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Last active June 5, 2024 19:23
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sallyom commented Jun 5, 2024

Fork and clone PacMan repository

# first, fork

# from the terminal, run
cd /your/git/repos
git clone
cd mongo-pacman

Check out a new branch

git checkout -b [new-branch]

We'll roughly follow the
for the program's frontend.

Build PacMan

Use the commands and submit the form listed below.
If you forget to add the --it flags to the run command, it will be tricky to stop the container.
If this happens, open another terminal and run podman stop --all

cd frontend
podman build -t pacman:latest -f docker/Dockerfile .
cd ../

Note: For people on windows, create another Containerfile with the following lines and build it

vi windows-containerfile

Add these lines to the windows-containerfile

FROM pacman:latest
RUN dnf -y install dos2unix
RUN dos2unix /usr/local/bin/ && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/

Then run the following command to build your image

podman build -t pacman:latest -f windows-containerfile .

Run the built image

Now run the newly built image. --rm ensures the container will be cleaned up after you stop the container.
Add the -d to run this container in the background.
With -p 8080:8080 port-forward port 8080 from the running container to port 8080 on your local system.
Name your container pacman to easily view the logs.

podman run --rm -d --name pacman -p 8080:8080 pacman:latest

You can see the container logs by running:

$ podman logs pacman
run pacman
PACMAN auth_details =  pacman:pacman@
DATABASE URL  mongodb://pacman:pacman@mongodb:27017/pacman
CONNECTING  mongodb://pacman:pacman@mongodb:27017/pacman
Options  { readPreference: 'secondaryPreferred' }
Listening on port 8080

To play PACMAN, head to your browser at http://localhost:8080

  • EXTRA CREDIT: Make a change (any change!) that is visible when the program is run. Build and push that image.
  • EXTRA EXTRA CREDIT: Configure the mongo database to keep records of games played with best scores. Explain how you did it.

You can use Podman, Docker, or any other container build tool.

Push the built image to docker hub

You can push the image built to your docker hub account if you want. Replace with your docker hub username.

podman push pacman:latest<YOURUSERNAME>/pacman:latest

To clean up your system after running and building the pacman image (after you're done with the assignment):

podman stop pacman
podman rmi <the image> 
# you'll be asked to confirm by typing 'y'

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