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Created December 2, 2016 15:21
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  • Save sam/7a7373d6d4f46975f5c022a8b7fba83c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sam/7a7373d6d4f46975f5c022a8b7fba83c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
When receiving a multipart POST, parse the application/json part into an entity, and capture the file upload.
pathEndOrSingleSlash {
(post & parameter("rev")) { rev =>
// This is very important, so we can provide a more specific
// implicit to overcome the Json4sSupport default unmarshaller
// that will require an `application/json` ContentType!
import Unmarshaller._
entity(as[Multipart.General]) { body =>
import scala.concurrent.duration._
onSuccess {[CreateMailer], Option.empty[TemporaryFile])) {
case ((_, file), part) if part.entity.contentType.mediaType == `application/json` =>
part.entity.toStrict(30 seconds).map { strict =>
// expects an implicit org.json4s.Formats and Manifest[T]
(, file)
case ((value, _), part) =>
val tmp = File.createTempFile("upload", "tmp")
part.entity.dataBytes.runWith(FileIO.toPath(tmp.toPath)).map { _ =>
value -> Option(TemporaryFile(part.entity.contentType.mediaType,
} {
case (Some(create), Some(upload)) =>
onSuccess(events ? (eventId.revise(rev), create, upload)) {
case status: ClientError => complete(status, JNothing)
case key: IdWithRev => complete(StatusCodes.Created -> decompose(key))
case _ => reject
} ~ entity(as[CreateMailer]) { create =>
onSuccess(events ? (eventId.revise(rev), create)) {
case status: ClientError => complete(status, JNothing)
case key: IdWithRev => complete(StatusCodes.Created -> decompose(key))
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