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Created October 24, 2011 15:56
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Simple coordinated ping mechanism - only plays the ping if two buttons are pressed at the "same" time
(ns examples.coordination
(:use []
(:require [polynome.core :as poly]))
(def m (poly/init "/dev/tty.usbserial-m64-0790"))
(poly/on-press m (fn [x y s]
(println "pressed " [x y])
(let [t (now)]
(if (and (= 7 x)
(= 0 y))
(if-let [event (poly/find-event s #(and (= 0 (:x %))
(= 0 (:y %))))]
(when (and (< (:time event) t)
(< (- t (:time event)) 100))
(println "ping")
(poly/on-press m (fn [x y s]
(let [t (now)]
(if (and (= 0 x)
(= 0 y))
(if-let [event (poly/find-event s #(and (= 7 (:x %))
(= 0 (:y %))))]
(when (and (< (:time event) t)
(< (- t (:time event)) 100))
(println "ping")
(poly/remove-all-callbacks m)
(poly/disconnect m)l
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