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Created October 18, 2013 10:58
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My God, you’ve met some bad agencies haven’t you. Let’s take this from my
point of view:-
As a recruitment agent, your job exists solely because you have made it so.
You and your recruiter colleagues flood job notice boards with job adverts
so that finding an employee
is impossible for potential employers and they have to use your services
Not true, the majority of my clients have tried to ring the right person,
they’ve done all the normal searches etc but either don’t have the time or
can’t wait
to find the person they need. So this is where I come in, I start work
usually around 7.30am – speaking to candidates on their way to work, then
finish around 9.30pm when my candidates are either finished their shift or
this is the only time I can talk to
them. The majority of my candidates are not on job boards, they don’t
think they fit with their skills. The Job Boards themselves actively
recruit Agencies (volume obviously) so unfortunately, you will always find
agencies on them.
Those looking for jobs look at those job boards. They apply for interesting
looking jobs but have no idea who that job is for. This is because a
recruiter and ten others have
put an ambiguous job posting up. If the applicant is lucky the job posting
was for an actual job but more likely the job posting was just to gather
some CVs for any upcoming vacancy. You force the applicants to use your
If I put up my clients name – they would be hounded not only by recruiters,
but by foreign nationals without the necessary skills – again something we
through. I haven’t the time nor the energy to put up “fake jobs” this is
usually done by people scrapping the barrel, generic agencies might and I
mean might do this, but what a waste of time. Again nobody is forced to
use our services, I can offer them,
but if you say no – fine.
If good people were able to easily apply for jobs with companies where they
wanted to work, there would be no requirement for your services.
They can do this anyway, they just have to go on the companies website – if
they are clever enough to do this, I agree they don’t need our services.
However, how many candidates will take the time to research all the Mobile
agencies in any particular area. I will. I create a database of clients
for particular skillset, type of candidate they normally look for,
experience level, type of apps they produce, type of clients they work
with, size of the team, team dynamics, where they are based, distance to
train, road, airport if necessary, details of
the local area, key points of interest, newsworthy stories regarding the
client, and then I talk to my client.
Because you are preventing good people working where they would be most
effective you, as industry, are affectively slowing the progress of
humanity down. We'd all be better
off without you. You are a virus with shoes.
In actual fact, I help people find a job that most suits them, rather than
delaying them. You might be better off with us, but could you survive
without us.
When you are desperate for someone and have a deadline and cannot after
exhausting your normal search – who will you turn to (or would you rather
just lose the business?). I have had clients like you in the past – I now
work with them to find the right person
(not just the only person who applied who doesn’t have the skills).
I obviously won’t change your mind as you must have had a horrendous
experience, but on the flip side, I have worked with horrendous clients and
I don’t tarnish
everyone by their stupidity. I take everyone on their own merit – some
good, some bad. However, I decide on my experience with them personally
and I can then either work with them or not – my choice.
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