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Created August 9, 2012 01:45
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Fragment Shader
void fshader(
in float3 l_texcoord0 : TEXCOORD0, //normals
in float4 l_texcoord1 : TEXCOORD1,
in float4 l_color : COLOR,
uniform sampler2D tex_0,
uniform sampler2D tex_1,
uniform sampler2D tex_2,
uniform sampler2D tex_3,
uniform sampler2D tex_4,
uniform float4x4 dlight_sun_rel_view,
out float4 o_color : COLOR
float4 blend_weights = abs(l_texcoord1);
blend_weights = (blend_weights - 0.3) * 9;
blend_weights = max(blend_weights, 0);
blend_weights /= (blend_weights.x + blend_weights.y + blend_weights.z).xxxx;
float4 blended_color;
float tex_scale = 1.0/8.0;
float2 coord1 = l_texcoord0.yz * tex_scale;
float2 coord2 = l_texcoord0.zx * tex_scale;
float2 coord3 = l_texcoord0.xy * tex_scale;
float4 rock_x = tex2D(tex_0, coord1);
float4 rock_y = tex2D(tex_0, coord2);
float4 rock_z = tex2D(tex_0, coord3);
float4 dirt_x = tex2D(tex_1, coord1);
float4 dirt_y = tex2D(tex_1, coord2);
float4 dirt_z = tex2D(tex_1, coord3);
float4 clay_x = tex2D(tex_2, coord1);
float4 clay_y = tex2D(tex_2, coord2);
float4 clay_z = tex2D(tex_2, coord3);
float4 sand_x = tex2D(tex_3, coord1);
float4 sand_y = tex2D(tex_3, coord2);
float4 sand_z = tex2D(tex_3, coord3);
float4 grass_x = tex2D(tex_4, coord1);
float4 grass_y = tex2D(tex_4, coord2);
float4 grass_z = tex2D(tex_4, coord3);
float4 triplanar_rock =
rock_x.xyzw * blend_weights.xxxx +
rock_y.xyzw * blend_weights.yyyy +
rock_z.xyzw * blend_weights.zzzz;
float4 triplanar_dirt =
dirt_x.xyzw * blend_weights.xxxx +
dirt_y.xyzw * blend_weights.yyyy +
grass_z.xyzw * blend_weights.zzzz;
float4 triplanar_clay =
clay_x.xyzw * blend_weights.xxxx +
clay_y.xyzw * blend_weights.yyyy +
clay_z.xyzw * blend_weights.zzzz;
float4 triplanar_sand =
sand_x.xyzw * blend_weights.xxxx +
sand_y.xyzw * blend_weights.yyyy +
sand_z.xyzw * blend_weights.zzzz;
blended_color =
triplanar_rock * l_color.x +
triplanar_dirt * l_color.y +
triplanar_clay * l_color.z +
triplanar_sand * l_color.w;
//This code, deals with lights
float4 lcolor, lspec, lvec, lpoint, latten, ldir, leye, lhalf;
float4 tot_ambient = float4(0,0,0,0);
float4 tot_diffuse = float4(0,0,0,0);
float4 tot_specular = float4(0,0,0,0);
float4 result = float4(0,0,0,0);
lcolor = dlight_sun_rel_view[0];
lspec = dlight_sun_rel_view[1];
lvec = dlight_sun_rel_view[2];
lcolor *= saturate(dot(l_texcoord1,;
tot_diffuse += lcolor;
lhalf = dlight_sun_rel_view[3];
lspec *= pow(saturate(dot(l_texcoord1,, 0);
tot_specular += lspec;
result += tot_ambient;
result += tot_diffuse * lcolor;
result = saturate(result);
result.rgb = result.rgb + tot_specular.rgb;
o_color = result * blended_color;// * blend_weights;
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