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Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
List<Map>? orderProducts = this.orderProducts != null
? this.orderProducts!.map((i) => i.toJson()).toList()
: null;
return {
'pos_id': posId,
'sector_id': sectorId,
'seller_id': sellerId,
"date": date == null ? null : date!.toIso8601String(),
'motif_no_order': motifNoOrder,
'order_products': orderProducts
OrderExtension.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
: posId = json['pos_id'],
sectorId = json['sector_id'],
sellerId = json['seller_id'],
date = DateTime.tryParse(json["date"]),
motifNoOrder = json['motif_no_order'],
orderProducts = json['order_products']
.map((orderProduct) => OrderProductExtension.fromJson(orderProduct))
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