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Created September 6, 2019 13:37
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Get total coverage percent from Golang coverage output
Скрипт парсит coverage output юнит тестов Mad и собирает единую метрику покрытия
import itertools
import typing
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import sys
import re
class Arguments:
coverage_file: str
class BaseItem:
def __init__(self, **kw):
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(**{self.__dict__!r})"
class LineStats(BaseItem):
filepath: str
line_from: int
line_to: int
count_covered: int
covered: bool
class FileStats(BaseItem):
filepath: str
total_lines: int
covered_lines: int
uncovered_lines: int
def coverage(self) -> float:
return 100*self.covered_lines/self.total_lines
except ZeroDivisionError:
return 100.
def parse_args() -> Arguments:
args = ArgumentParser()
return typing.cast(Arguments, args.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]))
def load_coverage(args: Arguments) -> typing.List[LineStats]:
pat = re.compile(
r"(\d+)\.\d*,(\d+)\.\d* (\d+) (\d+)"
out = []
with open(args.coverage_file, "r") as fd:
# пропускаем header
for line in fd:
attrs = dict(zip(
["filename", "line_from", "line_to", "count_covered", "covered"],
for col in ["line_from", "line_to", "count_covered"]:
attrs[col] = int(attrs[col])
attrs["covered"] = bool(int(attrs["covered"]))
el = LineStats(**attrs)
return out
def calc_file_stats(lines: typing.List[LineStats]) -> typing.List[FileStats]:
lines = lines[:]
key = lambda i: i.filename
out = []
for filename, group in itertools.groupby(lines, key=key):
group = list(group)
group.sort(key=lambda i: i.line_to)
f = FileStats(filepath=filename)
f.total_lines = sum([
for i in group
f.covered_lines = sum([
for i in group
if i.covered
f.uncovered_lines = sum([
for i in group
if not i.covered
return out
def total_cov(data: typing.List[FileStats]) -> float:
covered = 0
total = 0
for item in data:
covered += item.covered_lines
total += item.total_lines
return 100*covered/total
def main():
args = parse_args()
lines = load_coverage(args)
stats = calc_file_stats(lines)
total = total_cov(stats)
print(f"Total coverage: {total}")
if __name__ == '__main__':
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Needs python3.6 or above.

Usage example:

Run golang test with cover:

go test -coverprofile=unit.cover.out ./...

Run script

$ python3.6 unit.cover.out 
Total coverage: 25.0

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