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Last active July 6, 2018 20:46
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PHP Code to convert an emmet-like string into HTML markup, with a string of content within it.
* @file
* emmet_wrapper module.
* Helper classes to wrap contents with markup generated from emmet strings.
* Expands an emmet-like string into actual HTML markup.
* @param string $emmet_string
* The emmet-like string.
* @param string $content
* Content to insert in the middle of the expanded markup.
* @return string
* The expanded markup, with the content in the middle of it.
function wrapper_expand($emmet_string, $content = '') {
// Split string elements. Allow 1-level grouping.
$wrapper_elements = preg_split('/>(?!(\w+)\))/', $emmet_string, NULL, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
// Wrap contents.
$output = wrapper_process_elements($wrapper_elements, $content);
return $output;
* Process an array containing emmet-like string parts to generate markup.
* @param array $elements_array
* An array the components of an emmet-like string.
* @param string $content
* Content to insert in the middle of the expanded markup.
* @return string
* The expanded markup, with the content in the middle of it.
function wrapper_process_elements($elements_array, $content) {
$output = '';
$current_element = array_shift($elements_array);
$processed_element = process_emmet_element($current_element);
$output .= $processed_element['prefix'];
if (empty($elements_array)) {
$output .= $content;
else {
$output .= wrapper_process_elements($elements_array, $content);
$output .= $processed_element['suffix'];
return $output;
* Generates the markup for a single emmet string component.
* @param string $element
* The element string.
* @return string
* The markup for the element passed.
function process_emmet_element($element) {
$processed_element = array();
preg_match('/\w*/', $element, $matches);
$element_tag = reset($matches);
// Check for ids. (Makes no sense to accept multiple, but it's still supported).
preg_match_all('/\#[a-z-A-Z0-9]*/', $element, $ids);
$ids = reset($ids);
array_walk($ids, '_remove_prefix_symbol');
// Check for classes.
preg_match_all('/\.[a-z-A-Z0-9\-\_]*/', $element, $res);
$classes = reset($res);
array_walk($classes, '_remove_prefix_symbol');
// Check for attributes.
preg_match_all('/\[([^\w-\]]|[a-zA-Z0-9])*\]/', $element, $attr_strings);
$attr_strings = reset($attr_strings);
array_walk($attr_strings, '_remove_prefix_symbol');
array_walk($attr_strings, '_remove_suffix_symbol');
$processed_element['prefix'] = '<' . $element_tag;
if ($ids) {
$processed_element['prefix'] .= ' id="' . implode(' ', $ids) . '"';
if ($classes) {
$processed_element['prefix'] .= ' class="' . implode(' ', $classes) . '"';
if ($attr_strings) {
$processed_element['prefix'] .= ' ' . implode(' ', $attr_strings);
$processed_element['prefix'] .= '>';
$processed_element['suffix'] = '</' . $element_tag . '>';
return $processed_element;
* Callback to remove the attribute prefix symbol from an emmet attribute string.
* @see process_emmet_element();
function _remove_prefix_symbol(&$value, $key) {
$value = substr($value, 1);
* Callback to remove the attribute suffix symbol from an emmet attribute string.
* @see process_emmet_element();
function _remove_suffix_symbol(&$value, $key) {
$value = substr($value, 0, strlen($value) - 1);
* Reads and parses a csv file into an indexed or associative array.
* @param string $csv_filepath
* The path of the csv file to read and parse.
* @param string $unique_index_by
* The name of a column present in the CSV, to return results indexed by the
* values of that column. (It assumes the $unique_index_by value will be
* unique in the CSV for the column specified).
* @return array|null
* The indexed or associative array, if the parsing was successful. NULL
* otherwise.
function read_and_parse_csv($csv_filepath, $unique_index_by = NULL) {
$results = NULL;
// Read csv file.
if (file_exists($csv_filepath)) {
if ($handle = fopen($csv_filepath, 'r')) {
$csv_headers = fgetcsv($handle);
// Populate an array with the csv data. Index data by the $index_by value,
// if specified
$results = array();
while ($csv_row = fgetcsv($handle)) {
$result_row = array();
foreach ($csv_row as $index => $value) {
// Add each column value, keyed by the column name.
$result_row[$csv_headers[$index]] = $value;
// Add the row to the results array. If specified, index it using the
// value of the field (column) specified.
if (!is_null($unique_index_by)) {
$results[$result_row[$unique_index_by]] = $result_row;
else {
$results[] = $result_row;
return $results;
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