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Created September 2, 2022 18:48
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Smoothed-Particle Hydrodynamics Solver, Vectorized
import numpy as np
class SPHSolver:
def __init__(self, nparticles, size):
self.nparticles = nparticles
self.size = size
self.state = np.zeros((self.nparticles, 4), dtype=float)
self.H = 1.1
self.GAS_CONST = 2300.0
self.REST_DENS = 300.0
self.VISC = 500.0
self.MASS = 250.0
self.DT = .01
self.GRAVITY = 5e4
def H(self):
return self._H
def H(self, H):
self._H = H
self.POLY6 = 4.0 / (np.pi * H**8.0)
self.SPIKY_GRAD = -10.0 / (np.pi * H**5.0)
self.VISC_LAP = 40.0 / (np.pi * H**5.0)
def init_dam(self):
Position particles in a verticle column.
h, w = self.size
dam_width = w / 5
self.state[:] = 0
positions = self.state[:, :2]
positions[:] = np.random.random((self.nparticles, 2))
positions *= h, dam_width
positions[:, 1] += (w - dam_width) / 2
def step(self):
For each particle, compute densities and pressures, then forces, and
finally integrate to obtain new positions.
H = self.H
MASS = self.MASS
positions = self.state[:, :2]
velocities = self.state[:, 2:4]
relative_distances = positions[:, None, :] - positions[None, :, :]
distances_sq = (relative_distances ** 2).sum(axis=-1)
distances = distances_sq ** .5
not_neighbors = distances >= H
# Set density / pressure of all particles.
strength = (H ** 2 - distances_sq)**3
strength[not_neighbors] = 0
densities = MASS * self.POLY6 * strength.sum(axis=-1)
pressure = self.GAS_CONST * (densities - self.REST_DENS)
# Calculate forces due to pressure.
with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"):
normals = relative_distances / distances[..., None]
normals[distances == 0] = 0
weight = H - distances
weight[not_neighbors] = 0
weight[np.diag_indices_from(weight)] = 0
f_pressure = (
* -normals
* (pressure[:, None] + pressure[None, :])[..., None] / 2
* weight[..., None] ** 3
f_visc = (
* self.VISC_LAP
* (velocities[:, None, :] - velocities[None, :, :])
* weight[..., None]
forces = MASS * (f_pressure - f_visc + (self.GRAVITY, 0)) / densities[:, None]
# Integrate
velocities += self.DT * forces / densities[:, None]
positions += self.DT * velocities
# Boundary conditions
h, w = self.size
ys, xs = positions.T
vys, vxs = velocities.T
top = ys < 0
left = xs < 0
bottom = ys >= h
right = xs >= w
ys[top] *= -1
xs[left] *= -1
ys[bottom] = 2 * h - ys[bottom]
xs[right] = 2 * w - xs[right]
vys[top] *= -.5
vxs[left] *= -.5
vys[bottom] *= -.5
vxs[right] *= -.5
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