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Created August 15, 2010 14:44
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Client-Side Unobtrusive Javascript

As I keep trying to dig into Rails 3, I keep running into things that make me learn more than I want to -see "My brain is full!"

Javascript is another one of those languages that I have used a lot, but only understand the basics. Rails 3 implements Unobtrusive Javascript (UJS) using either Prototype or JQuery. I have done quit a bit with Prototype and when I ported a Rails 2 application to Rails 3, a validation.js library I was using stopped working. I think because of a Prototype version upgrade that broke the library. This was one of those generic validation libraries that checked: empty, email, number, etc. The only thing I used was empty - and then I had to modify it to take care of radio and checkbox inputs in a sane manner.

Anyhow I decided to roll my own. My first attempt was to steal parts of rails.js and write kludges to suit my needs. It worked, but I was not sure I liked it (or understood).

I then started looking at UJS posts and found this post where someone tried the same thing that I did, but then discovered behaviors.

I copied the code and tried to implement my own behaviors. As my unanswered post on rails talk points out, I could get a simple toggle JS function working, a replacement for onclick="toggleOther(this)", but I was having trouble with my onsubmit replacement (which is what validate.js did by creating an observer).

I finally went back and tried to understand the basic add behavior script:

// An Unobtrusive Javascript (UJS) driver based on explicit behavior definitions. Just
// put a "data-behaviors" attribute on your view elements, and then assign callbacks
// for those named behaviors via Behaviors.add.

var Behaviors = {
  add: function(trigger, behavior, handler) {
    document.observe(trigger, function(event) {
      var element = event.findElement("*[data-behaviors~=" + behavior + "]");
      if (element) handler(element, event);

Now I've copied and used these type of routines a number of times, but I adhered to "Information Hiding", I didn't need to know how it worked - just how to use it. Now this code should be obvious to anyone who started with Fortran, Bacic and 6502 assembler! - but it wasn't. After looking and tracing in Safari JS debugger I have my own version of what this type of code is.

  • Behaviors is a hash variable of functions. I think they call them anonymous functions - which many times contain other anonymous functions.
  • The "add" function adds functions with arguments trigger, behavior and handler
  • The call to handler(element,event) calls a function "handler" and passes arguments element and event.

What I was missing is that when I wrote my call to Behaviors.add:

Behaviors.add("submit", "validate", function(element) {

Is that arguments element, and event are passed to it. I was trying to stop the event, but didn't know to get to the event and kept trying to find out how to find the event from the form element. I already has it and all I needed was:


I'm posting this gist, just in case anyone else is trying to do some client-side UJS and gets stuck.

My entire assmnts.js file contents is below as an example. Remember all I was trying to do is: 1) make sure all the form elements were filled in (behavior validate) and annotating any missing elements, and 2) toggle some display:none div's if an input was checked (behavior toggleOther). These are two separate non-related behaviors.

The code is not generic, but suited to my needs. If you need to do the same types of things, you should be able to figure it out.


// An Unobtrusive Javascript (UJS) driver based on explicit behavior definitions. Just
// put a "data-behaviors" attribute on your view elements, and then assign callbacks
// for those named behaviors via Behaviors.add.

var Behaviors = {
  add: function(trigger, behavior, handler) {
    document.observe(trigger, function(event) {
      var element = event.findElement("*[data-behaviors~=" + behavior + "]");
      if (element) handler(element, event);

Behaviors.add("submit", "validate", function(element) {
  var formElements =[".required", ".required-one"]);
  var valid = true;
  formElements.each(function(elm) {
      var type = elm.type.toLowerCase();
      var node = elm.nodeName.toLowerCase();
      var elm_valid = true
      if (node == 'input') {
          var type = elm.type.toLowerCase();
          if (type == 'text' || type == 'password') {
              elm_valid = !isEmpty(elm)
              elm_valid ? clearError(elm) : setError(elm)
              valid = valid && elm_valid
          } else if (type == 'radio' || type == 'checkbox') {
              elm_valid = isChecked(elm)
              elm_valid ? clearError(elm) : setError(elm)
              valid = valid && elm_valid
      } else if (node == 'textarea') {
          elm_valid = !isEmpty(elm)
          elm_valid ? clearError(elm) : setError(elm)
          valid = valid && elm_valid
      } else if (node == 'select') {
          elm_valid = isSelected(elm)
          elm_valid ? clearError(elm) : setError(elm)
          valid = valid && elm_valid
      } else {

  if (!valid) {

Behaviors.add("click", "toggleOther", function(element) {
  var id =;
  var other_id = id + "_other"
  var other_text = other_id + "_text"
  var input_type = $(id).type.toLowerCase()
  if (input_type == 'radio') {
      var input_name = $(id).name
      var input_form = $(id).form
      var radio_group = Form.getInputs(input_form, 'radio', input_name)
      for (var i = 0; i < radio_group.length; i++) {
          other_id = radio_group[i].id + "_other"
          other_text = radio_group[i].id + "_other_text"
          if ($(other_id)) {
              if ($(radio_group[i].id).checked) {
                  if ($(other_id)) {
                      $(other_id).style.display = "block"
                      $(other_text).disabled = false
              } else {
                  if ($(other_id)) {
                      $(other_id).style.display = "none"
                      $(other_text).value = ""
                      $(other_text).disabled = true

  } else {

      if ($(id).checked) {
          if ($(other_id)) {
              $(other_id).style.display = "block"
              $(other_text).disabled = false
      } else {
          if ($(other_id)) {
              $(other_id).style.display = "none"
              $(other_text).value = ""
              $(other_text).disabled = true

function isEmpty(e) {
    var v = e.value;
	// The code below check unique to my applications in that all text inputs
	// produce an array, the first element is an id to a question and the second being the text.
	// there can also be an array of these two element text fields.
    var siblings = document.getElementsByName(;
    if (siblings.length > 2) {
        var ok = false;

        for (var i = 0; i < siblings.length; i++) {
            if (siblings[i].type.toLowerCase() == "text") {
                v = siblings[i].value
                empty = ((v == null) || (v.length == 0))
                ok = ok || empty

        return ok;
    } else {
        return ((v == null) || (v.length == 0));

function isSelected(e) {
    return e.options ? e.selectedIndex > 0: false;

function isChecked(e) {
    var siblings = document.getElementsByName(;
    return $A(siblings).any(function(elm) {
        return $F(elm);


function setError(e) {
    var elemID =
    if (elemID) {
		// id in form "qa_36_161", enclosing div id in form "q_36"
        var chunks = elemID.split("_")
        if (chunks.length != 3) {
        var qid = $("q_" + chunks[1])
        if ($(qid)) {
            errID = $(qid).id + "err"
            span = '<span class="validation-advice" id="' + errID + '">Your forgot something!</span>'
            if (!$(errID)) {

function clearError(e) {
    var elemID =
    if (elemID) {
		// id in form "qa_36_161", enclosing div id in form "q_36"
        var chunks = elemID.split("_")
        if (chunks.length != 3) {
        var qid = $("q_" + chunks[1])
        if ($(qid)) {
            errID = $(qid).id + "err"
            if ($(errID)) {
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