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Created October 22, 2018 11:18
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FlagChatAdaper RecyclerViewAdapter
import android.content.Context
import android.view.Gravity
import android.view.LayoutInflater
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewGroup
import android.view.animation.Animation
import android.view.animation.AnimationUtils
import android.widget.LinearLayout
import android.widget.RelativeLayout
* Created by salmaanahmed on 04/09/2018.
* Extend your recycler view adapter with this adapter and voila!
* You have your animated chat adapter working.
abstract class FlagChatAdapter(val context: Context) : RecyclerView.Adapter<FlagChatAdapter.ViewHolder>() {
private val chatView = 0 //View types - Chat View
private val dateView = 1 //View types - Date View
* return chat message on the position passed as parameter
abstract fun chatMessage(position: Int): String
* return time of message as string format on the position passed as parameter
abstract fun messageTime(position: Int): String
* return message sender on the position passed as parameter
* if its you, return true
abstract fun isMe(position: Int): Boolean
* you must have a variable of animation in the object i.e. if you want to animate or not
abstract fun animation(position: Int): Boolean
* the animation variable must be set to false when animation is performed once
* otherwise flags will animate on every scroll
abstract fun setAnimationStatus(position: Int, animationStatus: Boolean)
* You can implement whatever you want onLongClick event
abstract fun onMessageLongClicked(position: Int)
* Name of the sender
abstract val otherName: String
* You shall simply return list.size
abstract val listSize: Int
* you can change flag color of your chat message
open fun colorMe(context: Context): Int {
return ContextCompat.getColor(context,
* you can change flag color of other person's chat message
open fun colorOther(context: Context): Int {
return ContextCompat.getColor(context,
* If your list contains some other data type from chat model i.e. date
* you must return false in that case so adapter can check for date and display the date
* chat message functions will not be called on the position if !isChatModel
open fun isChatModel(position: Int): Boolean {
return true
* If !isChatModel adapter will display date place holder
* it will be populated with the string returned by this function
* you shall return the date or strings such as TODAY or YESTERDAY in this function
open fun date(position: Int): String {
return ""
* This current code will not display time if same user sends message in same time
* You may override this method to change the logic or simply return true if you always want to show time
open fun showTime(position: Int): Boolean {
if (position > 0) {
if (isChatModel(position) && isChatModel(position - 1)) {
if (isMe(position) && isMe(position - 1) && messageTime(position) == messageTime(position - 1)) {
return false
return true
* Overriden function to bind view holder
* Decide to show the chat view or date view
* Populate data in views and show animation
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: ViewHolder, position: Int) {
if (isChatModel(position)) { // If it is chat model
val chatMessage = chatMessage(position)
val showTime = showTime(position)
val messageTime = messageTime(position)
val isMe = isMe(position)
val animate = animation(position)
// Bind data with viewholder
holder.bindData(chatMessage, showTime, messageTime, isMe, colorMe(context), colorOther(context), otherName)
// If previous message is from same person, hide the flag
if (position > 0 && isChatModel(position - 1) && isMe == isMe(position - 1)) { //Hide Flag = View.GONE
holder.itemView.flagPadding.visibility = View.GONE
} else { // Otherwise show flag
if (animate) {// If flag is not animated before = View.INVISIBLE
holder.itemView.flagPadding.visibility = View.VISIBLE
flagAnimation(holder.itemView, position)
} else { // Do not animate flag if its animated before i.e. if user is scrolling list = View.VISIBLE
holder.itemView.flagPadding.visibility = View.VISIBLE
holder.itemView.rootView.setOnLongClickListener {
return@setOnLongClickListener true
} else {
// If it is date, populate the textview = date(position)
* Item view type on basis of chat model
override fun getItemViewType(position: Int): Int {
return if (isChatModel(position)) chatView else dateView
* Create view holder for both type of objects
override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): ViewHolder {
return if (viewType == chatView) {
val v = LayoutInflater.from(parent.context).inflate(R.layout.cell_chat, parent, false)
} else {
val v = LayoutInflater.from(parent.context).inflate(R.layout.cell_chat_date, parent, false)
* Number of messages
override fun getItemCount(): Int {
return listSize
* ViewHolder to cache the cells to optimize performance
* Populate the data, set colors, flags, animation etc.
class ViewHolder(itemView: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView) {
fun bindData(message: String, showTime: Boolean = true, time: String, isMe: Boolean, colorMe: Int, colorOther: Int, otherName: String) {
setSides(isMe, colorMe, colorOther)
setMessage(message, showTime, time, isMe, otherName)
// Set sides, colors, and views according to sender
private fun setSides(isMe: Boolean, colorMe: Int, colorOther: Int) {
if (isMe) {
(itemView.line.layoutParams as RelativeLayout.LayoutParams).addRule(RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_RIGHT)
( as RelativeLayout.LayoutParams).addRule(RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_RIGHT)
(itemView.message.layoutParams as LinearLayout.LayoutParams).gravity = Gravity.RIGHT
(itemView.message.layoutParams as LinearLayout.LayoutParams).leftMargin = itemView.context.resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.message_padding)
(itemView.message.layoutParams as LinearLayout.LayoutParams).rightMargin = 0
itemView.linearLayout.gravity = Gravity.RIGHT = Gravity.RIGHT
itemView.time.gravity = Gravity.RIGHT
} else {
(itemView.line.layoutParams as RelativeLayout.LayoutParams).addRule(RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_RIGHT, 0)
( as RelativeLayout.LayoutParams).addRule(RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_RIGHT, 0)
(itemView.message.layoutParams as LinearLayout.LayoutParams).gravity = Gravity.LEFT
(itemView.message.layoutParams as LinearLayout.LayoutParams).rightMargin = itemView.context.resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.message_padding)
(itemView.message.layoutParams as LinearLayout.LayoutParams).leftMargin = 0
itemView.linearLayout.gravity = Gravity.LEFT = Gravity.LEFT
itemView.time.gravity = Gravity.LEFT
// Populate message, date, sender in the views
private fun setMessage(message: String, showTime: Boolean, time: String, isMe: Boolean, otherName: String) {
itemView.message.text = message
itemView.time.text = time = if (isMe) "Me" else otherName
if (showTime) itemView.time.visibility = View.VISIBLE
else itemView.time.visibility = View.GONE
* Flag animation on the views
private fun flagAnimation(itemView: View, position: Int) {
val translateAnim = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(itemView.context, R.anim.item_animation_from_bottom)
translateAnim.fillAfter = true
translateAnim.isFillEnabled = true
translateAnim.fillBefore = false
translateAnim.setAnimationListener(object : Animation.AnimationListener {
override fun onAnimationStart(animation: Animation) {
itemView.linearLayout.alpha = 0f = View.VISIBLE
override fun onAnimationEnd(animation: Animation) {
itemView.linearLayout.animate().alpha(1.0f).duration = 1000
setAnimationStatus(position, false)
override fun onAnimationRepeat(animation: Animation) {}
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