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Created May 20, 2019 05:51
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Sample of dnft contra t
"""NEO Non-Fungible Token Smart Contract Template
Authors: Joe Stewart, Jonathan Winter
Version: 2.0
Date: 15 March 2019
License: MIT
Based on NEP5 template by Tom Saunders
Example test using neo-local:
neo> sc build_run /smart-contracts/ test 0710 05 True False False name []
Compile and import with neo-python using neo-local:
neo> sc build /smart-contracts/
neo> sc deploy /smart-contracts/nft_template.avm 0710 05 True False False
Example invocation
neo> testinvoke {this_contract_hash} tokensOfOwner [{your_wallet_address}, 1]
from boa.builtins import concat
from boa.interop.Neo.Action import RegisterAction
from boa.interop.Neo.App import DynamicAppCall
from boa.interop.Neo.Blockchain import GetContract
from boa.interop.Neo.Iterator import Iterator
from boa.interop.Neo.Runtime import (CheckWitness, GetTrigger, Log,
Notify, Serialize)
from boa.interop.Neo.Storage import GetContext, Get, Put, Delete, Find
from boa.interop.Neo.TriggerType import Application, Verification
from boa.interop.System.ExecutionEngine import (GetCallingScriptHash,
# This is the script hash of the address for the owner of the contract
# This can be found in ``neo-python`` with the wallet open,
# use ``wallet`` command
DAPP_ADMIN1 = b'' # can set RW properties
DAPP_ADMIN2 = b'' # can set RW properties
TOKEN_NAME = 'Meme Contract'
TOKEN_CIRC_KEY = b'in_circulation'
# Smart Contract Event Notifications
OnApprove = RegisterAction('approve', 'addr_from', 'addr_to', 'amount')
OnNFTApprove = RegisterAction('NFTapprove', 'addr_from', 'addr_to', 'tokenid')
OnTransfer = RegisterAction('transfer', 'addr_from', 'addr_to', 'amount')
OnNFTTransfer = RegisterAction('NFTtransfer', 'addr_from', 'addr_to', 'tokenid')
OnMint = RegisterAction('mint', 'addr_to', 'amount')
OnNFTMint = RegisterAction('NFTmint', 'addr_to', 'tokenid')
OnError = RegisterAction('error', 'message')
# common errors
ARG_ERROR = 'incorrect arg length'
INVALID_ADDRESS_ERROR = 'invalid address'
PERMISSION_ERROR = 'incorrect permission'
TOKEN_DNE_ERROR = 'token does not exist'
def Main(operation, args):
"""Entry point to the program
:param str operation: The name of the operation to perform
:param list args: A list of arguments along with the operation
:return: The result of the operation
:rtype: bytearray
Token operations:
- allowance(token_id): returns approved third-party spender of a
- approve(token_receiver, token_id, revoke): approve third party
to spend a token
- balanceOf(owner): returns owner's current total tokens owned
- name(): returns name of token
- decimals(): returns token decimal precision
- ownerOf(token_id): returns the owner of the specified token.
- properties(token_id): returns a token's read-only data
- rwProperties(token_id): returns a token's read/write data
- supportedStandards(): returns a list of supported standards
- symbol(): returns token symbol
- token(token_id): returns a dictionary where token, property,
and uri keys map to the corresponding data for the given
- tokensOfOwner(owner, starting_index): returns a dictionary that
contains less than or equal to ten of the tokens owned by
the specified address starting at the `starting_index`.
- totalSupply(): Returns the total token supply deployed in the
- transfer(to, token_id, extra_arg): transfers a token
- transferFrom(spender, from, to, token_id): allows a third party
to execute a pre-approved transfer
- uri(token_id): Returns a distinct Uniform Resource Identifier
(URI) for a given asset.
The URI data of a token supplies a reference to get more
information about a specific token or its data.
- mintToken(owner, properties, URI, extra_arg): create a new
NFT token with the specified properties and URI and send it
to the specified owner
- modifyURI(token_id, token_data): modify specified token's
URI data
- setName(name): sets the name of the token
- setSymbol(symbol): sets the token's symbol
- setSupportedStandards(supported_standards): sets the
supported standards, 'NEP-10' is always the first element
in the array
# The trigger determines whether this smart contract is being run
# in 'verification' mode or 'application'
trigger = GetTrigger()
# 'Verification' mode is used when trying to spend assets
# (eg NEO, Gas) on behalf of this contract's address
if trigger == Verification():
# if the script that sent this is the owner, we allow the spend
return True
elif trigger == Application():
# Need to get this at the top level
caller = GetCallingScriptHash()
ctx = GetContext()
if operation == 'name':
name = Get(ctx, 'name')
if name:
return name
elif operation == 'symbol':
symbol = Get(ctx, 'symbol')
if symbol:
return symbol
elif operation == 'supportedStandards':
supported_standards = Get(ctx, 'supportedStandards')
if supported_standards:
return supported_standards
return Serialize(['NEP-10'])
elif operation == 'totalSupply':
return Get(ctx, TOKEN_CIRC_KEY)
elif operation == 'allowance':
assert len(args) == 1, ARG_ERROR
ownership = safe_deserialize(Get(ctx, concat('ownership/', args[0])))
assert ownership, TOKEN_DNE_ERROR
# don't fault here in case a calling contract is just checking allowance value
if not has_key(ownership, 'approved'): return False
if len(ownership['approved']) != 40: return False
return ownership['approved']
elif operation == 'balanceOf':
assert len(args) == 1, ARG_ERROR
assert len(args[0]) == 20, INVALID_ADDRESS_ERROR
token_iter = Find(ctx, args[0])
count = 0
count += 1
return count
elif operation == 'ownerOf':
assert len(args) == 1, ARG_ERROR
ownership = safe_deserialize(Get(ctx, concat('ownership/', args[0])))
assert ownership, TOKEN_DNE_ERROR
assert has_key(ownership, 'owner'), TOKEN_DNE_ERROR
assert len(ownership['owner']) == 20, TOKEN_DNE_ERROR
return ownership['owner']
elif operation == 'properties':
assert len(args) == 1, ARG_ERROR
return get_properties(ctx, args[0])
elif operation == 'rwProperties':
assert len(args) == 1, ARG_ERROR
return get_rw_properties(ctx, args[0])
elif operation == 'token':
assert len(args) == 1, ARG_ERROR
token = Get(ctx, concat('token/', args[0]))
assert token, TOKEN_DNE_ERROR
return token
elif operation == 'tokensOfOwner':
assert len(args) == 2, ARG_ERROR
tokens_of_owner = do_tokens_of_owner(ctx, args[0], args[1])
assert tokens_of_owner, 'address has no tokens'
return Serialize(tokens_of_owner)
elif operation == 'uri':
assert len(args) == 1, ARG_ERROR
token = safe_deserialize(Get(ctx, concat('token/', args[0])))
assert token, TOKEN_DNE_ERROR
assert has_key(token, 'uri'), TOKEN_DNE_ERROR
return token['uri']
elif operation == 'decimals':
# User RW operations
if operation == 'approve':
# args: from, spender, id, revoke
# (NFT needs a fourth argument to revoke approval)
assert len(args) > 2, ARG_ERROR
assert args[2], TOKEN_DNE_ERROR
return do_approve(ctx, caller, args)
elif operation == 'transfer':
assert len(args) > 1, ARG_ERROR
return do_transfer(ctx, caller, args)
elif operation == 'transferFrom':
assert len(args) > 2, ARG_ERROR
if len(args) == 3:
# Nash-style (from, to, amount/id) transferFrom that can
# be invoked only by whitelisted DEX to initiate a
# pre-approved transfer
return nash_do_transfer_from(ctx, caller, args)
# Moonlight-style (spender, from, to, amount/id)
# transfer where an authenticated spender/originator is
# the only one who can initiate a transfer but can send
# to an arbitrary third party (or themselves)
return do_transfer_from(ctx, caller, args)
# dApp operations
if operation == 'setRWProperties':
# args: token id, rwdata
assert (CheckWitness(DAPP_ADMIN1) or CheckWitness(DAPP_ADMIN2)), PERMISSION_ERROR
assert len(args) == 2, ARG_ERROR
return set_rw_properties(ctx, args[0], args[1])
# Administrative operations
if operation == 'modifyURI':
assert len(args) == 2, ARG_ERROR
return do_modify_uri(ctx, args)
elif operation == 'mintToken':
assert len(args) > 3, ARG_ERROR
return do_mint_token(ctx, args)
elif operation == 'setName':
assert len(args) == 1, ARG_ERROR
return do_set_config(ctx, 'name', args[0])
elif operation == 'setSymbol':
assert len(args) == 1, ARG_ERROR
return do_set_config(ctx, 'symbol', args[0])
elif operation == 'setSupportedStandards':
assert len(args) >= 1, ARG_ERROR
supported_standards = ['NEP-10']
for arg in args:
return do_set_config(ctx, 'supportedStandards', Serialize(supported_standards))
AssertionError('unknown operation')
return False
def do_approve(ctx, Caller, args):
"""Approve a token to be transferred to a third party by an approved spender
:param StorageContext ctx: current store context
:param bytearray t_owner: current owner of the token
:param bytearray t_spender: spender to approve
:param int t_id: int: token id
:param bool revoke: set to True to revoke previous approval
:return: approval success
:rtype: bool
t_owner = args[0]
t_spender = args[1]
t_id = args[2]
revoke = False
if len(args) > 3:
revoke = args[3]
if Caller != GetEntryScriptHash() and not is_whitelisted_dex(ctx, Caller):
# non-whitelisted contracts can only approve their own funds for transfer,
# even if they have the signature of the owner on the invocation
t_owner = Caller
assert len(t_owner) == 20, INVALID_ADDRESS_ERROR
assert len(t_spender) == 20, INVALID_ADDRESS_ERROR
assert t_id, TOKEN_DNE_ERROR
ownership_key = concat('ownership/', t_id)
ownership = safe_deserialize(Get(ctx, ownership_key))
assert ownership, TOKEN_DNE_ERROR
assert has_key(ownership, 'owner'), TOKEN_DNE_ERROR
assert t_owner == ownership['owner'], PERMISSION_ERROR
assert t_owner != t_spender, 'same owner and spender'
assert authenticate(t_owner, Caller), PERMISSION_ERROR
# revoke previous approval if revoke is True
if revoke:
if has_key(ownership, 'approved'):
Put(ctx, ownership_key, Serialize(ownership))
# log the revoking of previous approvals
OnApprove(t_owner, t_spender, 0)
OnNFTApprove(t_owner, '', t_id)
return True
ownership['approved'] = concat(t_owner, t_spender)
# approve this transfer
Put(ctx, ownership_key, Serialize(ownership))
# Log this approval event
OnApprove(t_owner, t_spender, 1)
OnNFTApprove(t_owner, t_spender, t_id)
return True
def do_mint_token(ctx, args):
"""Mints a new NFT token; stores it's properties, URI info, and
owner on the blockchain; updates the totalSupply
:param StorageContext ctx: current store context
:param list args:
0: bytearray t_owner: token owner
1: str t_properties: token's read only data
2: str t_uri: token's uri
3: str t_rw_properties: token's read/write data (optional)
:return: mint success
:rtype: bool
t_circ = Get(ctx, TOKEN_CIRC_KEY)
t_circ += 1
assert len(args[0]) == 20, INVALID_ADDRESS_ERROR
assert args[1], 'missing properties'
assert args[2], 'missing uri'
assert args[3], 'missing rwProperties'
t_id = t_circ
token = safe_deserialize(Get(ctx, concat('token/', t_id)))
assert not token, 'token already exists'
# basically a token 'object' containing the token's
# id, uri, and properties
token = {}
ownership = {} # information about the token's owner
token['id'] = t_id
token['uri'] = args[2]
token['properties'] = args[1] # this can never change
token['rwproperties'] = args[3]
ownership['owner'] = args[0]
Put(ctx, concat('token/', t_id), Serialize(token))
# update token's owner
Put(ctx, concat('ownership/', t_id), Serialize(ownership))
res = add_token_to_owners_list(ctx, ownership['owner'], t_id)
Put(ctx, TOKEN_CIRC_KEY, t_circ) # update total supply
# Log this minting event
OnTransfer('', ownership['owner'], 1)
OnNFTTransfer('', ownership['owner'], t_id)
OnMint(ownership['owner'], 1)
OnNFTMint(ownership['owner'], t_id)
return True
def do_modify_uri(ctx, args):
"""Modifies token URI
:param StorageContext ctx: current store context
:param int t_id: token id
:param str t_uri: token uri
:return: URI modification success
:rtype: bool
t_id = args[0]
t_uri = args[1]
token_key = concat('token/', t_id)
token = safe_deserialize(Get(ctx, token_key))
assert token, TOKEN_DNE_ERROR
token['uri'] = t_uri
Put(ctx, token_key, Serialize(token))
return True
def do_tokens_of_owner(ctx, t_owner, start_id):
"""This method returns ten of the owner's tokens starting at the
given index. The index is used for paginating through the results.
Pagination is needed for the situation where the owner's dict of
tokens could be quite large.
:param StorageContext ctx: current store context
:param bytearray t_owner: token owner
:param int start_id: the id to start searching through the
owner's tokens
:return: dictionary of id, properties, and uri keys mapped to their
corresponding token's data
:rtype: bool or dict
assert len(t_owner) == 20, INVALID_ADDRESS_ERROR
if start_id == 0:
start_id = 1 # token id's cannot go below 1
start_key = concat(t_owner, start_id)
count = 0
token_dict = {}
token_iter = Find(ctx, t_owner)
# while loop explained: keep looping through the owner's list
# of tokens until 10 have been found beginning at the starting
# index.
# if statement explained: once a key has been found matching
# my search key (or of greater value),
# update the dictionary, increment the counter,
# and disregard trying to find a matching key thereafter.
# (once a key has been found matching my search key
# (or greater), just get everything afterward while count < 10)
while and (count < 10):
if (token_iter.Key >= start_key) or (count > 0):
token_key = concat('token/', token_iter.Value)
token = safe_deserialize(Get(ctx, token_key))
if token:
token_dict[token_key] = token
count += 1
return token_dict
def do_transfer(ctx, Caller, args):
"""Transfers a token at the specified id from the t_owner address
to the t_to address
:param StorageContext ctx: current store context
:param list args:
0: bytearray t_to: transfer to address
1: int t_id: token id
:return: transfer success
:rtype: bool
# we don't need the t_from because the token data stores the owner
t_from = ""
t_to = args[0]
t_id = args[1]
if len(args) == 3: # use traditional from, to, id format if they want to send it
t_from = args[0]
t_to = args[1]
t_id = args[2]
if Caller != GetEntryScriptHash() and not is_whitelisted_dex(ctx, Caller):
# non-whitelisted contracts can only approve their own funds for transfer,
# even if they have the signature of the owner on the invocation
t_from = Caller
assert len(t_to) == 20, INVALID_ADDRESS_ERROR
ownership = safe_deserialize(Get(ctx, concat('ownership/', t_id)))
assert ownership, TOKEN_DNE_ERROR
assert has_key(ownership, 'owner'), TOKEN_DNE_ERROR
assert len(ownership['owner']) == 20, TOKEN_DNE_ERROR
t_owner = ownership['owner']
if t_owner == t_to:
print('transfer to self')
return True
assert authenticate(t_owner, Caller), PERMISSION_ERROR
res = remove_token_from_owners_list(ctx, t_owner, t_id)
assert res, 'unable to remove token from owner list'
ownership['owner'] = t_to # update token's owner
# remove any existing approvals for this token
if has_key(ownership, 'approved'):
Put(ctx, concat('ownership/', t_id), Serialize(ownership))
res = add_token_to_owners_list(ctx, t_to, t_id)
# log this transfer event
OnTransfer(t_owner, t_to, 1)
OnNFTTransfer(t_owner, t_to, t_id)
return True
def do_transfer_from(ctx, Caller, args):
"""Transfers the approved token at the specified id from the
t_from address to the t_to address
Only the approved spender OR a whitelisted DEX can invoke this function
and a whitelisted DEX will still need to pass the authentication of the spender
:param StorageContext ctx: current store context
:param list args:
0: bytearray t_spender: approved spender address
1: bytearray t_from: transfer from address (token owner)
2: bytearray t_to: transfer to address (token receiver)
3: int t_id: token id
:return: transferFrom success
:rtype: bool
t_spender = args[0]
t_from = args[1]
t_to = args[2]
t_id = args[3]
if Caller != GetEntryScriptHash() and not is_whitelisted_dex(ctx, Caller):
# non-whitelisted contracts can only approve their own funds for transfer,
# even if they have the signature of the owner on the invocation
t_from = Caller
assert len(t_spender) == 20, INVALID_ADDRESS_ERROR
assert len(t_from) == 20, INVALID_ADDRESS_ERROR
assert len(t_to) == 20, INVALID_ADDRESS_ERROR
assert authenticate(t_spender, Caller), PERMISSION_ERROR
if t_from == t_to:
print('transfer to self')
return True
ownership = safe_deserialize(Get(ctx, concat('ownership/', t_id)))
assert ownership, TOKEN_DNE_ERROR
assert has_key(ownership, 'owner'), TOKEN_DNE_ERROR
assert has_key(ownership, 'approved'), 'no approval exists for this token'
assert len(ownership['owner']) == 20, TOKEN_DNE_ERROR
t_owner = ownership['owner']
assert t_from == t_owner, 'from address is not the owner of this token'
assert len(ownership['approved']) == 40, 'malformed approval key for this token'
# Finally check to see if the owner approved this spender
assert ownership['approved'] == concat(t_from, t_spender), PERMISSION_ERROR
res = remove_token_from_owners_list(ctx, t_from, t_id)
assert res, 'unable to remove token from owner list'
ownership['owner'] = t_to
ownership.remove('approved') # remove previous approval
Put(ctx, concat('ownership/', t_id), Serialize(ownership))
res = add_token_to_owners_list(ctx, t_to, t_id)
# log this transfer event
OnTransfer(t_from, t_to, 1)
OnNFTTransfer(t_from, t_to, t_id)
return True
def nash_do_transfer_from(ctx, Caller, args):
"""Transfers the approved token at the specified id from the
t_from address to the t_to address
Only a whitelisted DEX can invoke this function
:param StorageContext ctx: current store context
:param list args:
0: bytearray t_from: transfer from address (token owner)
1: bytearray t_to: transfer to address (token receiver)
2: int t_id: token id
:return: transferFrom success
:rtype: bool
t_from = args[0]
t_to = args[1]
t_id = args[2]
assert is_whitelisted_dex(ctx, Caller), PERMISSION_ERROR
assert len(t_from) == 20, INVALID_ADDRESS_ERROR
assert len(t_to) == 20, INVALID_ADDRESS_ERROR
if t_from == t_to:
print('transfer to self')
return True
ownership = safe_deserialize(Get(ctx, concat('ownership/', t_id)))
assert ownership, TOKEN_DNE_ERROR
assert has_key(ownership, 'owner'), TOKEN_DNE_ERROR
assert has_key(ownership, 'approved'), 'no approval exists for this token'
assert len(ownership['owner']) == 20, TOKEN_DNE_ERROR
t_owner = ownership['owner']
assert t_from == t_owner, 'from address is not the owner of this token'
assert len(ownership['approved']) == 40, 'malformed approval key for this token'
assert ownership['approved'] == concat(t_from, t_to), PERMISSION_ERROR
res = remove_token_from_owners_list(ctx, t_from, t_id)
assert res, 'unable to remove token from owner list'
ownership['owner'] = t_to
ownership.remove('approved') # remove previous approval
Put(ctx, concat('ownership/', t_id), Serialize(ownership))
res = add_token_to_owners_list(ctx, t_to, t_id)
# log this transfer event
OnTransfer(t_from, t_to, 1)
OnNFTTransfer(t_from, t_to, t_id)
return True
# helper methods
def do_set_config(ctx, key, value):
"""Sets or deletes a config key
:param StorageContext ctx: current store context
:param str key: key
:param any value: value
:return: config success
:rtype: bool
if len(value) > 0:
Put(ctx, key, value)
print('config key set')
Delete(ctx, key)
print('config key deleted')
return True
def safe_deserialize(data):
"""Checks to see if the data exists before attempting to
deserialize it
:param list or dict data: data to deserialize
:return: deserialized data or False
:rtype: bool or list or dict
if data:
obj = Deserialize(data)
return obj
return False
def add_token_to_owners_list(ctx, t_owner, t_id):
"""Adds a token to the owner's list of tokens
:param StorageContext ctx: current store context
:param bytearray t_owner: token owner (could be either a smart
contract or a wallet address)
:param int t_id: token ID
:return: none
Put(ctx, concat(t_owner, t_id), t_id) # store owner's new token
return True
def remove_token_from_owners_list(ctx, t_owner, t_id):
"""Removes a token from owner's list of tokens
:param StorageContext ctx: current store context
:param bytearray t_owner: token owner
:param int t_id: token id
:return: successfully removed token from owner's list
:rtype: bool
ckey = concat(t_owner, t_id)
if Get(ctx, ckey):
Delete(ctx, ckey)
return True
print("token not found in owner's list")
return False
def get_properties(ctx, id):
token = safe_deserialize(Get(ctx, concat('token/', id)))
if not token:
return False
if not has_key(token, 'properties'):
return False
return token['properties']
def get_rw_properties(ctx, id):
token = safe_deserialize(Get(ctx, concat('token/', id)))
if not token:
return False
if not has_key(token, 'rwproperties'):
return False
return token['rwproperties']
def set_rw_properties(ctx, id, data):
token_key = concat('token/', id)
token = safe_deserialize(Get(ctx, token_key ))
if not token:
return False
token['rwproperties'] = data
Put(ctx, token_key, Serialize(token))
return True
def authenticate(scripthash, Caller):
if CheckWitness(scripthash): return True
if GetContract(scripthash) and scripthash == Caller: return True
return False
def do_whitelist_dex(ctx, args):
return do_set_config(ctx, concat('exchange/', args[0]), args[1])
def is_whitelisted_dex(ctx, scripthash):
return Get(ctx, concat('exchange/', scripthash))
def AssertionError(msg):
OnError(msg) # for neo-cli ApplicationLog
raise Exception(msg)
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