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Created June 4, 2022 12:13
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  • Save salrashid123/f266c1b5cee60bc9be9e602c97595151 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save salrashid123/f266c1b5cee60bc9be9e602c97595151 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
$ go run src/grpc_client.go --host xds:///be-srv
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [core] [Channel #1] Channel created
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [core] [Channel #1] original dial target is: "xds:///be-srv"
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [core] [Channel #1] parsed dial target is: {Scheme:xds Authority: Endpoint:be-srv URL:{Scheme:xds Opaque: User: Host: Path:/be-srv RawPath: ForceQuery:false RawQuery: Fragment: RawFragment:}}
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [core] [Channel #1] Channel authority set to "be-srv"
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-resolver 0xc0003a0cc0] Creating resolver for target: {Scheme:xds Authority: Endpoint:be-srv URL:{Scheme:xds Opaque: User: Host: Path:/be-srv RawPath: ForceQuery:false RawQuery: Fragment: RawFragment:}}
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-bootstrap] Bootstrap content: {
"xds_servers": [
"server_uri": "",
"channel_creds": [
"type": "insecure"
"server_features": ["xds_v3"]
"node": {
"id": "b7f9c818-fb46-43ca-8662-d3bdbcf7ec18~",
"metadata": {
"R_GCP_PROJECT_NUMBER": "123456789012"
"locality": {
"zone": "us-central1-a"
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [core] [Server #2] Server created
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-bootstrap] Bootstrap config for creating xds-client: {
"XDSServer": {
"server_uri": "",
"channel_creds": [
"type": "insecure"
"server_features": [
"CertProviderConfigs": null,
"ServerListenerResourceNameTemplate": "",
"ClientDefaultListenerResourceNameTemplate": "%s",
"Authorities": null
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] Created ClientConn to xDS management server:
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] Created
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [core] [Channel #3] Channel created
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [core] [Channel #3] original dial target is: ""
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [core] [Channel #3] parsed dial target is: { Authority: Endpoint:18000 URL:{ Opaque:18000 User: Host: Path: RawPath: ForceQuery:false RawQuery: Fragment: RawFragment:}}
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [core] [Channel #3] fallback to scheme "passthrough"
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [core] [Channel #3] parsed dial target is: {Scheme:passthrough Authority: URL:{Scheme:passthrough Opaque: User: Host: Path:/ RawPath: ForceQuery:false RawQuery: Fragment: RawFragment:}}
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [core] [Channel #3] Channel authority set to ""
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [core] [Channel #3] Resolver state updated: {
"Addresses": [
"Addr": "",
"ServerName": "",
"Attributes": null,
"BalancerAttributes": null,
"Type": 0,
"Metadata": null
"ServiceConfig": null,
"Attributes": null
} (resolver returned new addresses)
2022/06/04 08:04:55 Admin port listen on :[::]:19000
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [core] [Server #2 ListenSocket #4] ListenSocket created
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [core] [Channel #3] Channel switches to new LB policy "pick_first"
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [core] [Channel #3 SubChannel #5] Subchannel created
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] new watch for type ListenerResource, resource name be-srv
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] first watch for type ListenerResource, resource name be-srv, will send a new xDS request
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-resolver 0xc0003a0cc0] Watch started on resource name be-srv with xds-client 0xc0003fecc0
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [core] [Channel #3 SubChannel #5] Subchannel Connectivity change to CONNECTING
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [core] [Channel #3 SubChannel #5] Subchannel picks a new address "" to connect
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [core] blockingPicker: the picked transport is not ready, loop back to repick
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [core] pickfirstBalancer: UpdateSubConnState: 0xc000272670, {CONNECTING <nil>}
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [core] [Channel #3] Channel Connectivity change to CONNECTING
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [core] [Channel #3 SubChannel #5] Subchannel Connectivity change to READY
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [core] pickfirstBalancer: UpdateSubConnState: 0xc000272670, {READY <nil>}
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [core] [Channel #3] Channel Connectivity change to READY
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: ADS stream created
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] ADS request sent: {
"node": {
"id": "b7f9c818-fb46-43ca-8662-d3bdbcf7ec18~",
"metadata": {
"R_GCP_PROJECT_NUMBER": "123456789012"
"locality": {
"zone": "us-central1-a"
"userAgentName": "gRPC Go",
"userAgentVersion": "1.47.0",
"clientFeatures": [
"resourceNames": [
"typeUrl": ""
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] ADS response received, type:
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] ADS response received: {
"versionInfo": "1",
"resources": [
"@type": "",
"name": "be-srv",
"apiListener": {
"apiListener": {
"@type": "",
"rds": {
"configSource": {
"ads": {
"resourceApiVersion": "V3"
"routeConfigName": "be-srv-route"
"httpFilters": [
"name": "envoy.filters.http.router",
"typedConfig": {
"@type": ""
"typeUrl": "",
"nonce": "1"
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: Resource with name: be-srv, type: *listenerv3.Listener, contains: {
"name": "be-srv",
"apiListener": {
"apiListener": {
"@type": "",
"rds": {
"configSource": {
"ads": {
"resourceApiVersion": "V3"
"routeConfigName": "be-srv-route"
"httpFilters": [
"name": "envoy.filters.http.router",
"typedConfig": {
"@type": ""
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] LDS resource with name be-srv, value {
"Update": {
"RouteConfigName": "be-srv-route",
"InlineRouteConfig": null,
"MaxStreamDuration": 0,
"HTTPFilters": [
"Name": "envoy.filters.http.router",
"Filter": {},
"Config": {
"FilterConfig": null
"InboundListenerCfg": null,
"Raw": {
"type_url": "",
"value": "CgZiZS1zcnaaAeUBCuIBCmV0eXBlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL2Vudm95LmV4dGVuc2lvbnMuZmlsdGVycy5uZXR3b3JrLmh0dHBfY29ubmVjdGlvbl9tYW5hZ2VyLnYzLkh0dHBDb25uZWN0aW9uTWFuYWdlchJ5KmEKGWVudm95LmZpbHRlcnMuaHR0cC5yb3V0ZXIiRApCdHlwZS5nb29nbGVhcGlzLmNvbS9lbnZveS5leHRlbnNpb25zLmZpbHRlcnMuaHR0cC5yb3V0ZXIudjMuUm91dGVyGhQKBDACGgASDGJlLXNydi1yb3V0ZQ=="
"Err": null
} added to cache
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: Sending ACK for response type: ListenerResource, version: 1, nonce: 1
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-resolver 0xc0003a0cc0] received LDS update: {
"RouteConfigName": "be-srv-route",
"InlineRouteConfig": null,
"MaxStreamDuration": 0,
"HTTPFilters": [
"Name": "envoy.filters.http.router",
"Filter": {},
"Config": {
"FilterConfig": null
"InboundListenerCfg": null,
"Raw": {
"type_url": "",
"value": "CgZiZS1zcnaaAeUBCuIBCmV0eXBlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL2Vudm95LmV4dGVuc2lvbnMuZmlsdGVycy5uZXR3b3JrLmh0dHBfY29ubmVjdGlvbl9tYW5hZ2VyLnYzLkh0dHBDb25uZWN0aW9uTWFuYWdlchJ5KmEKGWVudm95LmZpbHRlcnMuaHR0cC5yb3V0ZXIiRApCdHlwZS5nb29nbGVhcGlzLmNvbS9lbnZveS5leHRlbnNpb25zLmZpbHRlcnMuaHR0cC5yb3V0ZXIudjMuUm91dGVyGhQKBDACGgASDGJlLXNydi1yb3V0ZQ=="
}, err: <nil>
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] new watch for type RouteConfigResource, resource name be-srv-route
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] first watch for type RouteConfigResource, resource name be-srv-route, will send a new xDS request
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] ADS request sent: {
"versionInfo": "1",
"node": {
"id": "b7f9c818-fb46-43ca-8662-d3bdbcf7ec18~",
"metadata": {
"R_GCP_PROJECT_NUMBER": "123456789012"
"locality": {
"zone": "us-central1-a"
"userAgentName": "gRPC Go",
"userAgentVersion": "1.47.0",
"clientFeatures": [
"resourceNames": [
"typeUrl": "",
"responseNonce": "1"
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] ADS request sent: {
"node": {
"id": "b7f9c818-fb46-43ca-8662-d3bdbcf7ec18~",
"metadata": {
"R_GCP_PROJECT_NUMBER": "123456789012"
"locality": {
"zone": "us-central1-a"
"userAgentName": "gRPC Go",
"userAgentVersion": "1.47.0",
"clientFeatures": [
"resourceNames": [
"typeUrl": ""
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] ADS response received, type:
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] ADS response received: {
"versionInfo": "1",
"resources": [
"@type": "",
"name": "be-srv-route",
"virtualHosts": [
"name": "be-srv-vs",
"domains": [
"routes": [
"match": {
"prefix": ""
"route": {
"cluster": "be-srv-cluster"
"typeUrl": "",
"nonce": "2"
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: Resource with name: be-srv-route, type: *routev3.RouteConfiguration, contains: {
"name": "be-srv-route",
"virtualHosts": [
"name": "be-srv-vs",
"domains": [
"routes": [
"match": {
"prefix": ""
"route": {
"cluster": "be-srv-cluster"
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] RDS resource with name be-srv-route, value {
"Update": {
"VirtualHosts": [
"Domains": [
"Routes": [
"Path": null,
"Prefix": "",
"Regex": null,
"CaseInsensitive": false,
"Headers": null,
"Fraction": null,
"HashPolicies": null,
"MaxStreamDuration": null,
"HTTPFilterConfigOverride": null,
"RetryConfig": null,
"ActionType": 1,
"WeightedClusters": {
"be-srv-cluster": {
"Weight": 1,
"HTTPFilterConfigOverride": null
"ClusterSpecifierPlugin": ""
"HTTPFilterConfigOverride": null,
"RetryConfig": null
"ClusterSpecifierPlugins": {},
"Raw": {
"type_url": "",
"value": "CgxiZS1zcnYtcm91dGUSKwoJYmUtc3J2LXZzEgZiZS1zcnYaFgoCCgASEAoOYmUtc3J2LWNsdXN0ZXI="
"Err": null
} added to cache
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: Sending ACK for response type: RouteConfigResource, version: 1, nonce: 2
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] ADS request sent: {
"versionInfo": "1",
"node": {
"id": "b7f9c818-fb46-43ca-8662-d3bdbcf7ec18~",
"metadata": {
"R_GCP_PROJECT_NUMBER": "123456789012"
"locality": {
"zone": "us-central1-a"
"userAgentName": "gRPC Go",
"userAgentVersion": "1.47.0",
"clientFeatures": [
"resourceNames": [
"typeUrl": "",
"responseNonce": "2"
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-resolver 0xc0003a0cc0] received RDS update: {
"VirtualHosts": [
"Domains": [
"Routes": [
"Path": null,
"Prefix": "",
"Regex": null,
"CaseInsensitive": false,
"Headers": null,
"Fraction": null,
"HashPolicies": null,
"MaxStreamDuration": null,
"HTTPFilterConfigOverride": null,
"RetryConfig": null,
"ActionType": 1,
"WeightedClusters": {
"be-srv-cluster": {
"Weight": 1,
"HTTPFilterConfigOverride": null
"ClusterSpecifierPlugin": ""
"HTTPFilterConfigOverride": null,
"RetryConfig": null
"ClusterSpecifierPlugins": {},
"Raw": {
"type_url": "",
"value": "CgxiZS1zcnYtcm91dGUSKwoJYmUtc3J2LXZzEgZiZS1zcnYaFgoCCgASEAoOYmUtc3J2LWNsdXN0ZXI="
}, err: <nil>
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-resolver 0xc0003a0cc0] Received update on resource be-srv from xds-client 0xc0003fecc0, generated service config: {
"loadBalancingConfig": [
"xds_cluster_manager_experimental": {
"children": {
"cluster:be-srv-cluster": {
"childPolicy": [
"cds_experimental": {
"cluster": "be-srv-cluster"
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [core] [Channel #1] Resolver state updated: {
"Addresses": null,
"ServiceConfig": {
"Config": {
"Config": null,
"LB": null,
"Methods": {}
"Err": null
"Attributes": {}
} (service config updated)
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [core] [Channel #1] Channel switches to new LB policy "xds_cluster_manager_experimental"
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-cluster-manager-lb 0xc000064a40] Created
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-cluster-manager-lb 0xc000064a40] update with config {
"LoadBalancingConfig": null,
"Children": {
"cluster:be-srv-cluster": {
"ChildPolicy": [
"cds_experimental": {
"LoadBalancingConfig": null,
"Cluster": "be-srv-cluster"
}, resolver state {Addresses:[] ServiceConfig:0xc000064940 Attributes:0xc000112140}
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-cluster-manager-lb 0xc000064a40] Creating child policy of type cds_experimental
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [cds-lb 0xc000502680] Created
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [cds-lb 0xc000502680] xDS credentials in use: false
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [cds-lb 0xc000502680] Received update from resolver, balancer config: {
"LoadBalancingConfig": null,
"Cluster": "be-srv-cluster"
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [cds-lb 0xc000502680] CDS watch started on be-srv-cluster
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] new watch for type ClusterResource, resource name be-srv-cluster
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] first watch for type ClusterResource, resource name be-srv-cluster, will send a new xDS request
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] ADS request sent: {
"node": {
"id": "b7f9c818-fb46-43ca-8662-d3bdbcf7ec18~",
"metadata": {
"R_GCP_PROJECT_NUMBER": "123456789012"
"locality": {
"zone": "us-central1-a"
"userAgentName": "gRPC Go",
"userAgentVersion": "1.47.0",
"clientFeatures": [
"resourceNames": [
"typeUrl": ""
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] ADS response received, type:
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] ADS response received: {
"versionInfo": "1",
"resources": [
"@type": "",
"name": "be-srv-cluster",
"type": "EDS",
"edsClusterConfig": {
"edsConfig": {
"ads": {
"typeUrl": "",
"nonce": "3"
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: Resource with name: be-srv-cluster, type: *clusterv3.Cluster, contains: {
"name": "be-srv-cluster",
"type": "EDS",
"edsClusterConfig": {
"edsConfig": {
"ads": {
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] CDS resource with name be-srv-cluster, value {
"Update": {
"ClusterType": 0,
"ClusterName": "be-srv-cluster",
"EDSServiceName": "",
"LRSServerConfig": 0,
"SecurityCfg": null,
"MaxRequests": null,
"DNSHostName": "",
"PrioritizedClusterNames": null,
"LBPolicy": null,
"OutlierDetection": null,
"Raw": {
"type_url": "",
"value": "Cg5iZS1zcnYtY2x1c3RlchoECgIaABAD"
"Err": null
} added to cache
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: Sending ACK for response type: ClusterResource, version: 1, nonce: 3
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] ADS request sent: {
"versionInfo": "1",
"node": {
"id": "b7f9c818-fb46-43ca-8662-d3bdbcf7ec18~",
"metadata": {
"R_GCP_PROJECT_NUMBER": "123456789012"
"locality": {
"zone": "us-central1-a"
"userAgentName": "gRPC Go",
"userAgentVersion": "1.47.0",
"clientFeatures": [
"resourceNames": [
"typeUrl": "",
"responseNonce": "3"
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [cds-lb 0xc000502680] Watch update from xds-client 0xc0003fecc0, content: [
"ClusterType": 0,
"ClusterName": "be-srv-cluster",
"EDSServiceName": "",
"LRSServerConfig": 0,
"SecurityCfg": null,
"MaxRequests": null,
"DNSHostName": "",
"PrioritizedClusterNames": null,
"LBPolicy": null,
"OutlierDetection": null,
"Raw": {
"type_url": "",
"value": "Cg5iZS1zcnYtY2x1c3RlchoECgIaABAD"
], security config: null
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-cluster-resolver-lb 0xc00023ae00] Created
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [cds-lb 0xc000502680] Created child policy 0xc00023ae00 of type cluster_resolver_experimental
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-cluster-resolver-lb 0xc00023ae00] Receive update from resolver, balancer config: {
"discoveryMechanisms": [
"cluster": "be-srv-cluster"
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-cluster-resolver-lb 0xc00023ae00] EDS watch started on be-srv-cluster
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] new watch for type EndpointsResource, resource name be-srv-cluster
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] first watch for type EndpointsResource, resource name be-srv-cluster, will send a new xDS request
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] ADS request sent: {
"node": {
"id": "b7f9c818-fb46-43ca-8662-d3bdbcf7ec18~",
"metadata": {
"R_GCP_PROJECT_NUMBER": "123456789012"
"locality": {
"zone": "us-central1-a"
"userAgentName": "gRPC Go",
"userAgentVersion": "1.47.0",
"clientFeatures": [
"resourceNames": [
"typeUrl": ""
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] ADS response received, type:
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] ADS response received: {
"versionInfo": "1",
"resources": [
"@type": "",
"clusterName": "be-srv-cluster",
"endpoints": [
"locality": {
"region": "us-central1",
"zone": "us-central1-a"
"lbEndpoints": [
"endpoint": {
"address": {
"socketAddress": {
"address": "be.cluster.local",
"portValue": 50051
"healthStatus": "HEALTHY"
"loadBalancingWeight": 1000
"typeUrl": "",
"nonce": "4"
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: Resource with name: be-srv-cluster, type: *endpointv3.ClusterLoadAssignment, contains: {
"clusterName": "be-srv-cluster",
"endpoints": [
"locality": {
"region": "us-central1",
"zone": "us-central1-a"
"lbEndpoints": [
"endpoint": {
"address": {
"socketAddress": {
"address": "be.cluster.local",
"portValue": 50051
"healthStatus": "HEALTHY"
"loadBalancingWeight": 1000
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] EDS resource with name be-srv-cluster, value {
"Update": {
"Drops": null,
"Localities": [
"Endpoints": [
"Address": "be.cluster.local:50051",
"HealthStatus": 1,
"Weight": 0
"ID": {
"region": "us-central1",
"zone": "us-central1-a"
"Priority": 0,
"Weight": 1000
"Raw": {
"type_url": "",
"value": "Cg5iZS1zcnYtY2x1c3RlchJDChwKC3VzLWNlbnRyYWwxEg11cy1jZW50cmFsMS1hEh4QAQoaChgKFhIQYmUuY2x1c3Rlci5sb2NhbBiDhwMaAwjoBw=="
"Err": null
} added to cache
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: Sending ACK for response type: EndpointsResource, version: 1, nonce: 4
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] ADS request sent: {
"versionInfo": "1",
"node": {
"id": "b7f9c818-fb46-43ca-8662-d3bdbcf7ec18~",
"metadata": {
"R_GCP_PROJECT_NUMBER": "123456789012"
"locality": {
"zone": "us-central1-a"
"userAgentName": "gRPC Go",
"userAgentVersion": "1.47.0",
"clientFeatures": [
"resourceNames": [
"typeUrl": "",
"responseNonce": "4"
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-cluster-resolver-lb 0xc00023ae00] resource update: [
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [priority-lb 0xc0005ff100] Created
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] xds lb policy is "round_robin", building config with weighted_target + round_robin
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-cluster-resolver-lb 0xc00023ae00] build balancer config: {
"children": {
"priority-0-0": {
"config": [
"xds_cluster_impl_experimental": {
"cluster": "be-srv-cluster",
"childPolicy": [
"weighted_target_experimental": {
"targets": {
"{\"region\":\"us-central1\",\"zone\":\"us-central1-a\"}": {
"weight": 1000,
"childPolicy": [
"round_robin": {}
"ignoreReresolutionRequests": true
"priorities": [
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [priority-lb 0xc0005ff100] Received update from resolver, balancer config: {
"children": {
"priority-0-0": {
"config": [
"xds_cluster_impl_experimental": {
"cluster": "be-srv-cluster",
"childPolicy": [
"weighted_target_experimental": {
"targets": {
"{\"region\":\"us-central1\",\"zone\":\"us-central1-a\"}": {
"weight": 1000,
"childPolicy": [
"round_robin": {}
"ignoreReresolutionRequests": true
"priorities": [
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [priority-lb 0xc0005ff100] switching to ("priority-0-0", 0) in syncPriority
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [priority-lb 0xc0005ff100] Creating child policy of type xds_cluster_impl_experimental
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-cluster-impl-lb 0xc000511200] Created
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-cluster-impl-lb 0xc000511200] Received update from resolver, balancer config: {
"cluster": "be-srv-cluster",
"childPolicy": [
"weighted_target_experimental": {
"targets": {
"{\"region\":\"us-central1\",\"zone\":\"us-central1-a\"}": {
"weight": 1000,
"childPolicy": [
"round_robin": {}
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [weighted-target-lb 0xc0003ff480] Created
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [weighted-target-lb 0xc0003ff480] Received update from resolver, balancer config: {
"targets": {
"{\"region\":\"us-central1\",\"zone\":\"us-central1-a\"}": {
"weight": 1000,
"childPolicy": [
"round_robin": {}
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [weighted-target-lb 0xc0003ff480] Creating child policy of type round_robin
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [balancer] base.baseBalancer: got new ClientConn state: {{[{
"Addr": "be.cluster.local:50051",
"ServerName": "",
"Attributes": null,
"BalancerAttributes": {},
"Type": 0,
"Metadata": null
}] <nil> 0xc000112590} <nil>}
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [core] [Channel #1 SubChannel #7] Subchannel created
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [core] [Channel #1 SubChannel #7] Subchannel Connectivity change to CONNECTING
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [core] [Channel #1 SubChannel #7] Subchannel picks a new address "be.cluster.local:50051" to connect
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [balancer] base.baseBalancer: handle SubConn state change: 0xc0003ff5a0, CONNECTING
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [weighted-target-lb 0xc0003ff480] Balancer state update from locality {"region":"us-central1","zone":"us-central1-a"}, new state: {ConnectivityState:CONNECTING Picker:0xc000517ea0}
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [weighted-target-lb 0xc0003ff480] Child pickers with config: map[{"region":"us-central1","zone":"us-central1-a"}:weight:1000,picker:0xc000517ea0,state:CONNECTING,stateToAggregate:CONNECTING]
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [priority-lb 0xc0005ff100] Balancer state update from locality priority-0-0, new state: {ConnectivityState:CONNECTING Picker:0xc00056e000}
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [priority-lb 0xc0005ff100] switching to ("priority-0-0", 0) in syncPriority
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [core] [Channel #1 SubChannel #7] Subchannel Connectivity change to READY
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [balancer] base.baseBalancer: handle SubConn state change: 0xc0003ff5a0, READY
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [roundrobin] roundrobinPicker: Build called with info: {map[0xc0003ff5a0:{{
"Addr": "be.cluster.local:50051",
"ServerName": "",
"Attributes": null,
"BalancerAttributes": {},
"Type": 0,
"Metadata": null
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [weighted-target-lb 0xc0003ff480] Balancer state update from locality {"region":"us-central1","zone":"us-central1-a"}, new state: {ConnectivityState:READY Picker:0xc000315c80}
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [weighted-target-lb 0xc0003ff480] Child pickers with config: map[{"region":"us-central1","zone":"us-central1-a"}:weight:1000,picker:0xc000315c80,state:READY,stateToAggregate:READY]
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [priority-lb 0xc0005ff100] Balancer state update from locality priority-0-0, new state: {ConnectivityState:READY Picker:0xc000168fa0}
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [priority-lb 0xc0005ff100] switching to ("priority-0-0", 0) in syncPriority
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-cluster-manager-lb 0xc000064a40] Balancer state update from locality cluster:be-srv-cluster, new state: {ConnectivityState:READY Picker:0xc000168fa0}
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [xds] [xds-cluster-manager-lb 0xc000064a40] Child pickers: map[cluster:be-srv-cluster:picker:0xc000168fa0,state:READY,stateToAggregate:READY]
2022/06/04 08:04:55 INFO: [core] [Channel #1] Channel Connectivity change to READY
2022/06/04 08:04:55 RPC Response: 0 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from server1"
2022/06/04 08:04:57 RPC Response: 1 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from server1"
2022/06/04 08:04:59 RPC Response: 2 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from server1"
2022/06/04 08:05:01 RPC Response: 3 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from server1"
2022/06/04 08:05:03 RPC Response: 4 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from server1"
************************************ ROTATION ************************************
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] ADS response received, type:
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] ADS response received: {
"versionInfo": "2",
"resources": [
"@type": "",
"name": "be-srv",
"apiListener": {
"apiListener": {
"@type": "",
"rds": {
"configSource": {
"ads": {
"resourceApiVersion": "V3"
"routeConfigName": "be-srv-route"
"httpFilters": [
"name": "envoy.filters.http.router",
"typedConfig": {
"@type": ""
"typeUrl": "",
"nonce": "5"
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: Resource with name: be-srv, type: *listenerv3.Listener, contains: {
"name": "be-srv",
"apiListener": {
"apiListener": {
"@type": "",
"rds": {
"configSource": {
"ads": {
"resourceApiVersion": "V3"
"routeConfigName": "be-srv-route"
"httpFilters": [
"name": "envoy.filters.http.router",
"typedConfig": {
"@type": ""
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] LDS resource with name be-srv, value {
"Update": {
"RouteConfigName": "be-srv-route",
"InlineRouteConfig": null,
"MaxStreamDuration": 0,
"HTTPFilters": [
"Name": "envoy.filters.http.router",
"Filter": {},
"Config": {
"FilterConfig": null
"InboundListenerCfg": null,
"Raw": {
"type_url": "",
"value": "CgZiZS1zcnaaAeUBCuIBCmV0eXBlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL2Vudm95LmV4dGVuc2lvbnMuZmlsdGVycy5uZXR3b3JrLmh0dHBfY29ubmVjdGlvbl9tYW5hZ2VyLnYzLkh0dHBDb25uZWN0aW9uTWFuYWdlchJ5KmEKGWVudm95LmZpbHRlcnMuaHR0cC5yb3V0ZXIiRApCdHlwZS5nb29nbGVhcGlzLmNvbS9lbnZveS5leHRlbnNpb25zLmZpbHRlcnMuaHR0cC5yb3V0ZXIudjMuUm91dGVyGhQKBDACGgASDGJlLXNydi1yb3V0ZQ=="
"Err": null
} added to cache
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: Sending ACK for response type: ListenerResource, version: 2, nonce: 5
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] ADS response received, type:
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] ADS response received: {
"versionInfo": "2",
"resources": [
"@type": "",
"name": "be-srv-cluster",
"type": "EDS",
"edsClusterConfig": {
"edsConfig": {
"ads": {
"typeUrl": "",
"nonce": "6"
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: Resource with name: be-srv-cluster, type: *clusterv3.Cluster, contains: {
"name": "be-srv-cluster",
"type": "EDS",
"edsClusterConfig": {
"edsConfig": {
"ads": {
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] CDS resource with name be-srv-cluster, value {
"Update": {
"ClusterType": 0,
"ClusterName": "be-srv-cluster",
"EDSServiceName": "",
"LRSServerConfig": 0,
"SecurityCfg": null,
"MaxRequests": null,
"DNSHostName": "",
"PrioritizedClusterNames": null,
"LBPolicy": null,
"OutlierDetection": null,
"Raw": {
"type_url": "",
"value": "Cg5iZS1zcnYtY2x1c3RlchoECgIaABAD"
"Err": null
} added to cache
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: Sending ACK for response type: ClusterResource, version: 2, nonce: 6
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] ADS response received, type:
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] ADS request sent: {
"versionInfo": "2",
"node": {
"id": "b7f9c818-fb46-43ca-8662-d3bdbcf7ec18~",
"metadata": {
"R_GCP_PROJECT_NUMBER": "123456789012"
"locality": {
"zone": "us-central1-a"
"userAgentName": "gRPC Go",
"userAgentVersion": "1.47.0",
"clientFeatures": [
"resourceNames": [
"typeUrl": "",
"responseNonce": "5"
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] ADS request sent: {
"versionInfo": "2",
"node": {
"id": "b7f9c818-fb46-43ca-8662-d3bdbcf7ec18~",
"metadata": {
"R_GCP_PROJECT_NUMBER": "123456789012"
"locality": {
"zone": "us-central1-a"
"userAgentName": "gRPC Go",
"userAgentVersion": "1.47.0",
"clientFeatures": [
"resourceNames": [
"typeUrl": "",
"responseNonce": "6"
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] ADS response received: {
"versionInfo": "2",
"resources": [
"@type": "",
"name": "be-srv-route",
"virtualHosts": [
"name": "be-srv-vs",
"domains": [
"routes": [
"match": {
"prefix": ""
"route": {
"cluster": "be-srv-cluster"
"typeUrl": "",
"nonce": "7"
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: Resource with name: be-srv-route, type: *routev3.RouteConfiguration, contains: {
"name": "be-srv-route",
"virtualHosts": [
"name": "be-srv-vs",
"domains": [
"routes": [
"match": {
"prefix": ""
"route": {
"cluster": "be-srv-cluster"
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] RDS resource with name be-srv-route, value {
"Update": {
"VirtualHosts": [
"Domains": [
"Routes": [
"Path": null,
"Prefix": "",
"Regex": null,
"CaseInsensitive": false,
"Headers": null,
"Fraction": null,
"HashPolicies": null,
"MaxStreamDuration": null,
"HTTPFilterConfigOverride": null,
"RetryConfig": null,
"ActionType": 1,
"WeightedClusters": {
"be-srv-cluster": {
"Weight": 1,
"HTTPFilterConfigOverride": null
"ClusterSpecifierPlugin": ""
"HTTPFilterConfigOverride": null,
"RetryConfig": null
"ClusterSpecifierPlugins": {},
"Raw": {
"type_url": "",
"value": "CgxiZS1zcnYtcm91dGUSKwoJYmUtc3J2LXZzEgZiZS1zcnYaFgoCCgASEAoOYmUtc3J2LWNsdXN0ZXI="
"Err": null
} added to cache
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: Sending ACK for response type: RouteConfigResource, version: 2, nonce: 7
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] ADS response received, type:
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] ADS request sent: {
"versionInfo": "2",
"node": {
"id": "b7f9c818-fb46-43ca-8662-d3bdbcf7ec18~",
"metadata": {
"R_GCP_PROJECT_NUMBER": "123456789012"
"locality": {
"zone": "us-central1-a"
"userAgentName": "gRPC Go",
"userAgentVersion": "1.47.0",
"clientFeatures": [
"resourceNames": [
"typeUrl": "",
"responseNonce": "7"
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] ADS response received: {
"versionInfo": "2",
"resources": [
"@type": "",
"clusterName": "be-srv-cluster",
"endpoints": [
"locality": {
"region": "us-central1",
"zone": "us-central1-a"
"lbEndpoints": [
"endpoint": {
"address": {
"socketAddress": {
"address": "be.cluster.local",
"portValue": 50051
"healthStatus": "HEALTHY"
"endpoint": {
"address": {
"socketAddress": {
"address": "be.cluster.local",
"portValue": 50052
"healthStatus": "HEALTHY"
"loadBalancingWeight": 1000
"typeUrl": "",
"nonce": "8"
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: Resource with name: be-srv-cluster, type: *endpointv3.ClusterLoadAssignment, contains: {
"clusterName": "be-srv-cluster",
"endpoints": [
"locality": {
"region": "us-central1",
"zone": "us-central1-a"
"lbEndpoints": [
"endpoint": {
"address": {
"socketAddress": {
"address": "be.cluster.local",
"portValue": 50051
"healthStatus": "HEALTHY"
"endpoint": {
"address": {
"socketAddress": {
"address": "be.cluster.local",
"portValue": 50052
"healthStatus": "HEALTHY"
"loadBalancingWeight": 1000
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] EDS resource with name be-srv-cluster, value {
"Update": {
"Drops": null,
"Localities": [
"Endpoints": [
"Address": "be.cluster.local:50051",
"HealthStatus": 1,
"Weight": 0
"Address": "be.cluster.local:50052",
"HealthStatus": 1,
"Weight": 0
"ID": {
"region": "us-central1",
"zone": "us-central1-a"
"Priority": 0,
"Weight": 1000
"Raw": {
"type_url": "",
"value": "Cg5iZS1zcnYtY2x1c3RlchJjChwKC3VzLWNlbnRyYWwxEg11cy1jZW50cmFsMS1hEh4QAQoaChgKFhIQYmUuY2x1c3Rlci5sb2NhbBiDhwMSHhABChoKGAoWEhBiZS5jbHVzdGVyLmxvY2FsGISHAxoDCOgH"
"Err": null
} added to cache
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: Sending ACK for response type: EndpointsResource, version: 2, nonce: 8
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [xds] [xds-cluster-resolver-lb 0xc00023ae00] resource update: [
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [xds] xds lb policy is "round_robin", building config with weighted_target + round_robin
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [xds] [xds-client 0xc0004fb540] ADS request sent: {
"versionInfo": "2",
"node": {
"id": "b7f9c818-fb46-43ca-8662-d3bdbcf7ec18~",
"metadata": {
"R_GCP_PROJECT_NUMBER": "123456789012"
"locality": {
"zone": "us-central1-a"
"userAgentName": "gRPC Go",
"userAgentVersion": "1.47.0",
"clientFeatures": [
"resourceNames": [
"typeUrl": "",
"responseNonce": "8"
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [xds] [xds-cluster-resolver-lb 0xc00023ae00] build balancer config: {
"children": {
"priority-0-0": {
"config": [
"xds_cluster_impl_experimental": {
"cluster": "be-srv-cluster",
"childPolicy": [
"weighted_target_experimental": {
"targets": {
"{\"region\":\"us-central1\",\"zone\":\"us-central1-a\"}": {
"weight": 1000,
"childPolicy": [
"round_robin": {}
"ignoreReresolutionRequests": true
"priorities": [
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [xds] [priority-lb 0xc0005ff100] Received update from resolver, balancer config: {
"children": {
"priority-0-0": {
"config": [
"xds_cluster_impl_experimental": {
"cluster": "be-srv-cluster",
"childPolicy": [
"weighted_target_experimental": {
"targets": {
"{\"region\":\"us-central1\",\"zone\":\"us-central1-a\"}": {
"weight": 1000,
"childPolicy": [
"round_robin": {}
"ignoreReresolutionRequests": true
"priorities": [
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [xds] [priority-lb 0xc0005ff100] switching to ("priority-0-0", 0) in syncPriority
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [xds] [xds-cluster-impl-lb 0xc000511200] Received update from resolver, balancer config: {
"cluster": "be-srv-cluster",
"childPolicy": [
"weighted_target_experimental": {
"targets": {
"{\"region\":\"us-central1\",\"zone\":\"us-central1-a\"}": {
"weight": 1000,
"childPolicy": [
"round_robin": {}
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [xds] [weighted-target-lb 0xc0003ff480] Received update from resolver, balancer config: {
"targets": {
"{\"region\":\"us-central1\",\"zone\":\"us-central1-a\"}": {
"weight": 1000,
"childPolicy": [
"round_robin": {}
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [balancer] base.baseBalancer: got new ClientConn state: {{[{
"Addr": "be.cluster.local:50051",
"ServerName": "",
"Attributes": null,
"BalancerAttributes": {},
"Type": 0,
"Metadata": null
} {
"Addr": "be.cluster.local:50052",
"ServerName": "",
"Attributes": null,
"BalancerAttributes": {},
"Type": 0,
"Metadata": null
}] <nil> 0xc000112590} <nil>}
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [core] [Channel #1 SubChannel #9] Subchannel created
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [core] [Channel #1 SubChannel #9] Subchannel Connectivity change to CONNECTING
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [core] [Channel #1 SubChannel #9] Subchannel picks a new address "be.cluster.local:50052" to connect
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [balancer] base.baseBalancer: handle SubConn state change: 0xc0003ffe60, CONNECTING
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [xds] [weighted-target-lb 0xc0003ff480] Balancer state update from locality {"region":"us-central1","zone":"us-central1-a"}, new state: {ConnectivityState:READY Picker:0xc000315c80}
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [xds] [weighted-target-lb 0xc0003ff480] Child pickers with config: map[{"region":"us-central1","zone":"us-central1-a"}:weight:1000,picker:0xc000315c80,state:READY,stateToAggregate:READY]
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [xds] [priority-lb 0xc0005ff100] Balancer state update from locality priority-0-0, new state: {ConnectivityState:READY Picker:0xc0004cc9b0}
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [xds] [priority-lb 0xc0005ff100] switching to ("priority-0-0", 0) in syncPriority
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [xds] [xds-cluster-manager-lb 0xc000064a40] Balancer state update from locality cluster:be-srv-cluster, new state: {ConnectivityState:READY Picker:0xc0004cc9b0}
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [xds] [xds-cluster-manager-lb 0xc000064a40] Child pickers: map[cluster:be-srv-cluster:picker:0xc0004cc9b0,state:READY,stateToAggregate:READY]
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [core] [Channel #1 SubChannel #9] Subchannel Connectivity change to READY
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [balancer] base.baseBalancer: handle SubConn state change: 0xc0003ffe60, READY
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [roundrobin] roundrobinPicker: Build called with info: {map[0xc0003ff5a0:{{
"Addr": "be.cluster.local:50051",
"ServerName": "",
"Attributes": null,
"BalancerAttributes": {},
"Type": 0,
"Metadata": null
}} 0xc0003ffe60:{{
"Addr": "be.cluster.local:50052",
"ServerName": "",
"Attributes": null,
"BalancerAttributes": {},
"Type": 0,
"Metadata": null
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [xds] [weighted-target-lb 0xc0003ff480] Balancer state update from locality {"region":"us-central1","zone":"us-central1-a"}, new state: {ConnectivityState:READY Picker:0xc0004bf9b0}
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [xds] [weighted-target-lb 0xc0003ff480] Child pickers with config: map[{"region":"us-central1","zone":"us-central1-a"}:weight:1000,picker:0xc0004bf9b0,state:READY,stateToAggregate:READY]
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [xds] [priority-lb 0xc0005ff100] Balancer state update from locality priority-0-0, new state: {ConnectivityState:READY Picker:0xc000169f90}
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [xds] [priority-lb 0xc0005ff100] switching to ("priority-0-0", 0) in syncPriority
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [xds] [xds-cluster-manager-lb 0xc000064a40] Balancer state update from locality cluster:be-srv-cluster, new state: {ConnectivityState:READY Picker:0xc000169f90}
2022/06/04 08:05:05 INFO: [xds] [xds-cluster-manager-lb 0xc000064a40] Child pickers: map[cluster:be-srv-cluster:picker:0xc000169f90,state:READY,stateToAggregate:READY]
2022/06/04 08:05:05 RPC Response: 5 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from server2"
2022/06/04 08:05:07 RPC Response: 6 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from server1"
2022/06/04 08:05:09 RPC Response: 7 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from server2"
2022/06/04 08:05:11 RPC Response: 8 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from server1"
2022/06/04 08:05:13 RPC Response: 9 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from server2"
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