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Last active July 3, 2023 12:56
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Using GCE APIs to retrieve EKPub

Using GCE APIs to retrieve EKPub

Snippet which uses GCE Compute API to retrieve the ekCert encryption and signing keys per

The idea is that a remote verifier would first use the GCE API to retrieve the ekPub key and use that as a trust anchor for remote attestation.

As the owner of the VM, create a custom iam role: or just use roles/compute.viewer

  • `shieldedViewer.yaml
title: ShieldedViewer
description: See ekPub for instance
stage: GA
- compute.instances.getShieldedInstanceIdentity
export PROJECT_ID=""
export INSTANCE_ID=""
export ZONE="us-central1-a"

gcloud iam roles create ShieldedViewer --project=$PROJECT_ID --file=shieldedViewer.yaml

gcloud compute instances add-iam-policy-binding $INSTANCE_ID \
  --zone=$ZONE --member="" \
go run main.go --instanceID=$INSTANCE_ID --projectID=$PROJECT_ID --zone=$ZONE

package main

import (


var (
	projectID  = flag.String("projectID", "", "ProjectID")
	instanceID = flag.String("instanceID", "", "InstanceName or ID")
	zone       = flag.String("zone", "", "Zone where the instance resides")

func main() {

	if *projectID == "" || *instanceID == "" || *zone == "" {
		log.Fatalf("ERROR:  must specify projectID, instanceID and zone")

	ctx := context.Background()

	computeService, err := compute.NewService(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("ERROR:  Could not create Compute Engine API %v", err)

	si, err := computeService.Instances.GetShieldedInstanceIdentity(*projectID, *zone, *instanceID).Do()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("ERROR:  Could not find instanceID Using GCE API %s", *instanceID)
	log.Printf("EKPub %s\n", si.EncryptionKey.EkPub)
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