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Created July 21, 2017 09:56
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Commands Description Type Reply Set/Execute Parameters Examples
AT generic cmd basic OK - - -
AT+RST Resets the mod basic Module info - - AT+RST
AT+GMR returns the current Fw version basic Fw Version - - -
AT+CWMODE Wifi Mode Set Wifi Mode SET AT+CWMODE=<Mode> Mode 1=Sta, 2=AP, 3=both AT+CWMODE=2
AT+CWLAP Lists all available AP Wifi list of AP AT+CWLAP - AT+CWLAP
AT+CWJAP Joins an Access Point Wifi OK AT+CWJAP=<ssid>,<pwd> Your Wifi SSID and Password AT+CWJAP=<test>,<123456789>
AT+CWQAP Quits the Access Point Wifi AT+CWQAP - AT+CWQAP
AT+CWSAP Set Mod Access Point parameters Wifi AT+CWSAP=<ssid>,<pwd>, desired SSID,Password,
<chl>,<ecn> channel, encryption
AT+CWLIF Check join device IP Wifi AT+CWLIF - AT+CWLIF
AT+CIPSTATUS get conn status TCP/IP <id>,<type> AT+CIPSTATUS -
Will add rest Soon !
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