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Created February 20, 2024 17:38
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import asyncpg
import dlt
import asyncio
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional
from dlt.common.schema.typing import TColumnSchema
"""Convert an asyncpg type to a dlt column schema type.
This maps asyncpg types to dlt types based on PostgreSQL to Python type mapping
provided by asyncpg and the dlt data types.
type_mapping: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {
"bigint": {"data_type": "bigint", "precision": 64},
"smallint": {"data_type": "bigint", "precision": 16},
"integer": {"data_type": "bigint", "precision": 32},
"numeric": {"data_type": "decimal", "precision": None, "scale": None},
"text": {"data_type": "text"},
"varchar": {"data_type": "text", "precision": None},
"bytea": {"data_type": "binary"},
"timestamp": {"data_type": "timestamp"},
"date": {"data_type": "date"},
"time": {"data_type": "time"},
"bool": {"data_type": "bool"},
"json": {"data_type": "complex"},
"jsonb": {"data_type": "complex"},
# Additional mappings based on asyncpg documentation
"bit": {"data_type": "binary", "precision": None},
"varbit": {"data_type": "binary", "precision": None},
"cidr": {"data_type": "text"},
"inet": {"data_type": "text"},
"macaddr": {"data_type": "text"},
"uuid": {"data_type": "text", "codec": None},
# Types without direct dlt mapping, stored as text
"box": {"data_type": "text"},
"circle": {"data_type": "text"},
"line": {"data_type": "text"},
"lseg": {"data_type": "text"},
"money": {"data_type": "decimal", "precision": None, "scale": None},
"path": {"data_type": "text"},
"point": {"data_type": "text"},
"polygon": {"data_type": "text"},
"interval": {"data_type": "bigint", "precision": 64, "codec": None},
"float": {"data_type": "double"},
"double precision": {"data_type": "double"},
def asyncpg_type_to_dlt_type(
pg_type: str, precision: Optional[int] = None, scale: Optional[int] = None
) -> Optional[TColumnSchema]:
dlt_type = type_mapping.get(pg_type, None)
if dlt_type:
col_schema: TColumnSchema = {
"name": pg_type,
"data_type": dlt_type["data_type"],
if "precision" in dlt_type:
col_schema["precision"] = precision if precision is not None else dlt_type["precision"]
if "scale" in dlt_type:
col_schema["scale"] = scale if scale is not None else dlt_type["scale"]
return col_schema
return None
def generate_columns_from_rows(
rows: list[asyncpg.Record], table_name: str, table_schema: str
) -> list[TColumnSchema]:
Generates a list of column schemas from database rows for a given table, taking into account the table schema.
rows: A list of dictionaries, each representing a row from the database.
table_name: The name of the table for which to generate the column schemas.
table_schema: The schema of the table for which to generate the column schemas.
A list of TColumnSchema objects representing the columns of the table.
columns: list[TColumnSchema] = []
for row in rows:
if row["table_name"] == table_name and row["table_schema"] == table_schema:
column_name = row["column_name"]
dlt_type = asyncpg_type_to_dlt_type(
row["data_type"], row["precision"], row["scale"]
if dlt_type is not None:
column_schema: TColumnSchema = {
"name": column_name,
"data_type": dlt_type.get("data_type", "text"),
"precision": dlt_type.get("precision"),
"scale": dlt_type.get("scale"),
"nullable": row["is_nullable"] == "YES",
"primary_key": row["is_primary_key"],
"primary_key": row["is_unique"] ,
return columns
async def get_schema(schema: str):
conn = await asyncpg.connect()
query = """
WHEN c.data_type IN ('numeric', 'decimal') THEN c.numeric_precision
ELSE c.character_maximum_length
END as precision,
c.numeric_scale as scale,
CASE WHEN tc.constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY' THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END AS is_primary_key,
CASE WHEN tc.constraint_type = 'UNIQUE' THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END AS is_unique
FROM information_schema.tables t
INNER JOIN information_schema.columns c ON t.table_name = c.table_name AND t.table_schema = c.table_schema
LEFT JOIN information_schema.constraint_column_usage ccu ON c.table_name = ccu.table_name AND c.column_name = ccu.column_name
LEFT JOIN information_schema.table_constraints tc ON ccu.constraint_name = tc.constraint_name
WHERE t.table_schema = $1
rows = await conn.fetch(query, schema)
await conn.close()
return rows
async def get_table_data(table_name: str, table_schema: str, chunk_size: int, incremental: Optional[dlt.sources.incremental[Any]] = None):
conn = await asyncpg.connect()
# Register custom type codecs based on the type_mapping
for pg_type, info in type_mapping.items():
codec = info.get("codec")
if codec:
await conn.set_type_codec(
encoder=codec.get("encoder", lambda x: x),
decoder=codec.get("decoder", lambda x: x),
format=codec.get("format", "text"),
schema=codec.get("schema", "pg_catalog")
base_query = f"SELECT * FROM {table_schema}.{table_name}"
query_params: list[Any] = []
if incremental:
cursor_column = incremental.cursor_path
last_value = incremental.last_value
last_value_func = incremental.last_value_func
if last_value_func is max:
order_by = "ASC"
filter_op = ">="
elif last_value_func is min:
order_by = "DESC"
filter_op = "<="
# For custom last_value_func, default behavior without filtering
order_by = "ASC"
filter_op = ""
if last_value is not None and filter_op:
base_query += f" WHERE {cursor_column} {filter_op} $1 ORDER BY {cursor_column} {order_by}"
async with conn.transaction():
# Create a cursor for the query
cur = await conn.cursor(base_query)
while True:
# Fetch a chunk of records from the cursor
records = await cur.fetch(chunk_size)
if not records:
break # Exit the loop if no more records are available
yield [dict(record) for record in records]
await conn.close()
def asyncpg_source(schema: str = "public", chunk_size: int = 5000):
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
schema_rows = loop.run_until_complete(get_schema(schema))
tables = {} # Specify key and value types for the Dict
for table_name, table_schema in {(row["table_name"], row["table_schema"]) for row in schema_rows}:
# Generate columns for each table
columns = generate_columns_from_rows(schema_rows, table_name, table_schema)
# Create a dlt.resource for each table and store it in the tables dict
tables[table_name] = dlt.resource(name=table_name, columns=columns)(
lambda table_name=table_name, table_schema=table_schema, chunk_size=chunk_size: get_table_data(
table_name, table_schema, chunk_size
yield from tables.values()
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