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Created October 29, 2012 10:32
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Dear Mr Gale,
Your recent email to Cllr. Abraham has been forwarded to me for response.
First may I thank you for taking the trouble to bring this matter to the attention of the City Council. The whole issue of cycling on footpaths all around the City is something of a concern and one that is proving difficult to resolve. However I am aware that the particular area you highlighted is a cycling 'hot spot' and others have brought the problem to my attention. As to what can be done about it; the Downs Committee who are responsible for the day to day management of the Downs have recognised that all aspects of traffic activities around the Downs including cycling is a problem that is likely to get worse. To that end the Committee has set up a working group to seek solutions and suggest improvements to traffic management. I will of course ensure that your concerns are brought to their attention. Should you wish to bring the matter more formally to the attention of the Committee there is a Public Forum procedure that can be utilised. Please contact me for further details should you wish to do this.
In addition to the deliberations of the working group I have contacted our local beat manager at Southmead Police station and he has offered the services of a CPSO to try and deter our two wheeled transgressors. The Downs is protected by the Downs Act (1861) and there is a by-law that prohibits this activity.
I note your point about the faded signage on the footpath and your suggestion of additional signage and I will give this urgent consideration.
Please feel free to get back to me if you require any further clarification.
Kind Regards
Robert Westlake
Downs Ranger
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