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Created October 13, 2011 15:17
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basic sequencer
(:use []))
(defn- play-sample
[samp time vol]
(at time (stereo-player samp :vol vol)))
(defn determine-time
[onset-time b-idx beat-dur num-beats]
(+ onset-time (* b-idx beat-dur)))
(defn- schedule-all-beats
[bar samp onset-time bar-dur]
(let [num-beats (count bar)
beat-dur (/ bar-dur num-beats)]
(map-indexed (fn [idx beat]
(= true beat)
(play-sample samp (determine-time onset-time idx beat-dur num-beats) 1)
(number? beat)
(play-sample samp (determine-time onset-time idx beat-dur num-beats) (/ beat 10))
(sequential? beat)
(schedule-all-beats beat
(determine-time onset-time idx beat-dur num-beats)
(defn play-rhythm
([patterns* bar-dur*] (play-rhythm patterns* bar-dur* (+ 500 (now)) 0))
([patterns* bar-dur* start-time beat-num]
(let [patterns @patterns*
bar-dur @bar-dur*]
(map (fn [[key [samp pat]]]
(let [idx (mod beat-num (count pat))]
(schedule-all-beats (nth pat idx) samp start-time bar-dur)))
(apply-at (+ start-time bar-dur) #'play-rhythm [patterns*
(+ start-time bar-dur)
(inc beat-num)]))))
(def piano-samples (load-samples "~/Desktop/samples/MIS_Stereo_Piano/Piano/*LOUD*"))
(def ice-samples (load-samples "~/Desktop/samples/1083-7_Bram_breaking_ice/*.wav"))
(def p (nth piano-samples 18))
(def s (nth piano-samples 20))
(def t (nth piano-samples 21))
(stereo-player t :vol 0.4)
(def bar-dur (atom 1000))
(def _ false)
(def X true)
(def patterns* (atom {:low-piano [p [[_]]]
:hi-piano [s [[_]]]
:ice1 [(nth ice-samples 1) [[_]]]
:ice2 [(nth ice-samples 2) [[_]]]
:ice3 [(nth ice-samples 3) [[_]]]
:ice4 [(nth ice-samples 4) [[_]]]
:ice5 [(nth ice-samples 5) [[_]]]}))
(play-rhythm patterns* bar-dur)
(defn update-pat!
[key pat]
(swap! patterns* (fn [patterns key new-pat]
(let [[samp pat] (get patterns key)]
(assoc patterns key [samp new-pat])))
key pat))
(update-pat! :low-piano [[_]])
(update-pat! :hi-piano [[_] [_]])
(update-pat! :ice1 [[X] [_] [X [_ X] X]])
(update-pat! :ice2 [[X] [X]])
(update-pat! :ice3 [[X] [_ [X _]]])
(update-pat! :ice4 [[X] [_ [_ X]]])
(update-pat! :ice5 [[X] [_] [_ X _]])
(def server (osc-server 7800))
(defn- handle-msg
[samp-name pat]
(let [pat (read-string pat)]
(println "samp-name: " samp-name ", pat: " pat ", count: " (count pat))
(update-pat! (keyword samp-name) pat)))
(osc-handle server "/new-pat" (fn [msg]
(apply #'handle-msg [(first (:args msg)) (second (:args msg))])))
(def cl (osc-client "localhost" 7800))
(osc-send cl "/new-pat" "hi-piano" (prn-str [[2 5 7 1]]))
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