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Created August 7, 2018 07:05
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main_key = 0
game_record = {}
##Add Reward Cycle last
def bitcoin_game(user_key=None, amount=1000, start_index=0, invest_amount=None, withdraw_amount=None):
global main_key, game_record
if user_key == None:
player_name = 'player_{0}'.format(main_key)
user_key = main_key
main_key += 1
if player_name not in game_record.keys():
game_record[player_name] = {
'dys_without_activity': 0,
'amount': amount,
'last_game': 0,
'game_history': {},
'invested': 0,
'investment_break_down': {}, #buying price & amount investment, day_id
'withdraw_breakdown': {}, #day_id withdraw, withdraw amount, stock price
'start_index': start_index,
'current_date': start_index,
'invest_history': [],
'amount_history': [],
player_record = game_record[player_name]
player_record = game_record[player_name]
#get day's info
day_info = df.iloc[0]
player_record['current_date'] += 1
#player_name, day_info, amount, profit, loss, game end (boolean)
return (user_key, day_info, amount, 0, 0, 0, False)
elif user_key != None:
#print('found user key', user_key)
player_name = 'player_{0}'.format(user_key)
if player_name in game_record.keys():
player_record = game_record[player_name]
print('Error in player name not found, game terminating')
return (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, True)
#move one day into the future
player_record['current_date'] += 1
current_date = player_record['current_date']
if current_date > df.shape[0]-1: #last row
print('Reached the final day, game ending')
day_info = df.iloc[current_date-1]
prev_day_info = df.iloc[current_date-2]
prev_price = prev_day_info[1]
today_price = day_info[1]
if player_record['invested']:
#pct_change = (today_price*100)/prev_price
new_invest = round( (today_price * player_record['invested'])/prev_price, 2)
if new_invest > player_record['invested']:
profit = new_invest - player_record['invested']
loss = 0
loss = player_record['invested'] - new_invest
profit = 0
player_record['last_game'] += 1
return (user_key, day_info, player_record['amount'], player_record['invested'], profit, loss, True)
day_info = df.iloc[current_date]
prev_day_info = df.iloc[current_date-1]
prev_price = prev_day_info[1]
today_price = day_info[1]
if player_record['invested']:
#pct_change = (today_price*100)/prev_price
#new_invest = (player_record['invested'] * pct_change)
new_invest = round( (today_price * player_record['invested'])/prev_price, 2)
if new_invest > player_record['invested']:
profit = new_invest - player_record['invested']
loss = 0
loss = player_record['invested'] - new_invest
profit = 0
player_record['invested'] = new_invest
profit = 0
loss = 0
if player_record['amount'] == 0 and player_record['invested'] == 0:
print("Something went terribly wrong, you're broke... bye!")
player_record['last_game'] += 1
return (user_key, day_info, player_record['amount'], player_record['invested'], profit, loss, True)
if invest_amount == None and withdraw_amount == None and player_record['dys_without_activity'] < 5:
player_record['dys_without_activity'] += 1
if player_record['invested'] == 0 and player_record['dys_without_activity'] == 5:
print('You have not invested for 5 consecutive days and have 0 investments, game ending')
player_record['last_game'] += 1
#end game
return (user_key, day_info, player_record['amount'], player_record['invested'], profit, loss, True)
if invest_amount:
#1. Check amount to invest exists i.e. < player amount
#2. If above passes reset dys_without_activity
if player_record['amount'] > invest_amount:
player_record['amount'] -= invest_amount
player_record['invested'] += invest_amount
player_record['investment_break_down'][current_date] = {
'buying_price': today_price,
'amount_invested': invest_amount
player_record['dys_without_activity'] = 0
return (user_key, day_info, player_record['amount'], player_record['invested'], profit, loss, False)
print('You have {0} to invest, the invest amount {1} exceeds this, try again with a smaller amount'.format(player_record['amount'], invest_amount))
return (user_key, day_info, player_record['amount'], player_record['invested'], profit, loss, False)
if withdraw_amount:
#1. If amount invested < withdraw amount
#2. Reset dys_without_activity
if player_record['invested'] > withdraw_amount:
player_record['amount'] += withdraw_amount
player_record['invested'] -= withdraw_amount
player_record['withdraw_breakdown'][current_date] = {
'withdraw_amount': withdraw_amount,
'stock_price': today_price
player_record['dys_without_activity'] = 0
return (user_key, day_info, player_record['amount'], player_record['invested'], profit, loss, False)
print('You have {0} invested, you want to withdraw {1} which exceeds the amount available, try again with a smaller amount'.format(player_record['invested'], withdraw_amount))
return (user_key, day_info, player_record['amount'], player_record['invested'], profit, loss, False)
return (user_key, day_info, player_record['amount'], player_record['invested'], profit, loss, False)
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