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Created June 5, 2011 16:05
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jsonParseSimple for 4D v11
method "jsonParseSimple"($json)
// First convert any dates in IETF format to 4d date
$re1 := "~\"?(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)( \d\d*, \d{4})\"~"
$rp1 := "form.newDate(\"\1\2\")"
regex replace($re1; $json; $rp1; $json)
$json := trim($json)
if ($json[[1]] = "[") // if json is just an array, wrap in in an object
$json := '{"array":$json}'
end if
// replace any herdoc delimiters with %hex for double quote
$json := replace string($json;'"""';"%22")
//Next, hide commas, colons, apostrophe between quotes
$inQuote := false
// replacing characters with [[]] is shaky in v11, just write $json1
$json1 := ""
for ($index;1;length($json))
$char := $json[[$index]]
case of
:($char = '"')
$inQuote := not($inQuote)
$o := $char
:(($char = ",") & $inQuote)
$o := "%2c"
:(($char = ":") & $inQuote)
$o := "%3a"
:(($char = "'") & $inQuote)
$o := "%27"
:(($char = "\n") & not($inQuote))
$o := " "
:(($char = "\r") & not($inQuote))
$o := " "
:(($char = "\n") & ($inQuote))
$o := "%0a"
:(($char = "\r") & ($inQuote))
$o := "%0a"
:(($char = "{") & ($inQuote))
$o := "%7b"
:(($char = "}") & ($inQuote))
$o := "%7d"
:(($char = "[") & ($inQuote))
$o := "%5b"
:(($char = "}") & ($inQuote))
$o := "%5d"
$o := $char
end case
$json1 += $o
end for
//Now convert objects
array text($pattern;0) // regex pattern array
array text($replace;0) // reqex replace array
// set the reqex array - first the patterns to match
$pattern{} := "/\\:\s*\\{/" // object => convert :{ to ;new collection(
$pattern{} := "/\\[\\]/" // replace empty array with empty text array -> a call to emptyArray
$pattern{} := "/\\:\s*\\[/" // text, real, or longint array -> a call to newArray(''' JSON ARRAY ''')
$pattern{} := "/\\]/" // end array => convert ] to )
$pattern{} := "/\\}/" // end object => convert } to )
$pattern{} := "/[\\:,]/" // replace comma and colon with semi-colon
$pattern{} := "/\\{/" // replace begining object with new collection()
$pattern{} := "/new collection\\(\\)/" // replace empty collection convert new collection() with new collection
//set the replacement array
$replace{} := ";new collection(" // ojects that have a key
$replace{} := "emptyArray" // []
$replace{} := ";newArray( %22 " // [..,..,..]
$replace{} := " %22)"
$replace{} := ")"
$replace{} := ";"
$replace{} := "new collection(" // collections without a key (an array of collections)
$replace{} := "new collection"
regex replace($pattern; $json1; $replace; $results) // do the replacements
//put commas, colon, apos back and other json special characters back
$results := replace string($results;"%2c";",")
$results := replace string($results;"%3a";":")
$results := replace string($results;"%27";"'")
$results := replace string($results;"%0a";"\\n")
$results := replace string($results;"%7b";"{")
$results := replace string($results;"%7d";"}")
$results := replace string($results;"%5b";"[")
$results := replace string($results;"%5d";"]")
$results := replace string($results;"%22";'"""')
// create the collection from the parsed $results - make Active4D work
$collection := execute("return ("+ $results+ ")")
//$collection := new collection
end method
The response to finding and empty array [] in a JSON object is to
return an empty text array
method "emptyArray"
array text($result;0)
end method
$inList -> Text The JSON array os enclosed in a ''' ''' herdoc string.
JSON comma delimiters for the array had been changed to semi-colons at this point.
Return either a text array, a longint array, an array of collections, or a real array based in contents.
A parenthesis will assume a text array
A decimal (.) will assume a real array
An array of new collection(...) will create an array of collections (longint) after creating the collections
If none of the above, it assumes an array of longint.
method "newArray"($inList)
$inList := trim($inList)
$isNC := $inList = "new collection@"
// Handle an array of collections separately - just deal with top level if nested collection
if ($isNC)
$level := 0
for ($index;1;length($inList))
$char := $inlist[[$index]]
case of
:($char = "(")
:(($char = ")") )
:(($char = ";") & ($level = 0))
$inList[[$index]] := "|"
end case
end for
$cnt := split string($inList;"|";$chunks)
array longint($result;size of array($chunks))
for each ($chunks; $value; $index)
$ncoll := trim($value)
$result{$index} := execute("return ("+ $ncoll+ ")") // execute the new collection text
end for each
end if
$isReal := "." ~ $inList
$isText := '"' ~ $inList
$isReal := $isReal & not($isText)
$count := split string($inList;";";$chunks)
case of
array text($result;$count)
for each ($chunks; $value; $index)
$result{$index} := trim(replace string($value;'"';''))
end for each
array real($result;$count)
for each ($chunks; $value; $index)
$result{$index} := num($value)
end for each
array longint($result;$count)
for each ($chunks; $value; $index)
$result{$index} := num($value)
end for each
end case
end method
The response to finding and Null word in a JSON object is to
return a nil pointer ( or could return char(0))
method "null"
return(nil pointer)
end method
The response to finding and date in a JSON object that is a string formatted
in the "Jan 2, 2011" format is to replace it with a 4D date
method "newDate"($date)
// replace date in Jan 2, 2011 with 4D date
array string(3; $months; *; "Jan"; "Feb"; "Mar"; "Apr"; "May"; "Jun"; "Jul"; "Aug"; "Sep"; "Oct"; "Nov"; "Dec")
$date := replace string($date;",";"")
$cnt := split string($date;" ";$chunks)
$tmp := string(find in array($months;$chunks{1}))+'/$chunks{2}/$chunks{3}'
end method
$json := """
"test-empty-array" : [] ,
"test-empty-collection": {},
"test_false" : false,
"test_date":"Jan 2, 2011" ,
"citizen.Address":"51 Lefevere",
"citizen.Address":"4612 Meridian Street",
"citizen.Address":"6527 Old Shell Rd. #64",
} """
$c := global.jsonParseSimple($json)
a4d.debug.dump collection($c; "test";true)
// an array of collections will not dump, but they are collections.
for each ($c{"selected"}; $citizen; $index)
a4d.debug.dump collection($citizen)
end for each
$json := """
"privileges" : {
"read" : ["show","view","index","list"],
"manage" : ["create","read","update","delete"],
"create" : ["new"],
"update" : ["edit"],
"delete" : ["destroy"],
"me" : ["read","update","register"],
"manage_project" : ["create","read","update"]
"roles" : {
"guest" : {
"users" : ["create","update"],
"citizens" : ["register"],
"employees" : ["register"]
"citizen" : {
"citizens" : ["update=(kCurrentUserID = num($attributes{'id'}))"]
"employee" : {
"all" : ["read=($controller !~ kExcludeEmployee )"],
"employees" : ["read", "me=(kCurrentUserID = num($attributes{'id'}))"]
$c := global.jsonParseSimple($json)
a4d.debug.dump collection($c)
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