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Created May 15, 2014 20:27
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Easyway to animate google map marker -jqeuery required for easing-
google.maps.Marker.prototype.animateTo = function (newPosition, options) {
defaultOptions = {
duration: 1000,
easing: 'linear',
complete: null
options = options || {};
// complete missing options
for (key in defaultOptions) {
options[key] = options[key] || defaultOptions[key];
// throw exception if easing function doesn't exist
if (options.easing != 'linear') {
if (typeof jQuery == 'undefined' || !jQuery.easing[options.easing]) {
throw '"' + options.easing + '" easing function doesn\'t exist. Include jQuery and/or the jQuery easing plugin and use the right function name.';
window.requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame;
window.cancelAnimationFrame = window.cancelAnimationFrame || window.mozCancelAnimationFrame;
// save current position. prefixed to avoid name collisions. separate for lat/lng to avoid calling lat()/lng() in every frame
this.AT_startPosition_lat = this.getPosition().lat();
this.AT_startPosition_lng = this.getPosition().lng();
var newPosition_lat =;
var newPosition_lng = newPosition.lng();
// crossing the 180° meridian and going the long way around the earth?
if (Math.abs(newPosition_lng - this.AT_startPosition_lng) > 180) {
if (newPosition_lng > this.AT_startPosition_lng) {
newPosition_lng -= 360;
} else {
newPosition_lng += 360;
var animateStep = function (marker, startTime) {
var ellapsedTime = (new Date()).getTime() - startTime;
var durationRatio = ellapsedTime / options.duration; // 0 - 1
var easingDurationRatio = durationRatio;
// use jQuery easing if it's not linear
if (options.easing !== 'linear') {
easingDurationRatio = jQuery.easing[options.easing](durationRatio, ellapsedTime, 0, 1, options.duration);
if (durationRatio < 1) {
var deltaPosition = new google.maps.LatLng(marker.AT_startPosition_lat + (newPosition_lat - marker.AT_startPosition_lat) * easingDurationRatio,
marker.AT_startPosition_lng + (newPosition_lng - marker.AT_startPosition_lng) * easingDurationRatio);
// use requestAnimationFrame if it exists on this browser. If not, use setTimeout with ~60 fps
if (window.requestAnimationFrame) {
marker.AT_animationHandler = window.requestAnimationFrame(function () {
animateStep(marker, startTime)
} else {
marker.AT_animationHandler = setTimeout(function () {
animateStep(marker, startTime)
}, 17);
} else {
if (typeof options.complete === 'function') {
// stop possibly running animation
if (window.cancelAnimationFrame) {
} else {
animateStep(this, (new Date()).getTime());
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