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Created September 3, 2012 07:51
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Random circles with Raphael.js & ClojureScript
(ns hello-world.hello)
(defn- clj-map->js-map
"makes a javascript map from a clojure one"
(let [out (js-obj)]
(doall (map #(aset out (name (first %)) (second %)) cljmap))
(defn- attr [object attributes]
(.attr object (clj-map->js-map attributes)))
(def circs (atom []))
(defn ^:export drawCirc []
;; (draw)
(let [paper (js/Raphael 0 0 500 500)
col (.getColor js/Raphael)]
(reset! circs
(doall (for [x (range 100)]
(let [circ (.circle paper (* x 10) (* x 10) 10)]
(attr circ {:fill col})
(.drag circ
(fn [dx dy x y e]
(attr circ {:cx x :cy y}))
(.mouseover circ #(do
(swap! circs
(doall (map
(fn [circ]
(attr circ {:cx (rand 500) :cy (rand 500)})
(.animate circ (clj-map->js-map {:fill-opacity .5}) 50)))
(.mouseout circ #(.animate circ (clj-map->js-map {:fill-opacity 1}) 50))))))))
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