIds: slotIdx=0 return 1 DummySubIds with each subId=5000
D/DctController( 992): [TNF 5000]update networkCapabilites for subId = 5000
D/SubscriptionController( 992): [getSubInfoUsingSubIdx]- invalid subId or not ready = 5000
D/SubscriptionController( 992): [getSubId]- mSlotIdToSubIdMap.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
D/SubscriptionController( 992): getDummySubIds: slotIdx=0 return 1 DummySubIds with each subId=5000
D/DctController( 992): [TNF 5000]INTERNET capability is removed from subId = 5000
D/SubscriptionController( 992): [getSubId]- mSlotIdToSubIdMap.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
D/SubscriptionController( 992): getDummySubIds: slotIdx=0 return 1 DummySubIds with each subId=5000
D/DctController( 992): [TNF 5000]Cellular releasing Network for NetworkRequest [ id=1, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
D/SubscriptionController( 992): [getSubId]- mSlotIdToSubIdMap.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
D/SubscriptionController( 992): getDummySubIds: slotIdx=0 return 1 DummySubIds with each subId=5000
D/DctController( 992): releaseNetwork request=NetworkRequest [ id=1, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ], requestInfo=null
D/DctController( 992): releaseRequest, request= null
D/DctController( 992): processRequests
D/DctController( 992): handleMessage msg={ when=0 what=103 }
D/DctController( 992): onReleaseRequest request=null
D/DctController( 992): handleMessage msg={ when=0 what=100 }
D/DctController( 992): getTopPriorityRequestPhoneId = 0, priority = -1
D/DcSwitchAsyncChannel( 992): [DcSwitchAsyncChannel-0]: rspIsIdle=true
D/DctController( 992): onProcessRequest phoneId=0, activePhoneId=-1
D/SubscriptionController( 992): [getSubId]- mSlotIdToSubIdMap.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
D/SubscriptionController( 992): getDummySubIds: slotIdx=0 return 1 DummySubIds with each subId=5000
D/SubscriptionController( 992): registerForOnDemandDdsLockNotification for client=5000
D/SubscriptionController( 992): [getSubId]- mSlotIdToSubIdMap.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
D/SubscriptionController( 992): getDummySubIds: slotIdx=0 return 1 DummySubIds with each subId=5000
D/DctController( 992): [TNF 5000]Ready to handle network requests
E/IccCardProxy( 992): setExternalState: set mPhoneId=0 mExternalState=NOT_READY
D/TelephonyManager( 992): setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 property=gsm.sim.state value: NOT_READY propVal=NOT_READY
D/SubscriptionController( 992): [getSubId]- mSlotIdToSubIdMap.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0
D/SubscriptionController( 992): getDummySubIds: slotIdx=0 return 1 DummySubIds with each subId=5000
D/IccCardProxy( 992): broadcastIccStateChangedIntent intent ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED value=NOT_READY reason=null for mPhoneId=0
D/GsmSST ( 992): [GsmSST] EVENT_POLL_STATE_OPERATOR: use value from ril
E/RIL_ImsSms( 992): IMS State query failed with exp REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED
D/RILJ ( 992): [3668]> OPERATOR
E/RILD ( 234): GLNET-MGR: evt(108)
E/RILD ( 234): DoOperator():
E/RILD ( 234): IsRegisteredNetworkType(): netType[1] feature[00] state[0]
E/RILD ( 234): IsConsideredRegistered: cs 1x(0), gsm(2), wcdma(2), lte(2), hdr(0), Td(0)
E/RILD ( 234): IsConsideredRegistered: ps 1x(0), gsm(2), wcdma(2), lte(2), hdr(0), Td(0)
E/RILD ( 234): GetOperatorName: Not registered.
E/RILD ( 234): GLNET-MGR: evt(109)
D/RILJ ( 992): [3668]< OPERATOR {null, null, null, null}
E/RILD ( 234): GLNET-MGR: evt(102)
E/RILD ( 234): DoDataNetRegState():
E/RILD ( 234): SendMessage: svc(NAS), msg(0x4D:QMI_NAS_GET_SYS_INFO), sync(1), internal(0), size(0)
D/RIL-QMI ( 240): qmuxd: RX 47 bytes on fd=22 from qmux_client_id=0x0
D/RIL-QMI ( 240): [SMDPORT] >> BEFORE, Write SMD Port [fd = 10] [msg_len = 13]
D/RIL-QMI ( 240): [SMDPORT] << AFTER, Write SMD Port [rc = 0]
E/RIL-QMI ( 240): [SMDPORT] >> BEFORE, Read SMD Port [fd = 10]
E/RIL-QMI ( 240): [SMDPORT] << AFTER, Read SMD Port [num_read = 45]
D/RIL-QMI ( 240): qmuxd: TX message on fd=22, to qmux_client_id=0x0, len=79
E/RILD ( 234): ReceiveMessage: svc(NAS), msg(0x4D:QMI_NAS_GET_SYS_INFO), indi(0), size(1068), err(0)
E/RILD ( 234): Result(0), Error(0)
E/RILD ( 234): [VoLTE] VoPS [0], EbSupport [0], EmergencyAccessBarred [0]
E/RILD ( 234): [CS] 1x reg [0], gsm reg [2], wcdma reg [2], lte reg [2], hdr reg [0], Td reg [0]
E/RILD ( 234): UpdateVoiceRte() - mVoiceRte(0), mVoiceRteConfidenceTag(4)
E/RILD ( 234): UpdateDataRte: [PS] 1x reg [0], gsm reg [2], wcdma reg [2], lte reg [2], hdr reg [0], Td reg [0]
E/RILD ( 234): UpdateDataRte: pref_data_tech(0), radio_tech_flag(1)
E/RILD ( 234): UpdateDataRte: [FINAL-PS] 1x reg [0], gsm reg [0], wcdma reg [0], lte reg [0], hdr reg [0], Td reg[0]
E/RILD ( 234): UpdateDataRte: mDataRte(0), confidence(4)
E/RILD ( 234): UpdateImsRte: mImsRte(0), mImsRteConfidenceTag(4)
E/RILD ( 234): UpdateVoiceTech() - RteType: 2, VoiceRadioTech: 0 -> 0
E/RILD ( 234): GetDataRegs: group( CDMA), reg(0)
E/RILD ( 234): GetDataRegs: group( EVDO), reg(0)
E/RILD ( 234): GetDataRegs: group( GSM), reg(2)
E/RILD ( 234): GetDataRegs: group( UMTS), reg(2)
E/RILD ( 234): GetDataRegs: group(EHRPD), reg(0)
E/RILD ( 234): GetDataRegs: group( LTE), reg(2)
E/RILD ( 234): GetDataRegs: group(TDSCDMA), reg(0)
E/RILD ( 234): BuildDataRegState: prefData(0) flag(1) networktype(0) radiotech(0) from WDS
E/RILD ( 234): BuildDataRegState: not registered..
E/RILD ( 234): BuildDataRegState: vrte(5), state(2), dataTechToReport(6)
E/RILD ( 234): BuildDataRegState: isRegistered : 0, dataTechToReport : 6
E/RILD ( 234): BuildDataRegState: pref data tech reg 2
E/RILD ( 234): BuildDataRegState() - VoPS: 0, EbSupport: 0, EmergencyBarring: 0
E/RILD ( 234): mConsideredDataTechnology Valid: 1, Value: 0
E/RILD ( 234): GLNET-MGR: evt(103)
E/RILD ( 234): it was rat 0 but it will be unknown owing to no service
D/SubscriptionController( 992): getPhoneId, received summy subId 5000
E/RILD ( 234): GLNET-MGR: evt(100)
E/RILD ( 234): DoVoiceNetRegState():
E/RILD ( 234): IsRegisteredNetworkType(): netType[1] feature[00] state[0]
E/RILD ( 234): SendMessage: svc(NAS), msg(0x4D:QMI_NAS_GET_SYS_INFO), sync(1), internal(0), size(0)
D/RIL-QMI ( 240): qmuxd: RX 47 bytes on fd=22 from qmux_client_id=0x0
D/RIL-QMI ( 240): [SMDPORT] >> BEFORE, Write SMD Port [fd = 10] [msg_len = 13]
D/RIL-QMI ( 240): [SMDPORT] << AFTER, Write SMD Port [rc = 0]
E/RIL-QMI ( 240): [SMDPORT] >> BEFORE, Read SMD Port [fd = 10]
E/RIL-QMI ( 240): [SMDPORT] << AFTER, Read SMD Port [num_read = 45]
D/RIL-QMI ( 240): qmuxd: TX message on fd=22, to qmux_client_id=0x0, len=79
E/RILD ( 234): ReceiveMessage: svc(NAS), msg(0x4D:QMI_NAS_GET_SYS_INFO), indi(0), size(1068), err(0)
E/RILD ( 234): Result(0), Error(0)
E/RILD ( 234): [VoLTE] VoPS [0], EbSupport [0], EmergencyAccessBarred [0]
E/RILD ( 234): [CS] 1x reg [0], gsm reg [2], wcdma reg [2], lte reg [2], hdr reg [0], Td reg [0]
E/RILD ( 234): UpdateVoiceRte() - mVoiceRte(0), mVoiceRteConfidenceTag(4)
E/RILD ( 234): UpdateDataRte: [PS] 1x reg [0], gsm reg [2], wcdma reg [2], lte reg [2], hdr reg [0], Td reg [0]
E/RILD ( 234): UpdateDataRte: pref_data_tech(0), radio_tech_flag(1)
E/RILD ( 234): UpdateDataRte: [FINAL-PS] 1x reg [0], gsm reg [0], wcdma reg [0], lte reg [0], hdr reg [0], Td reg[0]
E/RILD ( 234): UpdateDataRte: mDataRte(0), confidence(4)
E/RILD ( 234): UpdateImsRte: mImsRte(0), mImsRteConfidenceTag(4)
E/RILD ( 234): UpdateVoiceTech() - RteType: 2, VoiceRadioTech: 0 -> 0
E/RILD ( 234): GetVoiceSysInfo: regState(2), voiceRte(0), isRte3gpp(1)
E/RILD ( 234): ... cid invalid, set cid to previous value 0, 0
E/RILD ( 234): cdmaCcsSupported: 0, SimulVoiceAndDataCapability Valid: 0, Value: 0
E/RILD ( 234): mReportedDataTechnology Valid: 0, Value: 0
E/RILD ( 234): .. VoPS: 0, EbSupport: 0, EmergencyBarring: 0
E/RILD ( 234): BuildVoiceRegState : rData->mTac : 0
E/RILD ( 234): GLNET-MGR: evt(101)
E/RILD ( 234): Can't open Hall IC Node. OnVoiceNetRegStateDone() No such file or directory.
D/SubscriptionController( 992): getPhoneId, received summy subId 5000
D/RILJ ( 992): [3669]< DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE {2, 0000, 00000000, 0, null, 4}
D/RILJ ( 992): [3670]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {2, 0000, 00000000, 0, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null}
E/RILD ( 234): GLNET-MGR: evt(118)
E/RILD ( 234): DoGetNetSelectionMode():
E/RILD ( 234): GLNET-MGR: evt(119)
D/UiccController( 992): Received EVENT_GET_ICC_STATUS_DONE
E/UiccController( 992): Error getting ICC status. RIL_REQUEST_GET_ICC_STATUS should never return an error
E/UiccController( 992): GENERIC_FAILURE
E/UiccController( 992): at
E/UiccController( 992): at
E/UiccController( 992): at
E/UiccController( 992): at$
E/UiccController( 992): at
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