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Last active July 21, 2024 06:45
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#title: Extends X11 Compose Key Base at /usr/share/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose
#date: 2007-11-14
#lastmod: 2024-7-21T0:45:21+0100
#filename: $HOME/.XCompose
# See also .Xmodmap
# # Right Alt is AltGR Compose Key
# xmodmap -e "keysym Alt_R = Multi_key"
# grab the defaults, overwrite if necessary
include "%L"
# Some Greek
## miniscule
<Multi_key> <a> <l> : "α" # Greek Small Letter Alpha U+0251
<Multi_key> <b> <e> : "β" # Greek Small Letter Beta U+03B2
<Multi_key> <g> <a> : "γ" # Greek Small Letter Gamma U+03B3
<Multi_key> <d> <e> : "δ" # Greek Small Letter Delta U+03B4
<Multi_key> <e> <p> : "ε" # Greek Small Letter Epsilon U+03B5
<Multi_key> <z> <e> : "ζ" # Greek Small Letter Zeta U+03B6
<Multi_key> <e> <t> : "η" # Greek Small Letter Eta U+03B7
<Multi_key> <t> <h> <e> : "θ" # Greek Small Letter Theta U+03B8
<Multi_key> <i> <o> : "ι" # Greek Small Letter Iota U+03B9
<Multi_key> <k> <a> : "κ" # Greek Small Letter Kappa U+03BA
<Multi_key> <l> <a> : "λ" # Greek Small Letter Lamda U+03BB
<Multi_key> <m> <u> : "μ" # Greek Small Letter Mu U+03BC
<Multi_key> <n> <u> : "ν" # Greek Small Letter Nu U+03BD
<Multi_key> <x> <i> : "ξ" # Greek Small Letter Xi U+03BE
<Multi_key> <o> <m> <i> : "ο" # Greek Small Letter Omicron U+03BF
<Multi_key> <p> <i> : "π" # Greek Small Letter Pi U+03C0
<Multi_key> <r> <h> : "ρ" # Greek Small Letter Rho U+03C1
<Multi_key> <s> <f> : "ς" # Greek Small Letter Final Sigma U+03C2
<Multi_key> <s> <i> : "σ" # Greek Small Letter Sigma U+03C3
<Multi_key> <t> <a> : "τ" # Greek Small Letter Tau U+03C4
<Multi_key> <y> <p> : "υ" # Greek Small Letter Ypsilon U+03C5
<Multi_key> <p> <h> : "φ" # Greek Small Letter Phi U+03C6
<Multi_key> <c> <h> : "χ" # Greek Small Letter Chi U+03C7
<Multi_key> <p> <s> : "ψ" # Greek Small Letter Psi U+03C8
<Multi_key> <o> <m> <e> : "ω" # Greek Small Letter Omega U+03C9
## majiscule
<Multi_key> <A> <L> : "A" # Greek Capital Letter Alpha U+0391
<Multi_key> <B> <E> : "Β" # Greek Capital Letter Beta U+0392
<Multi_key> <G> <A> : "Γ" # Greek Capital Letter Gamma U+0393
<Multi_key> <D> <E> : "Δ" # Greek Capital Letter Delta U+0394
<Multi_key> <E> <P> : "Ε" # Greek Capital Letter Epsilon U+0395
<Multi_key> <Z> <E> : "Ζ" # Greek Capital Letter Zeta U+0396
<Multi_key> <E> <T> : "Η" # Greek Capital Letter Eta U+0397
<Multi_key> <T> <H> <E> : "Θ" # Greek Capital Letter Theta U+0398
<Multi_key> <I> <O> : "Ι" # Greek Capital Letter Iota U+0399
<Multi_key> <K> <A> : "Κ" # Greek Capital Letter Kappa U+039A
<Multi_key> <L> <A> : "Λ" # Greek Capital Letter Lamda U+039B
<Multi_key> <M> <U> : "Μ" # Greek Capital Letter Mu U+039C
<Multi_key> <N> <U> : "Ν" # Greek Capital Letter Nu U+039D
<Multi_key> <X> <I> : "Ξ" # Greek Capital Letter Xi U+039E
<Multi_key> <O> <M> <I> : "Ο" # Greek Capital Letter Omicron U+039F
<Multi_key> <P> <I> : "Π" # Greek Capital Letter Pi U+03A0
<Multi_key> <R> <H> : "Ρ" # Greek Capital Letter Rho U+03A1
<Multi_key> <S> <I> : "Σ" # Greek Capital Letter Sigma U+03A3
<Multi_key> <T> <A> : "Τ" # Greek Capital Letter Tau U+03A4
<Multi_key> <Y> <P> : "Υ" # Greek Capital Letter Ypsilon U+03A5
<Multi_key> <P> <H> : "Φ" # Greek Capital Letter Phi U+03A6
<Multi_key> <C> <H> : "Χ" # Greek Capital Letter Chi U+03A7
<Multi_key> <P> <S> : "Ψ" # Greek Capital Letter Psi U+03A8
<Multi_key> <O> <M> <E> : "Ω" # Greek Capital Letter Omega U+03A9
# Some Old English
<Multi_key> <d> <h> : "ð" # Latin Small Letter Eth U+00F0
<Multi_key> <D> <H> : "Ð" # Latin Capital Letter Eth U+00D0
<Multi_key> <t> <h> <o> : "þ" # Latin Small Letter thorn U+00FE
<Multi_key> <T> <H> <O> : "Þ" # Latin Capital Letter Thorn U+00DE
<Multi_key> <w> <y> : "ƿ" # Latin Small Letter Wynn U+01BF
<Multi_key> <W> <Y> : "Ƿ" # Latin Capital Letter Wynn U+01F7
<Multi_key> <g> <h> : "ȝ" # Latin Small Letter Yogh U+021D
<Multi_key> <G> <H> : "Ȝ" # Latin Capital Letter Yogh U+021C
## modern OE conventions
<Multi_key> <c> <.> : "ċ" # Latin Small Letter C with dot U+010B
<Multi_key> <.> <c> : "ċ" # Latin Small Letter C with dot U+010B
<Multi_key> <g> <.> : "ġ" # Latin Small Letter G with dot U+0121
<Multi_key> <.> <g> : "ġ" # Latin Small Letter G with dot U+0121
<Multi_key> <y> <.> : "ẏ" # Latin Small Letter Y with dot U+1E8F
<Multi_key> <.> <y> : "ẏ" # Latin Small Letter Y with dot U+1E8F
# Some Phonetics
## Anglo-US English -- incomplete & someoverlap w/ Greek... θ, ɑ, etc.
### '0x3a' (and 'colon') is the keysym reported by `xev` for the ':' char.
<Multi_key> <t> <colon> : "ː" # Modifier Letter Triangular Colon U+02D0
<Multi_key> <e> <e> : "ə" # Latin Small Letter Schwa U+0259
<Multi_key> <e> <z> : "ʒ" # Latin Small Capital Ezh U+0292
<Multi_key> <d> <z> : "ʤ" # Latin Small Letter Dezh Digraph U+02A4
<Multi_key> <j> <t> : "ʝ" # Latin Small Letter J with Crossed-Tail U+029D
<Multi_key> <l> <t> : "ɫ" # Latin Small Letter L with Middle tilde U+0259
<Multi_key> <g> <s> : "ʔ" # Latin Letter Glottal Stop U+0294
<Multi_key> <r> <f> : "ɾ" # Latin Small Letter R with Fishhook U+0272
<Multi_key> <r> <t> : "ɹ" # Latin Small Letter Turned R U+0259
<Multi_key> <v> <t> : "ʌ" # Latin Small Letter Turned V U+028C
<Multi_key> <e> <n> <g> : "ŋ" # Latin Small Letter Eng U+014B
<Multi_key> <n> <n> : "ñ" # ñ Latin Small Letter N with Tilde U+00F1
<Multi_key> <e> <s> <h> : "ʃ" # Latin Small Letter Esh U+0283
<Multi_key> <s> <h> : "ʰ" # Modifier Letter Small H U+02B0
### ...with 'sound-alike' keys
<Multi_key> <u> <h> : "ʊ" # Latin Small Letter Upsilon U+028A
<Multi_key> <a> <w> : "ɔ" # Latin Small Letter Open O U+0259
## quick fadas -- also <vowel> <'>
## mirrors the "double tap" <n><n> for ñ
<Multi_key> <a> <a> : "á" # Latin Small Letter A with Acute U+00E1
<Multi_key> <e> <e> : "é" # Latin Small Letter E with Acute U+00E9
<Multi_key> <i> <i> : "í" # Latin Small Letter I with Acute U+00ED
<Multi_key> <o> <o> : "ó" # Latin Small Letter O with Acute U+00F3
<Multi_key> <u> <u> : "ú" # Latin Small Letter U with Acute U+00F3
<Multi_key> <A> <A> : "Á" # Latin Capital Letter A with Acute U+00C1
<Multi_key> <E> <E> : "É" # Latin Capital Letter E with Acute U+00C9
<Multi_key> <I> <i> : "Í" # Latin Capital Letter I with Acute U+00CD
<Multi_key> <O> <O> : "Ó" # Latin Capital Letter O with Acute U+00D3
<Multi_key> <U> <U> : "Ú" # Latin Capital Letter U with Acute U+00DA
## French
### e.g. jour -- [ʒuːʁ]
<Multi_key> <r> <i> : "ʁ" # Latin Letter Small Capital Inverted R U+0281
### e.g. lui-- [lɥi]
<Multi_key> <h> <t> : "ɥ" # Latin Small Letter Turned H U+0265
<Multi_key> <c> <c> : "ç" # Latin Small Letter c with cedilla U+0231
## Hindi
### retroflex
<Multi_key> <d> <r> : "ɖ" # Latin Small Letter D with Tail U+0256
<Multi_key> <s> <r> : "ʂ" # Latin Small Letter S with Hook U+0288
<Multi_key> <t> <r> : "ʈ" # Latin Small Letter T with Retroflex Hook U+0288
## Spanish
<Multi_key> <i> <g> : "ɣ" # Latin Small Letter Gamma U+0263
<Multi_key> <y> <t> : "ʎ" # Latin Small Letter Turned Y U+028E
# Some maths and logic
<Multi_key> <i> <n> <t> : "∫" # ∫ Integral U+222B
<Multi_key> <v> <d> <i> : "∩" # Intersection U+2229
<Multi_key> <v> <d> <u> : "∪" # Union U+222B
<Multi_key> <e> <o> : "∈" # Element Of U+2208
<Multi_key> <n> <e> <o> : "∉" # Not Element Of U+222B
<Multi_key> <e> <s> : "∅" # Empty Set U+2205
<Multi_key> <f> <a> : "∀" # For All U+2200
<Multi_key> <t> <x> : "∃" # There Exists U+2203
<Multi_key> <n> <x> : "∄" # There Does Not Exist U+2204
#prop logic
<Multi_key> <T> <T> : "⟙" # True U+27D9
<Multi_key> <T> <exclam> : "⟘" # False U+27D8
<Multi_key> <backslash> <slash> : "∨" # Logic or U+2228
<Multi_key> <slash> <backslash> : "∧" # Logic and U+2227
<Multi_key> <backslash> <underscore> <slash> : "⊻" # Xor U+22BB
# Other symbols
<Multi_key> <l> <l> <b> : "【" # Left Black Lenticular Bracket U+3010
<Multi_key> <r> <l> <b> : "】" # Right Black Lenticular Bracket U+3011
<Multi_key> <l> <w> <a> : "←" # Leftwards Arrow U+2190
<Multi_key> <u> <w> <a> : "↑" # Upwards Arrow U+2191
<Multi_key> <r> <w> <a> : "→" # Rightwards Arrow U+2192
<Multi_key> <d> <w> <a> : "↓" # Downwards Arrow U+2193
<Multi_key> <c> <h> <e> : "✓" # Check Mark U+2705
<Multi_key> <x> <h> <e> : "✗" # Ballot X U+2717
<Multi_key> <m> <d> : "·" # Middle Dot U+00B7
<Multi_key> <a> <e> <q> : "≈" # Almost Equal To U+2248
<Multi_key> <n> <e> <q> : "≠" # Not Equal To U+2260
<Multi_key> <r> <o> : "®" # Registered Sign U+00AE
<Multi_key> <c> <o> : "©" # Copyright Sign U+00A9
<Multi_key> <0> <0> : "°" # Degree Sign U+00B0
# Defaults I use a lot, for reference
## Some ligatures
<Multi_key> <a> <e> : "æ" ae # LATIN SMALL LETTER AE
<Multi_key> <A> <E> : "Æ" AE # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE
<Multi_key> <o> <e> : "œ" oe # LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE
<Multi_key> <O> <E> : "Œ" OE # LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE
<Multi_key> <s> <s> : "ß" ssharp # LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S
<Multi_key> <S> <S> : "ẞ" U1e9e # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER SHARP S
## Dashes
<Multi_key> <minus> <minus> <period> : "–" U2013 # EN DASH
<Multi_key> <minus> <minus> <minus> : "—" U2014 # EM DASH
## Quotation marks
<Multi_key> <less> <less> : "«" guillemotleft # LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
<Multi_key> <greater> <greater> : "»" guillemotright # RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
<Multi_key> <period> <greater> : "›" U203a # SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
<Multi_key> <period> <less> : "‹" U2039 # SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
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salopst commented Jan 20, 2024

Set Intersection conflicted with Gk sigma. Set Intersection and union now prefixed with vd (Venn diagram). vdi and vdu, respectively.

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