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Last active May 29, 2019 20:31
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script that demos features of service-ca-operator
# demo script.
# This script will demonstrate features of service-ca-operator
# Prerequisite: A running OpenShift 4.x cluster
# Setting up some colors for helping read the demo output.
# Comment out any of the below to turn off that color.
bold=$(tput bold)
bright=$(tput setaf 14)
yellow=$(tput setaf 11)
red=$(tput setaf 196)
reset=$(tput sgr0)
# commands
read_bright() {
read -p "${bold}${bright}$1${reset}"
echo_bright() {
echo "${bold}${bright}$1${reset}"
# headings
read_yellow() {
read -p "${bold}${yellow}$1${reset}"
# headings
read_red() {
read -p "${bold}${red}$1${reset}"
# Initial setup, ensure KUBECONFIG is exported
setup() {
if ! oc whoami | grep 'system:admin' > /dev/null; then
echo "$0" export KUBECONFIG=/path/to/kubeconfig
exit 1
intro() {
read_yellow "Demo! service-ca-operator"
echo ""
services_reference_serving_cert_secret() {
read_yellow "Demo: service-serving-cert-signer controller"
read_yellow "List of services in the cluster with ''"
read_yellow "Notice also the annotation 'serving-cert-signed-by'. This denotes a service managed by service-ca-operator"
echo ""
read_bright "--> oc get services --all-namespaces -o yaml | grep -A 7 'serving-cert-secret-name'"
oc get services --all-namespaces -o yaml | grep -A 7 'serving-cert-secret-name' 2> /dev/null
echo ""
read_bright "--> clear"
read_yellow "Examine a service that has the 'serving-cert-secret-name' annotation"
read_bright "--> oc get service prometheus-k8s -n openshift-monitoring -o yaml"
oc get service prometheus-k8s -n openshift-monitoring -o yaml
echo ""
read_bright "--> clear"
read_yellow "Examine a secret referenced by a service with the annotation 'serving-cert-secret-name' and 'serving-cert-signed-by'"
read_yellow "Note: the secret references the originating service name"
read_bright "--> oc get secret prometheus-k8s-tls -n openshift-monitoring -o yaml"
oc get secret prometheus-k8s-tls -n openshift-monitoring -o yaml
echo ""
read_yellow "Now we'll delete the secret. Service-CA-Operator will regenerate the secret."
read_bright "--> oc delete secret prometheus-k8s-tls -n openshift-monitoring"
oc delete secret prometheus-k8s-tls -n openshift-monitoring
echo ""
read_yellow "The secret 'prometheus-k8s-tls' is regenerated."
read_bright "--> oc get secret prometheus-k8s-tls -n openshift-monitoring -o yaml"
oc get secret prometheus-k8s-tls -n openshift-monitoring -o yaml
echo ""
read_bright "--> clear"
read_yellow "Finally, let's examine the openssl cert from that secret 'prometheus-k8s-tls'."
read_bright "--> oc get secret prometheus-k8s-tls -n openshift-monitoring -o template='{{index .data 'tls.crt' }}' | base64 -d | openssl x509 -text"
oc get secret prometheus-k8s-tls -n openshift-monitoring -o template='{{index .data "tls.crt" }}' | base64 -d | openssl x509 -text
echo ""
read_bright "--> clear"
configmaps_inject_cabundle() {
read_yellow "Demo: configmap-cabundle-injector controller"
read_yellow "List all configmaps in cluster that have the annotation 'inject-cabundle: true'"
read_yellow "This annotation ensures the configmap has a data item (key: service-ca.crt) containing PEM-encoded CA signing bundle"
echo ""
read_bright "--> oc get configmaps --all-namespaces -o yaml | grep -A 5 'inject-cabundle'"
oc get configmaps --all-namespaces -o yaml | grep -A 5 'inject-cabundle'
echo ""
read_bright "--> clear"
read_yellow "Examine a configmap with the annotation 'inject-cabundle: true'"
read_bright "--> oc get configmap serving-certs-ca-bundle -n openshift-monitoring -o yaml"
oc get configmap serving-certs-ca-bundle -n openshift-monitoring -o yaml
echo ""
read_yellow "Now we'll delete the service-ca.crt from the configmap. Service-CA-Operator will regenerate the service-ca.crt key/data in the configmap."
read_bright "--> oc edit configmap serving-certs-ca-bundle -n openshift-monitoring"
oc edit configmap serving-certs-ca-bundle -n openshift-monitoring
echo ""
read_yellow "The service-ca.crt key/value is regenerated."
read_bright "--> oc get configmap serving-certs-ca-bundle -n openshift-monitoring -o yaml"
oc get configmap serving-certs-ca-bundle -n openshift-monitoring -o yaml
echo ""
read_bright "--> clear"
read_yellow "Also, if you delete the configmap, the configmap is regenerated, with the service-ca.crt key/data."
read_yellow "For this demo we won't, because it takes a few minutes for the Cluster Version Operator to notice/regenerate."
read_bright "--> Try this at home :) --> oc delete configmap serving-certs-ca-bundle -n openshift-monitoring"
echo ""
read_bright "--> clear"
pod_mounts() {
read_yellow "Demo: Example pod mounts service-cabundle configmap and tls crts secret"
read_yellow "Pods access the CA bundle and/or tls crts by mounting the cabundle configmap and/or the tls secret"
echo ""
read_bright "--> oc describe pod prometheus-k8s-0 -n openshift-monitoring"
oc describe pod prometheus-k8s-0 -n openshift-monitoring
echo ""
read_bright "--> clear"
apiservice_inject_cabundle() {
read_yellow "Demo: apiservice-cabundle-injector controller"
read_yellow "List all APIServices in cluster that have the annotation 'inject-cabundle: true'"
read_yellow "This annotation ensures the APIService has a data item (spec.caBundle) containing base64URL-encoded CA signing bundle"
echo ""
read_bright "--> oc get apiservice --all-namespaces -o yaml | grep -A 2 'inject-cabundle'"
oc get apiservice --all-namespaces -o yaml | grep -A 2 'inject-cabundle'
echo ""
read_bright "--> clear"
read_yellow "Examine an apiservice with the annotation 'inject-cabundle: true'"
read_bright "--> oc get apiservice -o yaml"
oc get apiservice -o yaml
echo ""
read_yellow "Examine the service referenced by authorization apiservice"
read_bright "--> oc get service api -o yaml -n openshift-apiserver"
oc get service api -o yaml -n openshift-apiserver
echo ""
read_bright "--> clear"
read_yellow "End of Demo"
echo_bright "Thank you!"
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