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Last active September 22, 2023 01:53
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An implementation of full site search in Laravel
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Http\Resources\SiteSearchResource;
use App\Models\Comment;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\File;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\URL;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Symfony\Component\Finder\SplFileInfo;
class SitewideSearchController extends Controller
const BUFFER = 10; // 10 characters: to show 10 neighbouring characters around the searched word
/** A helper function to generate the model namespace
* @return string
private function modelNamespacePrefix()
return app()->getNamespace() . 'Models\\';
public function search(Request $request)
$keyword = $request->search;
// just for demonstration, you can include models that you want to exclude from the searches here
$toExclude = [Comment::class];
// getting all the model files from the model folder
$files = File::allFiles(app()->basePath() . '/app/Models');
// to get all the model classes
$results = collect($files)->map(function (SplFileInfo $file){
$filename = $file->getRelativePathname();
// assume model name is equal to file name
/* making sure it is a php file*/
if (substr($filename, -4) !== '.php'){
return null;
// removing .php
return substr($filename, 0, -4);
})->filter(function (?string $classname) use($toExclude){
if($classname === null){
return false;
// using reflection class to obtain class info dynamically
$reflection = new \ReflectionClass($this->modelNamespacePrefix() . $classname);
// making sure the class extended eloquent model
$isModel = $reflection->isSubclassOf(Model::class);
// making sure the model implemented the searchable trait
$searchable = $reflection->hasMethod('search');
// filter model that has the searchable trait and not in exclude array
return $isModel && $searchable && !in_array($reflection->getName(), $toExclude, true);
})->map(function ($classname) use ($keyword) {
// for each class, call the search function
$model = app($this->modelNamespacePrefix() . $classname);
// Our goal here: to add these 3 attributes to each of our search result:
// a. `match` -- the match found in our model records
// b. `model` -- the related model name
// c. `view_link` -- the URL for the user to navigate in the frontend to view the resource
return $model::search($keyword)->take(5)->get()->map(function ($modelRecord) use ($model, $keyword, $classname){
// to create the `match` attribute, we need to join the value of all the searchable fields in
// our model, ie all the fields defined in our 'toSearchableArray' model method
// We make use of the SEARCHABLE_FIELDS constant in our model
// we dont want id in the match, so we filter it out.
$fields = array_filter($model::SEARCHABLE_FIELDS, fn($field) => $field !== 'id');
// only extracting the relevant fields from our model
$fieldsData = $modelRecord->only($fields);
// joining the fields together
$serializedValues = collect($fieldsData)->join(' ');
// finding the position of match
$searchPos = strpos(strtolower($serializedValues), strtolower($keyword));
// Our goal here:
// After finding the match position, we also want to include the surrounding text, so our user would
// have a better search experience.
// We append or prepend `...` if there are more text before / after our match + neighbouring text
// including the found terms
if($searchPos !== false){
// the buffer number dictates how many neighbouring characters to display
$start = $searchPos - self::BUFFER;
// we don't want to go below 0 as the starting position
$start = $start < 0 ? 0 : $start;
// multiply 2 buffer to cover the text before and after the match
$length = strlen($keyword) + 2 * self::BUFFER;
// getting the match and neighbouring text
$sliced = substr($serializedValues, $start, $length);
// adding prefix and postfix dots
// if start position is negative, there is no need to prepend `...`
$shouldAddPrefix = $start > 0;
// if end position went over the total length, there is no need to append `...`
$shouldAddPostfix = ($start + $length) < strlen($serializedValues) ;
$sliced = $shouldAddPrefix ? '...' . $sliced : $sliced;
$sliced = $shouldAddPostfix ? $sliced . '...' : $sliced;
// use $slice as the match, otherwise if undefined we use the first 20 character of serialisedValues
$modelRecord->setAttribute('match', $sliced ?? substr($serializedValues, 0, 20) . '...');
// setting the model name
$modelRecord->setAttribute('model', $classname);
// setting the resource link
$modelRecord->setAttribute('view_link', $this->resolveModelViewLink($modelRecord));
return $modelRecord;
// using a standardised site search resource
return SiteSearchResource::collection($results);
/** Helper function to retrieve resource URL
* @param Model $model
* @return string|string[]
private function resolveModelViewLink(Model $model)
// Here we list down all the alternative model-link mappings
// if we dont have a record here, will default to /{model-name}/{model_id}
$mapping = [
\App\Models\Comment::class => '/comments/view/{id}'
// getting the Fully Qualified Class Name of model
$modelClass = get_class($model);
// converting model name to kebab case
$modelName = Str::plural(Arr::last(explode('\\', $modelClass)));
$modelName = Str::kebab(Str::camel($modelName));
// attempt to get from $mapping. We assume every entry has an `{id}` for us to replace
if(Arr::has($mapping, $modelClass)){
return str_replace('{id}', $model->id, $mapping[$modelClass]);
// assume /{model-name}/{model_id}
return URL::to('/' . strtolower($modelName) . '/' . $model->id);
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