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Created August 19, 2012 14:04
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Bash examples
# Bash Profile script
# Zemian Deng 07/03/2012
export EASYANT_HOME=$HOME/apps/easyant
export JAVA_HOME=$HOME/apps/jdk
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:\
# Shell and tools shortcuts
alias tstamp='date "+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"'
# Groovy scripting shortcuts
alias g=groovy
alias gs='groovysh'
alias gc='groovyConsole'
# Fast edit
function jedit(){
for F in "$@"; do
FULL_DIR=$(cd $(dirname $F) && pwd)
FILES="$FILES $FULL_DIR/$(basename $F)"
#echo /Applications/ -reuseview -- $FILES
/Applications/ -reuseview -- $FILES &> /dev/null
alias e=jedit
alias n=notes
alias eb='e $HOME/.bash_profile'
alias rb='source $HOME/.bash_profile'
alias nweb='java -jar $HOME/notes/webnotepad.war'
# notes
function notes() { F="$HOME/notes/$(tstamp).markdown"; touch $F; e $F; }
# Maven shortcuts
alias mvnc='mvn test-compile'
alias mvni='mvn install -DskipTests'
alias mvnp='mvn package -DskipTests'
alias mvnt='mvn test'
function mvnt1() { mvn test -Dtest="$1"; }
function mvncat() { cat target/surefire-reports/*$1*.txt ; }
alias mvndt='mvn dependency:tree'
alias mvndc='mvn dependency:copy-dependencies'
# TimeMachine shortcuts
alias cdtm='cd $HOME/projects/scheduler'
alias tmweb='mvn tomcat7:run'
function tms() { mvn exec:java -Dexec.classpathScope=test -Dexec.mainClass=timemachine.scheduler.tool.SchedulerServer -Dexec.args="$1" ; }
# JBossAS shortcuts
export JB=$HOME/apps/jboss
export JBD=$HOME/apps/jboss/standalone/deployments
export JBC=$HOME/apps/jboss/standalone/configuration
alias jb='$JB/bin/'
function startjboss() { $HOME/apps/jboss/bin/ ; }
function stopjboss() { JAVA_OPTS="" $HOME/apps/jboss/bin/ --connect :shutdown ; }
# Get full path of a file or directory
function fullpath() {
for FN in "$@"; do
FN="$(cd `dirname $FN` && pwd)/`basename $FN`"
echo -n "$FN "
# Convert cygwin path into windows full path
function wpath() {
for FN in "$@"; do
FN=`cygpath -wa "$FN"`
echo -n "$FN "
# Printing files
alias tail3='tail -300'
alias catall='head -n 999999'
# To terminate windows process in cygwin
alias kill2='/usr/bin/kill -f'
# A quickter 'find' command. eg: findit file1.txt
function findit() {
if [[ $# -ge 2 ]]; then
find $DIR -name "*$1*"
# Sun Solaris
# For each java process, check what TCP ports are open and print PID if match.
for PID in `jps | grep -v Jps | perl -ane 'print "$F[0] "'`; do
pfiles $PID |grep AF_INET | grep $PORT && echo $PID
## On linux
## For each java process, check what TCP ports are open and print PID if match.
#lsof -i | grep java | grep $PORT
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