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Created October 10, 2017 15:25
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Gravity forms stripe cancel from front end
* Payment subscriptions and updating billing and cancelling subscriptions takes place with these hooks
* We need the stripe customer user id for updating billing
* we need the entry id of subscription so we can cancel it.
* @param $entry
* @param $action
* Runs when subscription is first made
* Adds the users stripe customer id and saves the entry id to the users meta for use when cancelling
function pwm_after_payment( $entry, $action ) {
$entry_id = rgar( $entry, 'id' );
//write_log('after payment ran');
//if user is logged in save the stripe customer id for new subscriptions and save more info to users meta
if ( rgar( $action, 'type' ) == 'create_subscription' ) {
$stripe_customer_id = rgar( $action, 'customer_id' );
if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
$user_id = get_current_user_id();
//add new customer id if user doesn't have one
if ( get_user_meta( $user_id, 'stripe_customer_id', true ) == '' ) {
update_user_meta( $user_id, 'stripe_customer_id', $stripe_customer_id );
pwm_add_subscription( $entry_id, $user_id );
//if user is not logged in we will need to get the user id from user registered hook. not sure if that runs
// after or
//before this. So just save the stripe ID from this hook to use in that hook.
gform_update_meta( $entry_id, 'pwm_stripe_customer_id', $stripe_customer_id );
add_action( 'gform_post_payment_action', 'pwm_after_payment', 10, 2 );
* @param $entry
* @param $action
* @param $result
* Runs at actual period end. remove paid privileges and other stuff
function cancelling_at_period_end( $entry, $action, $result ) {
//write_log('running cancellation callback');
if ( ! $result && rgar( $action, 'type' ) == 'cancel_subscription' && strtolower( $entry['payment_status'] ) == 'cancelled' ) {
//end of subscription has come.
$entry_id = rgar( $entry, 'id' );
$user_id = gform_get_meta( $entry_id, 'pwm_subscribers_user_id' );
pwm_remove_subscription($entry_id, $user_id);
add_action( 'gform_post_payment_callback', 'cancelling_at_period_end', 10, 3 );
* Cancel at period end AND dont run the callback the first time when this runs via the subscribe or renew feed
add_filter( 'gform_stripe_subscription_cancel_at_period_end', 'stripe_subscription_cancel_at_period_end', 10, 3 );
function stripe_subscription_cancel_at_period_end( $at_period_end, $entry, $feed ) {
$feed_name = rgars( $feed, 'meta/feedName' );
if ( $feed_name == 'Subscribe' || $feed_name == 'Renew' ) {
//don't run the cancellation hook unless its cancelling!
remove_action( 'gform_post_payment_callback', 'cancelling_at_period_end' );
return true;
//return $at_period_end;
return true;
* @param $entry_id
* @param int $user_id
* Saves the subscription id for cancellation later, along with some useful dates, and the user id to gform meta
* set to run after we have both customer id and a user id
* */
function pwm_add_subscription( $entry_id, $user_id = 0 ) {
if ( ! $user_id && is_user_logged_in() ) {
$user_id = get_current_user_id();
if ( ! $user_id && ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
return; //we cant save anything
//once we have user_id and entry_id we can save info to the user for later use
update_user_meta( $user_id, 'pwm_subscription_entry_id', $entry_id );
update_user_meta( $user_id, 'pwm_subscribed_before', true );
update_user_meta( $user_id, 'pwm_subscribe_date', date( 'Y-m-d' ) ); //good to have :)
//when cancelling payment we dont know who were deleting from! sometimes there is $entry['created_by'] sometimes not. This is for sure.
gform_update_meta( $entry_id, 'pwm_subscribers_user_id', $user_id );
//upgrade user
pwm_set_user_role( $user_id, 'paid_subscriber' );
* @param $entry_id
* @param $user_id
* Anything you want when the subscription truly ends
function pwm_remove_subscription($entry_id, $user_id ){
update_user_meta( $user_id, 'pwm_subscribed_till_end', '' );
//downgrade role if necessary. make sure its not an admin!
pwm_set_user_role( $user_id, 'subscriber' );
* get the right customer id if logged in when making a payment, if exists, dont make a new one
add_filter( 'gform_stripe_customer_id', 'get_stripe_customer_id', 10, 4 );
function get_stripe_customer_id( $customer_id, $feed, $entry, $form ) {
$feed_name = rgars( $feed, 'meta/feedName' );
if ( is_user_logged_in() && get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'stripe_customer_id', true ) != '' ) {
$customer_id = get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'stripe_customer_id', true );
return $customer_id;
//when updating billing make sure they are not being charged this time, just updating customers billing info
//create form with product of 1.00 hidden. not subscription. then set feed name to Update Credit Card.
add_filter( 'gform_stripe_charge_authorization_only', 'stripe_charge_authorization_only', 10, 2 );
function stripe_charge_authorization_only( $authorization_only, $feed ) {
//For plugin check if this is for update billing
$feed_name = rgars( $feed, 'meta/feedName' );
if ( $feed_name == 'Update Credit Card' ) {
return true;
return $authorization_only;
# Unsubscribe user form
//logged in user can cancel subscription with a cancel form.
add_action( 'gform_after_submission_11', 'pwm_cancel_subscription', 10, 2 );
function pwm_cancel_subscription( $entry, $form ) {
//get original current users entry id from subscription form.
$entry_id = get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'pwm_subscription_entry_id', true );
if ( $entry_id > 0 ) {
//now cancel that old entry's subscription
$old_entry = GFAPI::get_entry( $entry_id );
$feed = is_wp_error( $old_entry ) || ! function_exists( 'gf_stripe' ) ? false : gf_stripe()->get_payment_feed( $old_entry );
if ( is_array( $feed ) && rgar( $feed, 'addon_slug' ) == 'gravityformsstripe' && gf_stripe()->cancel( $old_entry, $feed ) ) {
gf_stripe()->cancel_subscription( $old_entry, $feed );
//destroy entry id so they cant cancel twice... not sure it does anything though if they try to
update_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'pwm_subscription_entry_id', '' );
//set them to subscribed till period ends. in limbo state.
update_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'pwm_subscribed_till_end', true );
* Sets the role for the user as specified in the function.
* @param int $user_id The ID of the user for whom we're updating the role.
function pwm_set_user_role( $user_id, $role = 'subscriber' ) {
$user = new \WP_User( $user_id );
if ( user_can( $user_id, 'manage_options' ) || pwm_is_matchmaker( $user_id ) ) {
$user->add_role( $role );
// Set the user's role (and implicitly remove the previous role).
$user->set_role( $role );
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