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Created December 29, 2019 04:47
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Software to install on clean ubuntu machine.
sudo apt install -y mc geany redshift gtk-redshift cherrytree transmission terminator nmap gufw ubuntu-restricted-extras libavcodec-extra libdvd-pkg synaptic gdebi ntp scrot filezilla exfat-fuse exfat-utils pv sqlite lame html2text xdotool synaptic bless ffmpeg rtmpdump nano lynx cups-pdf meld duplicity python-gi geany-plugin-lineoperations geany-plugins supervisor mosquitto-clients openjdk-8-jre-headless openssh-server x11vnc vlc sysbench psensor glmark2 htop espeak git openjdk-8-jdk trimage devilspie2 python3-venv openvpn keepassx pinta tree gnome-tweaks gnome-tweak-tool virtualenv
sudo snap install notepad-plus-plus pdftk
sudo apt install -y mumble r-base docker-compose wine-stable swftools aircrack-ng qemu-kvm krita gimp inkscape git-flow dbeaver-ce winetricks
# ------
# mc - midnight commander (remember norton commander)
# geany - nice graphical editor
# redshift - reduce brightness automatically at night
# cherrytree - smaller brother of onenote
# transmission is torrent client
# terminator is terminal window splitter (try: ctrl alt e, ctl alt o, ctl alt w, ctl tab, alt a versus alt o)
# nmap - network scanner
# mumble - voice chat on intranet
# gufw - graphical UI for firewall
# ubuntu-restricted-extras libavcodec-extra - for extra av codecs
# libdvd-pkg - for region restricted dvd playback
# synaptic - for full software listing including command line (which Ubuntu Software app misses)
# gdebi - for installing .deb files
# r-base - for R programming
# scrot - for taking screen shots (try: watch -n 5 scrot)
# filezilla - sftp client
# exfat - for microsd cards / usb
# pv - progress display e.g. for dd
# sqlite - database
# lame - mp3 encoder
# html2text - use it in piped commands on html files/output
# xdotool - may be already in base install. Used for automating mouse/keyboard actions.
# synaptic - package manager UI (useful to install from custom added PPA)
# pdftk - pdf manipulation toolkit
# bless - hex editor
# docker-compose - to run docker yaml scripted images
# ffmpeg - video
# rtmpdump - to download rtsp streams
# nano - text editor
# lynx -
# wine
# winetricks - configurator
# swftools - swf image extraction
# cups-pdf - pdf printer (output files stored in /home/<user>/PDF
# meld - file comparision like windiff
# duplicity python-gi - for backups (ubuntu 16.04 has the backup icon, but is missing the software)
# ngrok-client - for giving temp public urls to private apps
# geany-plugin-lineoperations - for geany plugin to sort/unique lines of text (enable under Plugin Manager -> see under Tools menu)
# geany-plugins - many other geany plugins (see plugin manager in geany)
# supervisor - process control / any command daemonize / restart on reboot
# mosquitto-clients - for mqtt message queue client
# aircrack-ng - for wifi hacking
# baobab - disk usage analyzer
# x11vnc - vnc server
# vlc
# inkscape-open-symbols (inkscape -> object menu -> symbols ---- that can be used in drawings/may slowdown inkscape)
# kdenlive - video editor
# trimage for image compression
# devilspie2 for window placementt
# python3-venv for py virtual env (mkdir myproject1 && cd myproject1 && python3 -m venv && source bin/activate && code . // click py ver in lower-left -> choose ./bin/python)
# virtualenv -- as above
# openvpn client -- use: sudo openvpn --config someopenconnectionfile.ovpn
# sysbench - also stresses your cpu e.g. sysbench --test=cpu run --num-threads=2
# psensors - cpu temp monitor this is a gui
# glmark2 - effective benchmarking for graphics
# pinta - like mspaint
# keepassx - password safe (use nextcloud for sync)
# krita, gimp, inkscape - drawing tools
# dbeaver-ce - multi database client
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