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Last active June 30, 2021 19:28
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# Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
--- !ruby/object:Api::Product
name: CloudBuild
display_name: Cloud Build
- !ruby/object:Api::Product::Version
name: ga
- !ruby/object:Api::Product::ApiReference
name: Cloud Build API
- !ruby/object:Api::Resource
name: 'Trigger'
base_url: projects/{{project}}/triggers
self_link: projects/{{project}}/triggers/{{id}}
update_verb: :PATCH
references: !ruby/object:Api::Resource::ReferenceLinks
'Automating builds using build triggers': ''
api: ''
description: |
Configuration for an automated build in response to source repository changes.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'id'
description: |
The unique identifier for the trigger.
output: true
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'name'
description: |
Name of the trigger. Must be unique within the project.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'description'
description: |
Human-readable description of the trigger.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Array
name: 'tags'
item_type: Api::Type::String
description: |
Tags for annotation of a BuildTrigger
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Boolean
name: 'disabled'
description: |
Whether the trigger is disabled or not. If true, the trigger will never result in a build.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Time
name: 'createTime'
output: true
description: |
Time when the trigger was created.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::KeyValuePairs
name: 'substitutions'
description: |
Substitutions data for Build resource.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'filename'
- filename
- build
description: |
Path, from the source root, to a file whose contents is used for the template. Either a filename or build template must be provided.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Array
name: 'ignoredFiles'
item_type: Api::Type::String
description: |
ignoredFiles and includedFiles are file glob matches using
extended with support for `**`.
If ignoredFiles and changed files are both empty, then they are not
used to determine whether or not to trigger a build.
If ignoredFiles is not empty, then we ignore any files that match any
of the ignored_file globs. If the change has no files that are outside
of the ignoredFiles globs, then we do not trigger a build.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Array
name: 'includedFiles'
item_type: Api::Type::String
description: |
ignoredFiles and includedFiles are file glob matches using
extended with support for `**`.
If any of the files altered in the commit pass the ignoredFiles filter
and includedFiles is empty, then as far as this filter is concerned, we
should trigger the build.
If any of the files altered in the commit pass the ignoredFiles filter
and includedFiles is not empty, then we make sure that at least one of
those files matches a includedFiles glob. If not, then we do not trigger
a build.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::NestedObject
name: 'triggerTemplate'
description: |
Template describing the types of source changes to trigger a build.
Branch and tag names in trigger templates are interpreted as regular
expressions. Any branch or tag change that matches that regular
expression will trigger a build.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'projectId'
description: |
ID of the project that owns the Cloud Source Repository. If
omitted, the project ID requesting the build is assumed.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'repoName'
default_value: 'default'
description: |
Name of the Cloud Source Repository. If omitted, the name "default" is assumed.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'dir'
description: |
Directory, relative to the source root, in which to run the build.
This must be a relative path. If a step's dir is specified and
is an absolute path, this value is ignored for that step's
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Boolean
name: 'invertRegex'
description: |
Only trigger a build if the revision regex does NOT match the revision regex.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'branchName'
description: |
Name of the branch to build. Exactly one a of branch name, tag, or commit SHA must be provided.
This field is a regular expression.
- trigger_template.0.branch_name
- trigger_template.0.tag_name
- trigger_template.0.commit_sha
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'tagName'
description: |
Name of the tag to build. Exactly one of a branch name, tag, or commit SHA must be provided.
This field is a regular expression.
- trigger_template.0.branch_name
- trigger_template.0.tag_name
- trigger_template.0.commit_sha
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'commitSha'
description: |
Explicit commit SHA to build. Exactly one of a branch name, tag, or commit SHA must be provided.
- trigger_template.0.branch_name
- trigger_template.0.tag_name
- trigger_template.0.commit_sha
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::NestedObject
name: 'github'
description: |
Describes the configuration of a trigger that creates a build whenever a GitHub event is received.
- trigger_template
- github
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'owner'
description: |
Owner of the repository. For example: The owner for is "googlecloudplatform".
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'name'
description: |
Name of the repository. For example: The name for is "cloud-builders".
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::NestedObject
name: 'pullRequest'
description: |
filter to match changes in pull requests. Specify only one of pullRequest or push.
- github.0.pull_request
- github.0.push
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'branch'
required: true
description: |
Regex of branches to match.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Enum
name: 'commentControl'
description: |
Whether to block builds on a "/gcbrun" comment from a repository owner or collaborator.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Boolean
name: 'invertRegex'
description: |
If true, branches that do NOT match the git_ref will trigger a build.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::NestedObject
name: 'push'
description: |
filter to match changes in refs, like branches or tags. Specify only one of pullRequest or push.
- github.0.pull_request
- github.0.push
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Boolean
name: 'invertRegex'
description: |
When true, only trigger a build if the revision regex does NOT match the git_ref regex.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'branch'
description: |
Regex of branches to match. Specify only one of branch or tag.
- github.0.push.0.branch
- github.0.push.0.tag
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'tag'
description: |
Regex of tags to match. Specify only one of branch or tag.
- github.0.push.0.branch
- github.0.push.0.tag
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::NestedObject
name: 'build'
- filename
- build
description: |
Contents of the build template. Either a filename or build template must be provided.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::NestedObject
name: 'source'
description: |
The location of the source files to build.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::NestedObject
name: 'storageSource'
description: |
Location of the source in an archive file in Google Cloud Storage.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'bucket'
required: true
description: |
Google Cloud Storage bucket containing the source.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'object'
required: true
description: |
Google Cloud Storage object containing the source.
This object must be a gzipped archive file (.tar.gz) containing source to build.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'generation'
description: |
Google Cloud Storage generation for the object.
If the generation is omitted, the latest generation will be used
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::NestedObject
name: 'repoSource'
description: |
Location of the source in a Google Cloud Source Repository.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'projectId'
description: |
ID of the project that owns the Cloud Source Repository.
If omitted, the project ID requesting the build is assumed.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'repoName'
required: true
description: |
Name of the Cloud Source Repository.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'dir'
description: |
Directory, relative to the source root, in which to run the build.
This must be a relative path. If a step's dir is specified and is an absolute path,
this value is ignored for that step's execution.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Boolean
name: 'invertRegex'
description: |
Only trigger a build if the revision regex does NOT match the revision regex.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::KeyValuePairs
name: 'substitutions'
description: |
Substitutions to use in a triggered build. Should only be used with
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'branchName'
description: |
Regex matching branches to build. Exactly one a of branch name, tag, or commit SHA must be provided.
The syntax of the regular expressions accepted is the syntax accepted by RE2 and
described at
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'tagName'
description: |
Regex matching tags to build. Exactly one a of branch name, tag, or commit SHA must be provided.
The syntax of the regular expressions accepted is the syntax accepted by RE2 and
described at
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'commitSha'
description: |
Explicit commit SHA to build. Exactly one a of branch name, tag, or commit SHA must be provided.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Array
name: 'tags'
item_type: Api::Type::String
description: |
Tags for annotation of a Build. These are not docker tags.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Array
name: 'images'
item_type: Api::Type::String
description: |
A list of images to be pushed upon the successful completion of all build steps.
The images are pushed using the builder service account's credentials.
The digests of the pushed images will be stored in the Build resource's results field.
If any of the images fail to be pushed, the build status is marked FAILURE.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::KeyValuePairs
name: 'substitutions'
description: |
Substitutions data for Build resource.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'queueTtl'
description: |
TTL in queue for this build. If provided and the build is enqueued longer than this value,
the build will expire and the build status will be EXPIRED.
The TTL starts ticking from createTime.
A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, terminated by 's'. Example: "3.5s".
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'logsBucket'
description: |
Google Cloud Storage bucket where logs should be written.
Logs file names will be of the format ${logsBucket}/log-${build_id}.txt.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'timeout'
description: |
Amount of time that this build should be allowed to run, to second granularity.
If this amount of time elapses, work on the build will cease and the build status will be TIMEOUT.
This timeout must be equal to or greater than the sum of the timeouts for build steps within the build.
The expected format is the number of seconds followed by s.
Default time is ten minutes (600s).
default_value: '600s'
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Array
name: 'secrets'
description: |
Secrets to decrypt using Cloud Key Management Service.
item_type: !ruby/object:Api::Type::NestedObject
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'kmsKeyName'
required: true
description: |
Cloud KMS key name to use to decrypt these envs.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::KeyValuePairs
name: 'secretEnv'
description: |
Map of environment variable name to its encrypted value.
Secret environment variables must be unique across all of a build's secrets,
and must be used by at least one build step. Values can be at most 64 KB in size.
There can be at most 100 secret values across all of a build's secrets.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Array
name: 'steps'
required: true
description: |
The operations to be performed on the workspace.
item_type: !ruby/object:Api::Type::NestedObject
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'name'
required: true
description: |
The name of the container image that will run this particular build step.
If the image is available in the host's Docker daemon's cache, it will be
run directly. If not, the host will attempt to pull the image first, using
the builder service account's credentials if necessary.
The Docker daemon's cache will already have the latest versions of all of
the officially supported build steps (see
for images and examples).
The Docker daemon will also have cached many of the layers for some popular
images, like "ubuntu", "debian", but they will be refreshed at the time
you attempt to use them.
If you built an image in a previous build step, it will be stored in the
host's Docker daemon's cache and is available to use as the name for a
later build step.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Array
name: 'args'
item_type: Api::Type::String
description: |
A list of arguments that will be presented to the step when it is started.
If the image used to run the step's container has an entrypoint, the args
are used as arguments to that entrypoint. If the image does not define an
entrypoint, the first element in args is used as the entrypoint, and the
remainder will be used as arguments.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Array
name: 'env'
item_type: Api::Type::String
description: |
A list of environment variable definitions to be used when
running a step.
The elements are of the form "KEY=VALUE" for the environment variable
"KEY" being given the value "VALUE".
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'id'
description: |
Unique identifier for this build step, used in `wait_for` to
reference this build step as a dependency.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'entrypoint'
description: |
Entrypoint to be used instead of the build step image's
default entrypoint.
If unset, the image's default entrypoint is used
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'dir'
description: |
Working directory to use when running this step's container.
If this value is a relative path, it is relative to the build's working
directory. If this value is absolute, it may be outside the build's working
directory, in which case the contents of the path may not be persisted
across build step executions, unless a `volume` for that path is specified.
If the build specifies a `RepoSource` with `dir` and a step with a
which specifies an absolute path, the `RepoSource` `dir` is ignored
for the step's execution.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Array
item_type: Api::Type::String
name: 'secretEnv'
description: |
A list of environment variables which are encrypted using
a Cloud Key
Management Service crypto key. These values must be specified in
the build's `Secret`.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'timeout'
description: |
Time limit for executing this build step. If not defined,
the step has no
time limit and will be allowed to continue to run until either it
completes or the build itself times out.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'timing'
input: false
description: |
Output only. Stores timing information for executing this
build step.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Array
name: 'volumes'
description: |
List of volumes to mount into the build step.
Each volume is created as an empty volume prior to execution of the
build step. Upon completion of the build, volumes and their contents
are discarded.
Using a named volume in only one step is not valid as it is
indicative of a build request with an incorrect configuration.
item_type: !ruby/object:Api::Type::NestedObject
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'name'
required: true
description: |
Name of the volume to mount.
Volume names must be unique per build step and must be valid names for
Docker volumes. Each named volume must be used by at least two build steps.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'path'
required: true
description: |
Path at which to mount the volume.
Paths must be absolute and cannot conflict with other volume paths on
the same build step or with certain reserved volume paths.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Array
name: 'waitFor'
item_type: Api::Type::String
description: |
The ID(s) of the step(s) that this build step depends on.
This build step will not start until all the build steps in `wait_for`
have completed successfully. If `wait_for` is empty, this build step
will start when all previous build steps in the `Build.Steps` list
have completed successfully.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::NestedObject
name: 'artifacts'
description: |
Artifacts produced by the build that should be uploaded upon successful completion of all build steps.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Array
name: 'images'
item_type: Api::Type::String
description: |
A list of images to be pushed upon the successful completion of all build steps.
The images will be pushed using the builder service account's credentials.
The digests of the pushed images will be stored in the Build resource's results field.
If any of the images fail to be pushed, the build is marked FAILURE.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::NestedObject
name: 'objects'
description: |
A list of objects to be uploaded to Cloud Storage upon successful completion of all build steps.
Files in the workspace matching specified paths globs will be uploaded to the
Cloud Storage location using the builder service account's credentials.
The location and generation of the uploaded objects will be stored in the Build resource's results field.
If any objects fail to be pushed, the build is marked FAILURE.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'location'
description: |
Cloud Storage bucket and optional object path, in the form "gs://bucket/path/to/somewhere/".
Files in the workspace matching any path pattern will be uploaded to Cloud Storage with
this location as a prefix.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Array
name: 'paths'
item_type: Api::Type::String
description: |
Path globs used to match files in the build's workspace.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::NestedObject
name: 'timing'
description: |
Output only. Stores timing information for pushing all artifact objects.
output: true
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'startTime'
description: |
Start of time span.
A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to
nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'endTime'
description: |
End of time span.
A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to
nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::NestedObject
name: 'options'
description: |
Special options for this build.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Array
name: 'sourceProvenanceHash'
description: |
Requested hash for SourceProvenance.
item_type: !ruby/object:Api::Type::Enum
name: 'hashType'
description: |
Specifies the hash algorithm, if any.
- :SHA256
- :MD5
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Enum
name: 'requestedVerifyOption'
description: |
Requested verifiability options.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Enum
name: 'machineType'
description: |
Compute Engine machine type on which to run the build.
- :N1_HIGHCPU_32
- :E2_HIGHCPU_32
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Integer
name: 'diskSizeGb'
description: |
Requested disk size for the VM that runs the build. Note that this is NOT "disk free";
some of the space will be used by the operating system and build utilities.
Also note that this is the minimum disk size that will be allocated for the build --
the build may run with a larger disk than requested. At present, the maximum disk size
is 1000GB; builds that request more than the maximum are rejected with an error.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Enum
name: 'substitutionOption'
description: |
Option to specify behavior when there is an error in the substitution checks.
NOTE this is always set to ALLOW_LOOSE for triggered builds and cannot be overridden
in the build configuration file.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Boolean
name: 'dynamicSubstitutions'
send_empty_value: true
description: |
Option to specify whether or not to apply bash style string operations to the substitutions.
NOTE this is always enabled for triggered builds and cannot be overridden in the build configuration file.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Enum
name: 'logStreamingOption'
description: |
Option to define build log streaming behavior to Google Cloud Storage.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'workerPool'
description: |
Option to specify a WorkerPool for the build. Format projects/{project}/workerPools/{workerPool}
This field is experimental.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Enum
name: 'logging'
description: |
Option to specify the logging mode, which determines if and where build logs are stored.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Array
name: 'env'
item_type: Api::Type::String
description: |
A list of global environment variable definitions that will exist for all build steps
in this build. If a variable is defined in both globally and in a build step,
the variable will use the build step value.
The elements are of the form "KEY=VALUE" for the environment variable "KEY" being given the value "VALUE".
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Array
name: 'secretEnv'
item_type: Api::Type::String
description: |
A list of global environment variables, which are encrypted using a Cloud Key Management
Service crypto key. These values must be specified in the build's Secret. These variables
will be available to all build steps in this build.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Array
name: 'volumes'
description: |
Global list of volumes to mount for ALL build steps
Each volume is created as an empty volume prior to starting the build process.
Upon completion of the build, volumes and their contents are discarded. Global
volume names and paths cannot conflict with the volumes defined a build step.
Using a global volume in a build with only one step is not valid as it is indicative
of a build request with an incorrect configuration.
item_type: !ruby/object:Api::Type::NestedObject
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'name'
description: |
Name of the volume to mount.
Volume names must be unique per build step and must be valid names for Docker volumes.
Each named volume must be used by at least two build steps.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'path'
description: |
Path at which to mount the volume.
Paths must be absolute and cannot conflict with other volume paths on the same
build step or with certain reserved volume paths.
- !ruby/object:Api::Resource
name: 'Builds'
base_url: projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/builds
self_link: projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/builds
update_verb: :PATCH
references: !ruby/object:Api::Resource::ReferenceLinks
'Automating builds submission ': ''
api: ''
description: |
Configuration for submitting build
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: location
description: |
Location of the CertificateAuthority. A full list of valid locations can be found by
running `gcloud beta privateca locations list`.
required: true
input: true
url_param_only: true
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::NestedObject
name: 'source'
description: |
The location of the source files to build.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::NestedObject
name: 'storageSource'
description: |
Location of the source in an archive file in Google Cloud Storage.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'bucket'
required: true
description: |
Google Cloud Storage bucket containing the source.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'object'
required: true
description: |
Google Cloud Storage object containing the source.
This object must be a gzipped archive file (.tar.gz) containing source to build.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'generation'
description: |
Google Cloud Storage generation for the object.
If the generation is omitted, the latest generation will be used
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::NestedObject
name: 'repoSource'
description: |
Location of the source in a Google Cloud Source Repository.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'projectId'
description: |
ID of the project that owns the Cloud Source Repository.
If omitted, the project ID requesting the build is assumed.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'repoName'
required: true
description: |
Name of the Cloud Source Repository.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'dir'
description: |
Directory, relative to the source root, in which to run the build.
This must be a relative path. If a step's dir is specified and is an absolute path,
this value is ignored for that step's execution.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Boolean
name: 'invertRegex'
description: |
Only trigger a build if the revision regex does NOT match the revision regex.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::KeyValuePairs
name: 'substitutions'
description: |
Substitutions to use in a triggered build. Should only be used with
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'branchName'
description: |
Regex matching branches to build. Exactly one a of branch name, tag, or commit SHA must be provided.
The syntax of the regular expressions accepted is the syntax accepted by RE2 and
described at
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'tagName'
description: |
Regex matching tags to build. Exactly one a of branch name, tag, or commit SHA must be provided.
The syntax of the regular expressions accepted is the syntax accepted by RE2 and
described at
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'commitSha'
description: |
Explicit commit SHA to build. Exactly one a of branch name, tag, or commit SHA must be provided.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Array
name: 'tags'
item_type: Api::Type::String
description: |
Tags for annotation of a Build. These are not docker tags.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Array
name: 'images'
item_type: Api::Type::String
description: |
A list of images to be pushed upon the successful completion of all build steps.
The images are pushed using the builder service account's credentials.
The digests of the pushed images will be stored in the Build resource's results field.
If any of the images fail to be pushed, the build status is marked FAILURE.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::KeyValuePairs
name: 'substitutions'
description: |
Substitutions data for Build resource.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'queueTtl'
description: |
TTL in queue for this build. If provided and the build is enqueued longer than this value,
the build will expire and the build status will be EXPIRED.
The TTL starts ticking from createTime.
A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, terminated by 's'. Example: "3.5s".
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'logsBucket'
description: |
Google Cloud Storage bucket where logs should be written.
Logs file names will be of the format ${logsBucket}/log-${build_id}.txt.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'timeout'
description: |
Amount of time that this build should be allowed to run, to second granularity.
If this amount of time elapses, work on the build will cease and the build status will be TIMEOUT.
This timeout must be equal to or greater than the sum of the timeouts for build steps within the build.
The expected format is the number of seconds followed by s.
Default time is ten minutes (600s).
default_value: '600s'
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Array
name: 'secrets'
description: |
Secrets to decrypt using Cloud Key Management Service.
item_type: !ruby/object:Api::Type::NestedObject
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'kmsKeyName'
required: true
description: |
Cloud KMS key name to use to decrypt these envs.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::KeyValuePairs
name: 'secretEnv'
description: |
Map of environment variable name to its encrypted value.
Secret environment variables must be unique across all of a build's secrets,
and must be used by at least one build step. Values can be at most 64 KB in size.
There can be at most 100 secret values across all of a build's secrets.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Array
name: 'steps'
required: true
input: true
description: |
The operations to be performed on the workspace.
item_type: !ruby/object:Api::Type::NestedObject
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'name'
required: true
description: |
The name of the container image that will run this particular build step.
If the image is available in the host's Docker daemon's cache, it will be
run directly. If not, the host will attempt to pull the image first, using
the builder service account's credentials if necessary.
The Docker daemon's cache will already have the latest versions of all of
the officially supported build steps (see
for images and examples).
The Docker daemon will also have cached many of the layers for some popular
images, like "ubuntu", "debian", but they will be refreshed at the time
you attempt to use them.
If you built an image in a previous build step, it will be stored in the
host's Docker daemon's cache and is available to use as the name for a
later build step.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Array
name: 'args'
item_type: Api::Type::String
description: |
A list of arguments that will be presented to the step when it is started.
If the image used to run the step's container has an entrypoint, the args
are used as arguments to that entrypoint. If the image does not define an
entrypoint, the first element in args is used as the entrypoint, and the
remainder will be used as arguments.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Array
name: 'env'
item_type: Api::Type::String
description: |
A list of environment variable definitions to be used when
running a step.
The elements are of the form "KEY=VALUE" for the environment variable
"KEY" being given the value "VALUE".
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'id'
description: |
Unique identifier for this build step, used in `wait_for` to
reference this build step as a dependency.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'entrypoint'
description: |
Entrypoint to be used instead of the build step image's
default entrypoint.
If unset, the image's default entrypoint is used
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'dir'
description: |
Working directory to use when running this step's container.
If this value is a relative path, it is relative to the build's working
directory. If this value is absolute, it may be outside the build's working
directory, in which case the contents of the path may not be persisted
across build step executions, unless a `volume` for that path is specified.
If the build specifies a `RepoSource` with `dir` and a step with a
which specifies an absolute path, the `RepoSource` `dir` is ignored
for the step's execution.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Array
item_type: Api::Type::String
name: 'secretEnv'
description: |
A list of environment variables which are encrypted using
a Cloud Key
Management Service crypto key. These values must be specified in
the build's `Secret`.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'timeout'
description: |
Time limit for executing this build step. If not defined,
the step has no
time limit and will be allowed to continue to run until either it
completes or the build itself times out.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'timing'
input: false
description: |
Output only. Stores timing information for executing this
build step.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Array
name: 'volumes'
description: |
List of volumes to mount into the build step.
Each volume is created as an empty volume prior to execution of the
build step. Upon completion of the build, volumes and their contents
are discarded.
Using a named volume in only one step is not valid as it is
indicative of a build request with an incorrect configuration.
item_type: !ruby/object:Api::Type::NestedObject
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'name'
required: true
description: |
Name of the volume to mount.
Volume names must be unique per build step and must be valid names for
Docker volumes. Each named volume must be used by at least two build steps.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'path'
required: true
description: |
Path at which to mount the volume.
Paths must be absolute and cannot conflict with other volume paths on
the same build step or with certain reserved volume paths.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Array
name: 'waitFor'
item_type: Api::Type::String
description: |
The ID(s) of the step(s) that this build step depends on.
This build step will not start until all the build steps in `wait_for`
have completed successfully. If `wait_for` is empty, this build step
will start when all previous build steps in the `Build.Steps` list
have completed successfully.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::NestedObject
name: 'artifacts'
description: |
Artifacts produced by the build that should be uploaded upon successful completion of all build steps.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Array
name: 'images'
item_type: Api::Type::String
description: |
A list of images to be pushed upon the successful completion of all build steps.
The images will be pushed using the builder service account's credentials.
The digests of the pushed images will be stored in the Build resource's results field.
If any of the images fail to be pushed, the build is marked FAILURE.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::NestedObject
name: 'objects'
description: |
A list of objects to be uploaded to Cloud Storage upon successful completion of all build steps.
Files in the workspace matching specified paths globs will be uploaded to the
Cloud Storage location using the builder service account's credentials.
The location and generation of the uploaded objects will be stored in the Build resource's results field.
If any objects fail to be pushed, the build is marked FAILURE.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'location'
description: |
Cloud Storage bucket and optional object path, in the form "gs://bucket/path/to/somewhere/".
Files in the workspace matching any path pattern will be uploaded to Cloud Storage with
this location as a prefix.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Array
name: 'paths'
item_type: Api::Type::String
description: |
Path globs used to match files in the build's workspace.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::NestedObject
name: 'timing'
description: |
Output only. Stores timing information for pushing all artifact objects.
output: true
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'startTime'
description: |
Start of time span.
A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to
nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'endTime'
description: |
End of time span.
A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to
nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::NestedObject
name: 'options'
description: |
Special options for this build.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Array
name: 'sourceProvenanceHash'
description: |
Requested hash for SourceProvenance.
item_type: !ruby/object:Api::Type::Enum
name: 'hashType'
description: |
Specifies the hash algorithm, if any.
- :SHA256
- :MD5
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Enum
name: 'requestedVerifyOption'
description: |
Requested verifiability options.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Enum
name: 'machineType'
description: |
Compute Engine machine type on which to run the build.
- :N1_HIGHCPU_32
- :E2_HIGHCPU_32
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Integer
name: 'diskSizeGb'
description: |
Requested disk size for the VM that runs the build. Note that this is NOT "disk free";
some of the space will be used by the operating system and build utilities.
Also note that this is the minimum disk size that will be allocated for the build --
the build may run with a larger disk than requested. At present, the maximum disk size
is 1000GB; builds that request more than the maximum are rejected with an error.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Enum
name: 'substitutionOption'
description: |
Option to specify behavior when there is an error in the substitution checks.
NOTE this is always set to ALLOW_LOOSE for triggered builds and cannot be overridden
in the build configuration file.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Boolean
name: 'dynamicSubstitutions'
send_empty_value: true
description: |
Option to specify whether or not to apply bash style string operations to the substitutions.
NOTE this is always enabled for triggered builds and cannot be overridden in the build configuration file.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Enum
name: 'logStreamingOption'
description: |
Option to define build log streaming behavior to Google Cloud Storage.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'workerPool'
description: |
Option to specify a WorkerPool for the build. Format projects/{project}/workerPools/{workerPool}
This field is experimental.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Enum
name: 'logging'
description: |
Option to specify the logging mode, which determines if and where build logs are stored.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Array
name: 'env'
item_type: Api::Type::String
description: |
A list of global environment variable definitions that will exist for all build steps
in this build. If a variable is defined in both globally and in a build step,
the variable will use the build step value.
The elements are of the form "KEY=VALUE" for the environment variable "KEY" being given the value "VALUE".
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Array
name: 'secretEnv'
item_type: Api::Type::String
description: |
A list of global environment variables, which are encrypted using a Cloud Key Management
Service crypto key. These values must be specified in the build's Secret. These variables
will be available to all build steps in this build.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::Array
name: 'volumes'
description: |
Global list of volumes to mount for ALL build steps
Each volume is created as an empty volume prior to starting the build process.
Upon completion of the build, volumes and their contents are discarded. Global
volume names and paths cannot conflict with the volumes defined a build step.
Using a global volume in a build with only one step is not valid as it is indicative
of a build request with an incorrect configuration.
item_type: !ruby/object:Api::Type::NestedObject
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'name'
description: |
Name of the volume to mount.
Volume names must be unique per build step and must be valid names for Docker volumes.
Each named volume must be used by at least two build steps.
- !ruby/object:Api::Type::String
name: 'path'
description: |
Path at which to mount the volume.
Paths must be absolute and cannot conflict with other volume paths on the same
build step or with certain reserved volume paths.
Copy link

salrashid123 commented Jun 30, 2021

terraform {
  required_providers {
    google-beta-local = {
      source  = ""
      version = "~> 5.0.0"

data "google_project" "project" {
  project_id = var.project_id

resource "random_id" "id" {
  byte_length = 6
  prefix      = "tc-"

resource "google_storage_bucket" "build-bucket" {
  name          = format("%s_%s_cloudbuild",,data.google_project.project.project_id)
  # name          = format("%s_cloudbuild",data.google_project.project.project_id)
  location      = "US"
  project = var.project_id
  force_destroy = false
  uniform_bucket_level_access = true

resource "google_storage_bucket_iam_member" "member" {
  bucket =
  role = "roles/storage.objectViewer"
  member = format("", data.google_project.project.number)

data "archive_file" "zip" {
  type        = "zip"
  source_dir = "${path.module}/src"
  output_path = "${path.module}/"

resource "google_storage_bucket_object" "archive" {
  name   = format("source/",
  source = "${path.module}/"
  bucket =

resource "google_cloudbuild_builds" "builder" {
  provider = google-beta-local
  project = var.project_id
  location = "global"

  steps {    
        name = ""
        id = "get_source"
        args = ["cp", format("gs://%s/%s",,, "."]
  steps {    
        name = ""
        id = "buildstep"
        args = ["build", "-t", "$PROJECT_ID/testimage", "."]
        wait_for = ["get_source"]

  images = ["$PROJECT_ID/testimage"]
  source {
    storage_source {
      bucket =
      object =

output "output" {
  value = google_cloudbuild_builds.builder

Copy link

- name:
  id: buildasfile
  args: ['build', '-t', '$PROJECT_ID/testimage', '-f','src/Dockerfile', 'src/']
  waitFor: ['-']  
timeout: 1000s

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