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Last active January 17, 2020 00:22
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Art of identifier namining

Dynamic identifiers (functions and methods)

Functions are verbs. If they do some actions on the system, we use imperative verb. A single verb is preferred when possible. e.g.


if the functions are handling and event just prefix the event name with on.

$user->onFaiedLogin(); // it can be triggered by $user->login($parmas);
$order->onConfirm(); // it can be triggered by $order->confirm();

if the function returns a Boolean value and that is the result of an action (it has a dynamic nature) you can use none imprative form, most often simple past (expired), some times, continius present (expiring) and rarely times simple present (e.g. expires). e.g.

$user->validated(); // and not `isValid`
$order->confirmed(); // and not `isConfirmed`

If testing "ownership" of an attribute you can use "is + adjective" or "has + noun".


use can use noune as an identifer for dynamic values when they are used as setter/getter.

$user->name(); // from the function signature its obvious that this is a getter.
$user->name("Reza"); // from the function signature its obvious that this is a setter.

Static identifiers (properties, variables, constants)

We use adjective and nouns to name them.

if they are Boolean we use adjective or adverb

$user->happy=true; // and not "isHappy"
$order->expired; // and not "isExpired" 

if not Boolean we use noun. e.g.

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