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Last active December 18, 2020 10:46
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Implementation of shunting-yard algorithm: equal precedence of + and * because of AOC 2020 day 18 part 1
from collections import deque
class Calculator:
ops = {
"+":lambda x, y:x + y,
"*":lambda x, y:x * y,
precedence = (
("+", "*"),
def _prec(self, op, _cache={}):
if op in _cache:
return _cache[op]
for i, level in enumerate(self.precedence, start=1):
if op in level:
_cache[op] = i
return i
_cache[op] = 0
return 0
def evaluate(self, my_string):
ops = self.ops
# Add spaces around parens
my_string = "".join(f' {i} ' if i in "()" else i for i in my_string)
# tokenize
tokens = deque(i if (i in ops or i in "()") else int(i) for i in my_string.split())
stack = self._shunt(tokens)
return self._eval(stack)
def _shunt(self, tokens):
prec, ops, stack, op_stack = self._prec, self.ops, [], []
while tokens:
token = tokens.popleft()
if token in ops:
while op_stack and prec(op_stack[-1]) >= prec(token):
elif token == "(":
elif token == ")":
while op_stack and op_stack[-1] != "(":
if op_stack[-1] == "(":
if op_stack and op_stack[-1] != "(":
return stack
def _eval(self, stack):
ops = self.ops
token = stack.pop()
if token in ops:
y, x = self._eval(stack), self._eval(stack)
return ops[token](x, y)
return token
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