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Created August 10, 2023 16:30
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Meeting transcript
machine and then add the last few cells with selected cells.
That's how I kind of think to do, maybe do something with maybe two or three antibodies with that scenario.
That way it's like a type and screen on a patient.
They get your screen results from the analyzer.
Then they get their panel result from the analyzer 'cause that's pretty typical.
They run a type and then a type and screen and then a panel.
And then once they have that data, then they clean it up with maybe a couple of selected cells manually.
I think that would be the way to do it.
- Okay, I agree.
There's one thing, I don't think you mentioned in there that I would like to show them as part of the second demonstration, which is to run a screen and run a panel and then merge them and then add for cells.
- Well, wouldn't that, I mean, I'm not sure if that's how you'd have to, you might have to do with that.
You might have to merge them anyway, right?
Is there a way to bring in an automated panel into a screen or do you just have to merge?
- No, what you do, I'll show you what you do.
It has to be the same patient.
That's the only requirement.
But if you go to load safe panel, and obviously these are the only ones that got it too, and you just click on all of them and then you'll get this merge thing.
- Right, right.
I'm saying if you have a screen already, can you just bring, download a panel right into it if you already have a screen or do you have to merge things?
- No, you have to merge them right now.
So you have to run them separately and then merge them manually.
- So you can't have the screen up on this, already resulted, and then go to the analyzer and download the panel right into it, right?
- Right, you can't do that.
- You can't do that.
- Download it separately and then save them both and merge them both.
And that's something, that's an interesting idea if that saves people a bunch of time and effort.
but I think that's fairly complicated to go that directly.
So we can think about it, but I'm not sure if it's worth it.
- So we just need to let them know that's how they have to do it.
If they're gonna do multiple runs on an analyzer, they have to save each run and then merge them.
That's all.
- Right, and we can do one if we want.
If we have time, we could do one where you just take the screen and then select cells after that, don't run another panel.
Just do the rest of it manually.
You can play around, you can slide the list some time to think about.
My main thing we want to do is you and I decide what Stuart says is having audio problems.
Decide which things we need because I didn't remember this, but you made.
Last time we told Stuart what we wanted, which panels, and what results.
And he was able to build the downloads for us.
So I don't know.
Is it easier for you to decide up front which antigens you want to be concerned with in each, and then just look for cells that will work in Imacort and Ortho to do it?
I guess we could do that.
Well, I mean, we have a lot of options here.
So I think we'll do sort of two setups.
One is with ortho being primary and emucor being secondary, and then one the other way around.
That won't make a whole lot of difference to selecting cells, it'll make a difference as to which screens we might pull in.
So, you know, hard to say, but we could just start building something now and I'll have a recording of it and I know we can tell you what you want.
- I think it might be easier just to bring in the screens and the panels that we think we're gonna need to use and then try to do a couple of relatively simple ones using what's there.
- Okay.
- And then that way we're not trying, we're not, otherwise it might take us longer.
I mean, we could do it the other way, but it might take us longer to do it the other way.
But if we pick normal things like E and K or Duffier and S or Duffier and K or something like that, it's not too hard.
- Okay.
- Then I don't think we're gonna have trouble figuring it out with the panels that are available on the either the vision or the, or the echo-lumina with a few extra cells that are done manually.
We would only run into trouble if we're trying to do it with only like two or three panels, but if we've got at least one or two analyzer panels, and then we've got at least a couple of manual panels, those relatively easy workups, we shouldn't have an issue with.
- Yeah, okay.
- You gotta pick the screens you want, that's all.
- Okay.
So, right now, this is the way it's set up.
And here's something I sort of procedurally want to do.
Find the right shortcut.
I think that was going to shut down the whole program.
So when you open this up, it's going to go to the default database.
And we have here three analyzer connections.
So we can do all our practice work up here, and then when you get ready to do something, we'll have, well, I don't know, this might get in our way, but then we can go to the other databases.
We have one that's going to mimic Florida, more or less, we think, with information Davis, and then one for Mayo.
And if we need a third one for some other kind of work, I doubt it.
We've got another one just in case.
So just want to stay out of the default, probably, once you get into the demo.
But for right now, anything we do in the default is not going to be visible to them.
So the other thing is, I guess we know which numbers are the screening cells for the machine lots.
We know in Ortho it's VRA, VRB, and VRC, I think, and VSS for the screen.
- For the screen.
- So, you know, just see what we've got in there?
- Yeah.
- Okay, so.
- Like you said, you're only gonna need probably one screen from each, one from Ortho and one from ImiCorps.
- Okay, so let's get, I guess it doesn't matter.
Let's take this top one.
And the Emucore.
From the machine, I think it's in there is RS.
for which I must do the Amicore screens now.
So I think it's actually, oh, you say R.
>> Something with an R, I think.
>> Yeah, yeah, these are the R's here.
Let's have a look at this one and see.
Yeah, it's perfect.
Okay, so we've got two machine screens, and I'll just get some lots that go with those.
And so the latest RA maybe?
And B and C?
>> But I think, like you said, it's going to be VRA.
Not RA.
VRA is going to be the machine one.
>> Sorry.
>> VRA, VRB.
>> Okay.
So again, we'll just take the latest one.
>> And then a VRB.
>> Right.
>> And I don't know if they do VRC.
Some places do, some places don't.
And then for ECHO, it should be a DP and a DN.
And then I think I can't remember the other one.
There's a ready idea.
I can't remember what that one is, but definitely DP and DN.
- DN.
- Right.
- You already have the DN from DN130.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Then- - And then there's another one.
It's like RI maybe, RID or maybe it's RI.
No, RA.
I don't know what the- - It's ortho.
So let's have a look at all EMU core.
- You're thinking of already- - ID.
Try ID, just try ID.
Yeah, that's probably it.
Just double check that one that it's a full panel, ID 416.
Oh, yeah.
See, 14 cells.
The machine panels have weird numbers in them.
Yeah, 'cause I have 16 spots.
I do 14 and then 15 and 16 are controls, positive and internal control.
That's why.
Is that true for the needle as well?
Is the echo, do you know?
I think it is for both, 'cause I think they use the same strips.
They're eight wells long, and the panels are double strips, so you get 16 wells.
All right, so then-- - So yeah, so you have that, now you have to pick a couple, I don't know what, did they say they get ortho manual panel or Emu-Cord?
Sounds like they had Emu-Cord from what I remember from the email.
Sounds like there was an Emu-Cord manual panel.
- Yeah, yeah.
Sounds that way to me too, so-- - I think they had a 10 and a 16 and a 20, right?
- Yeah, we can do a 10 and a 16 and a 20.
- Just one of each, and I think that's enough.
- The thing is that I don't know from the numbers which is which.
- So you're looking, want me to look it up?
- Yeah, that'll be right.
- Yeah, it's gonna be those top bets, the 200 all the way down to 207.
- Some of those are screens and some of those are full counts.
- Right.
- So we'll wait for Stuart to look it up because that'll be easier than downloading them all and then marking that stock or deleting them all.
Yeah, so my pal says, "Tell us about this guy.
This guy in a car accident, who's now in a coma, was a friend, not a close friend of mine, but from high school and his dad was my dad's boss in the State Department.
And apparently somebody T-boned him and killed this passenger and they put him in a, they induced a comb in him because he has COPD issues.
So they're trying to medevac him from somewhere in Delaware to Georgetown or something.
Okay, so let me confirm what I'm looking for.
Looking for an ortho panel that does not start with V that has a large number of cells in it?
Yeah, it doesn't start with V, doesn't start with, only starts with a number.
Oh, you're in the Eucor, sorry.
- Yeah.
- We're looking for the 10, the 16 and the 20.
There's three of them.
- Okay.
- Probably not all three of them at one date.
They probably switch them up a little bit.
But they're in these.
- Okay, 10 is a panacell 10.
- Yes.
- Yeah.
- Right?
- Oh, one.
That's pretty old.
There's nothing that starts with one or two.
- Let me, okay, let me see if I can find something more recent.
Yeah, I wasn't sorted by the most recent.
So let me try again.
Okay, I've got a Panacel 16.
- Yeah.
- That's 20743.
[ Pause ] Okay, yeah, yeah.
And here are some panacea at 10 and 20.
So 10 is 19734.
And 20 is 19740.
All right, that should get.
All right, so we've got a pretty good stock here.
So you want to go with the screen?
Do it manually first, which would mean we'd need a different screen probably.
Or do you want to just take a.
There's one decision we have to make.
I think that they're probably always going to run an analyzer screen, but you know, that's kind of place dependent, lab dependent, but I don't think it's going to be seen badly if we do the analyzer screen to start with all the time.
Do we need an Emiocore screen as well?
Probably do, yeah.
So they've got two cell screens and three cell screens.
>> Three.
>> Three, so.
>> Three.
Do you want one that also has SUTs?
>> Probably, yeah.
>> No.
It doesn't need to.
>> It doesn't need to.
Okay, so try 20460.
Looks good.
about Okay.
All right.
So we'll start with this one.
Again, I put a patient in.
Not yet.
I mean, it's just to get what we need in here.
Oh, yeah, I forgot to ask you, Stuart, do we still have that list of patients we can import into the program?
Do you what well in the debug menu?
There's a way to generate random patients, but they So if you're just looking for a few names, yeah Yeah, so go to debug Create random data and Next to patients just hit the up arrow a couple times Yeah, and when you're you know, so the ten patients total I Wouldn't mess with lots or panels.
You don't want random lots or random panels.
It's a random Yeah, so I wouldn't change no.
No don't change this.
Oh, I should just click it create Just click create you're just going to create some random patients.
Okay, because I only touch that one.
Yeah I can do these in all of them, but I don't have any patients yet.
Unless, unless.
Oh yeah, okay.
All right, we got patients.
So we can put in a patient.
Okay, now the other thing is how eventually for these different places we've set up result columns, but for now we can just use what we got.
So next move is on you, Alex.
- Okay, so then we'll put IOT results in 'cause we'll just do something simple to start with.
- Okay.
- Okay.
We'll do something simple.
We'll just do like a E and a K to start with.
So that'll be two plus two plus negative.
First two or two plus and then negative, yeah.
Okay, and then save it.
Just say positive screen.
I would say positive, oh, that's all right.
- I know, we can do that better.
I want to get this set up, so we'll do that.
Okay, so now we want to put on a full panel.
- Yeah, just put, pull in one like maybe that 10 cell, the pan of cell 10 would be a good one.
That's usually what they go with.
- Okay.
- First to start with.
- And you go to add that on top of the current worksheet?
- Yes.
- For this one we will.
- Yes.
- Do we remember what the 10 cell was?
- No, but you can just search real quick, and if it's not 10 cells, then you just search the next one.
Nope, not that one.
- 16.
It's one of the nine for it.
One of the ones with 19 in front of it.
I remember that Alan.
- Oh, okay.
- I mean the very top one, I think that one.
Yeah, I think that's the one.
- 11.
- Yeah, it's 10 cells plus usually a challenge cell like a tech cell, I think is what they do.
See at the bottom it says TC instead of 11.
- Yeah.
- Okay, and then now we're gonna result this And that will be a, I'd say that's a three plus, and then a negative, and then a two plus, and then a negative, negative, and a two plus, and a two plus, and a negative, negative two plus, and negative, and an auto-control negative.
That should be it.
And basically what we have right now is the M looks like it's blocking it.
So we're going to have to exclude M.
So we're going to have to put a couple cells to exclude M.
You'd probably save it here too.
Not in there.
Not not not it.
What am I doing?
Wrong menu man Okay now since so now since we were suspecting E and K we'd do E and K negative and then pick a couple M Double doses so we can exclude so make EK negative And then do an M double dose You have to get rid of the lot number.
Yeah something I Keep meaning to take care of And then pick a couple nine Not not those is an analyzer one.
So you want to pick a couple?
That are manual panel.
There you go those guys And then go result them in the worksheet There you go, okay, then save it as okay, right?
Again, this is just for now Don't forget to conclusion that you don't have to do it now But remember we're gonna have to put that conclusion in there.
You might want to get a habit of taking it And big E is on the left So, in terms of what we're going to need, this one, yeah, this was all.
Everything's Emucore then.
Yeah, all manual.
So, if we just use these, the screener in this slot, we're fine for this manual just using Emucore panel.
And for things like E's and K's and maybe like a D and a K, or maybe a K and an S, like no more than two antibodies, most of the time there's three panels, plus the screen will be enough to figure most of those out.
- Okay, so all this work, almost all this work can be done by just you and me in anticipation of what we're gonna do.
The thing that we need for Stuart is which screening cells and four panels, the machine panels, do we need a machine?
- Well, if you save these, I can log into the Mayo demo myself into the default database.
You just tell me which of these panels you want to use for the demo.
- Okay.
And I will export them into the virtual analyzer so that they'll be easy to call up when you need them.
- Okay, that sounds good.
So I'm not sure that we need to take any more of your time right now Stuart, unless there's some reason you want to stick around.
- Yeah, that's fine.
So yeah, just be sure to record the panel numbers that you want to use for the demo.
- Yeah, we'll save everything we do.
And then we can get a list to you which ones to pay attention to.
- Okay.
Sounds good.
- Great.
Thanks a lot.
- Thanks, Stuart.
- Okay.
So, so that's one save for Stuart, but that's not safe for Stuart.
- We won't need to do anything with that because that's a manual.
- So I guess we should start with getting the ones that we want him to do.
- Yeah.
Okay, so let's clear all this out.
Clear this out.
I need to have this up in the way.
Glashing, big red sign.
Clear search criteria!
- Yeah, I mean, you might wanna do one, since he's able to do this, you might wanna do one where they run a screen on the Echo, the Illumina, and then run the two or three panels and alumina and that way you just merge them all together and see what you get.
You know what I'm saying?
And that way they could do all analyzer and even need to do manual.
Okay, so this.
So you're going to start out.
No, not that one.
You got to start with the screen first.
Right, I'm trying to figure out which one is the.
It was the R.
Oh, the R.
Just the R263.
There you go.
So like that.
Do you want to see you want to do like a K and an S?
Should work no problem?
Yeah, sure.
Do we want to add a patient or no?
Well, we're going to have to at some point, but it doesn't really matter at this point.
Either or not, just when we're doing it, yeah, we would say okay then we select the patient or avenue patient but you'll select them because it's easier but for right now we can do it anytime I mean I can put a patient in.
Don't worry about it.
I'm just saying just to get us used to looking at it.
Yeah that'd be a bad idea.
Yeah it's not a a bad idea at all.
And then start off with 202.
You forgot the Okay, then save it that's gonna be our we're doing a K and an S on this one, so Okay, so now we want to do another machine yeah, just pick the DP And pick that same patient so we can merge them.
Remember who she was.
I think you did lapel.
Lapel that one.
Pretty sure that's the one you had.
And go to your selected.
And then, yeah, get rid of that check.
Is it going to merge if the other one didn't have it?
And this one does.
Yeah, that won't make any difference.
That won't make any difference.
- Okay.
And then so now we gotta just go down and figure this out.
And we're doing a K and an S.
So the first one is negative.
Second one is gonna be, or zero I mean.
And the next one is two plus.
The next one is two plus.
Wait, hold on a second, I might've got that wrong.
No, it's good.
And two plus, two plus, two plus.
And then zero.
And zero and two plus two plus Two plus two plus Zero zero And there's not really an auto control so you get rid of the auto control make a blank the analyzer don't have that Some of them do Some of them do have auto-control.
Right, but some of them don't.
This one is one that doesn't.
Okay, that's fine.
Yeah, you're right some of them do.
I'm trying to see what we're gonna, what more we, I guess on this one we probably have them run the, have them run this panel And maybe the the ready ID.
So yeah, let's go ahead and just hide it Save the panel Okay, and then we'll do the ready Not surprisingly an F In here so we can either get rid of that Or we can deal with explaining to them that if they've got a look at F on their own Well the machines from emucor is going to give them that problem So we probably need to explain it some because unfortunately emucor decided that's how they're gonna do it, right?
Let's let's do that.
Let's let's wait.
Let's do the the what you call either the dn panel or the or the ID panel from emucor Because actually right now that's all that's left right is just the f yeah Can we just not save this and just start over with the panel?
Of course, of course Don't save it.
You didn't save it yet, right?
Right Let's try bringing in the ready ID because that one might have that on it and then you can avoid that discussion right off the bat At least to start with it's the one that's ID 4/16 looks like yeah Both That one has some Fs on it, so I might be able to rule it out and see them.
Yeah, because as I was thinking, as I remember the DP panel, they're all going to be F negative.
It's not even that they're not there to rule out.
They're just not going to ever be ruled out.
Here, at least you have some of them that are F positive and some that just aren't listed.
So you might get lucky.
>> Yeah.
>> Okay.
>> Do you get a panel result with F on it from MECOR?
>> We do on some of them.
I remembered when we were talking about it that sometimes they're on there.
>> Okay.
>> But they're not always on there.
I think the screens are usually not on there if I remember right, but some of the panels have it.
And you can see there's three of them on this panel that have it.
>> Right.
>> Whether those three are gonna be the ones that we need, it looks like cell number six is gonna help us.
Cell number eight is not gonna help us and neither is 13.
So we're still gonna have to rule it out more.
We stopped that discussion, but at least you'll have one.
You know what I'm saying?
Yeah, so we could say you can go to someone that types an F, like ortho, and get a panel to rule that out if you want to.
I'll be there to explain it to them.
And I'll be there to explain it to them with the F that they don't really need to do that.
They can just take the ones that are little c and little e positive and negative for big c and big e.
So let's use this one's probably better.
Two, two, two.
And neg.
Again, zero.
Two, two.
Zero, two.
Wait, hold on a second.
My name, no, I'm still good.
Let me check this one.
This one, I got my mouse go.
Zero, two, two, zero.
Oh, the check cells.
I was wondering how come it's not happening?
Why isn't it recording our rule outs?
That's how it's.
- Okay.
So, can -- oh, this one's really all over the place, huh?
I thought for sure it would give us a better result than this to start off.
There was a miss on cell number nine, should be a two plus.
That's when I got lost.
My mouse got messed up there, too.
That looks more like it.
As you can see the S there at the top, the first three cells, then a bunch of negatives and then you got the K coming up.
That's the right pattern.
It doesn't give us the answer yet, but at least it's got the pattern to it.
And now you could save that one with the patient.
[ Pause ] >> We haven't concluded it yet.
>> Right.
And then now would probably be the time to merge it and say you'd merge them and see if the screen and the panel together will give you an answer or if you need to still do more work.
- Okay.
- And then you can merge a merge panel with a new panel, right?
You can do that, right?
- Yeah, as long as you're saying, um.
- Patient.
- Patient, right.
No, stop it.
Let's see panel.
It's last two.
Yes No each If you merge them from different machines what you'll get you'll get two columns but right But we'll still combine all the results.
All right so What do we have?
Yeah Basically have a K and an S and looks like what's what's blocking us is XJ is blocking us and And then we have KPA and CW blocking us really is all we have blocking us.
So probably the big one is XGA.
It's just kind of weird how XGA ended up falling.
That hardly ever happens.
You see there's only two rule outs for it, the two gray ones.
So that's what really kind of messed the program up was XGA happened to be following a similar pattern to our antibodies that we picked.
So at this point we just say you know because you know it looks like XGA wasn't excluded by three which is a minimum requirement.
We have a couple other we're worried about too but the two clinically significant that are common are K and S.
And we're going to run one more analyzer panel.
We can pick the the extend two I guess we could pick.
That way that'll take care of our F problem most likely which is going to be the DN 130.
Okay, so they would come down here.
Or you could do it separately, like don't save this and do it separately and then merge them together if you wanted to do it that way, because that's how they're going to have to do it.
But I mean, this is just for steward also, so however you want to.
But that's your call.
I think you may want to do it separately.
>> Okay.
Then in that case, I could unselect that.
>> Just close it.
>> There are pain in the ass, but I can do it.
>> Just close.
Well, you haven't saved it yet, right?
>> Yeah, but it's on the panel, see because we put it on the panel, it doesn't go away by itself.
>> It won't even if you just, okay.
>> It can be selected.
It's not hard to do, but this computer screen would cooperate with me.
Get this things out of the way.
Okay, so everything from then two three 18 four five six Eight nine Four more Yep, well four more now three more two more one more One more after that.
Yeah that one too.
Okay, that's it Okay.
Oh, you're right.
We've probably just kind of closed that because we've already saved the other one.
Well, no, we haven't.
Oh, we haven't saved the mult.
Yeah, you have to save it because you have to save the panel that's been merged, right?
You're going to save the merge panel.
Yeah, close that first.
Yeah, it's your screen and your panel.
You're good.
You just - Just gotta save that.
- Okay.
- Under open results, I think.
Results worksheet, gotta go there first, I think.
Then you have to go to the open results worksheet to save it.
- No.
- We'll save it here.
- I can take it here by going save selector panel.
- Merged wine or something like that.
Okay, okay.
Okay, now clear all that out and bring up the DN 130.
All right.
And then now you're going to have a two, two.
And then nag, nag.
NAG, NAG 2 2, NAG 2, NAG 2 2 2.
I think we got them all.
Let's make sure that the KNS, KNS, KNS, KNS, KNS as opposed to KNS.
I think that's it.
And just save that one, education save it and then merge that to the merge one.
And then we should, that should solve it.
I didn't see it before.
It's not a merge too.
I don't know if you want to say it because it says merge too.
as a panel number because this is not merged.
Might like say ready ID or something if you wanted to.
Yeah, Tn130, that's good.
- Okay, now let's see if we can merge all those puppies together.
Never tried to do three, so I assume it works.
- Well, if you do it in order, you just take the last two, the one we just merged and an N plus this one.
- Oh, that's true.
- I don't think it'll have a problem with it.
- Wait a minute.
Oh, I see.
We could do those too.
We've already merged them.
So let's do it that way.
All right.
Yeah, because of the check cells, the other one he took the checks I thought that I was going to do that.
Oh, put another one road that has yeah, yeah, column as checks as the one that doesn't.
Where's my goddamn phone?
Everything's ringing here.
I can't find my phone.
I said I'll have to wait.
- Sounds like you're playing the guitar from my side.
- Yeah.
All right, I'll leave a message.
- And then you'd have to hide the less clinically significant and the low incidence and it would take care of it.
You know, you can tell them that, you know.
this would wouldn't have taken care of the XGA right if we'd hit there so we wouldn't want to do that for this in this case but there you've got your XGA okay yeah we took care of that actually the only thing that was left for those were those low incidences okay [BLANK_AUDIO] Merge two.
If they wanted to run an extra cell because they are concerned about ruling out the CW, I think it was or the Lutheran A, they could.
>> Yeah, or if you wanted to pick a single cell, a single cell, a couple ortho cells if they don't want to run a full panel.
So we can show them either way.
I mean, you could say you could go ahead and pick a couple ortho cells or you could import, you know, another whole panel if you weren't doing any anything on the bench.
Well, they don't even need to because the the lows are going to are not always going to be ruled out because we don't, we're ruling them out unless we have a reason to think they're there.
Right based on this panel, you know, we have enough information to call the two antibodies we have K on 11 and 13 by itself and we have right big ass on one six Twelve fourteen eighteen and nineteen so we got plenty for that The only one that is kind of a little questionable and actually it was a mistake.
It looks like It looks like it was a mistake cell number ten So number 10 somehow Slip through that cell needs to be negative Don't know how we can fix that well, we can Show Stewart that that's what we want That's to be the final panel and then Then look it cleans it up that Luther and a sell that extra so cuz that was it.
That was a mistake I must have called it out wrong.
So that makes it actually neater.
Because look at the bottom, it's not away pretty much.
Except the CW is still hanging out.
So now we're saving this for Stuart to give us these things, right?
And then we only have to explain one of them, which is better.
We just have to explain CW.
Just make sure he doesn't look at the initial panels beforehand, because there's that one panel that mistake, which was you just fixed it, but it's going to be one of the ones that's by itself.
I don't know which one it was.
ID 416, probably.
No, it's fixed it here.
Yeah, just tell them to look at the conclusion and that's it.
And do the conclusion antibodies as K and S.
Oh, wait a minute.
Why is this?
So I'll let you delete that out.
I can delete that.
So isn't there going to be any-- it doesn't have to know the change, right?
This is what we want right there.
That's it.
Just as long as he doesn't-- and put the conclusion antibodies in before you save it.
OK, you asked, right?
And are we going to want to also, I'm sure we're going to want to in the demo, show them the antigen typing for the K and the S on the patient.
I forgot to do it on the other one, the E and the K.
>> Yeah, it'll be there now.
>> Well, now we'd have to go into the patient and add that to the patient's file.
>> Oh, if you want to have it pre-existing.
Well, now -- >> No, no, not pre-existing.
Anagen typing for the patient.
Oh, I don't know.
I mean, I don't know what you tell me what we need because yes, we need it.
Yeah, okay So okay.
So you right-click and I think I think you can right-click that do patient details and edit And then now we're gonna put the K is negative and the S is negative Okay, yeah, and then the reason is antigen typing Okay.
And then save it.
That's it.
So, um.
You have to save it again because it says obsolete up there.
So, yeah, so that's a good little example.
On the first one, we didn't put the E and K typing in on that patient.
I forgot to tell you to put it in there.
Well, now, this is an anomaly of the program, I think.
Even if I do refresh data, I don't think the auto control is going to come up until we get back out.
But let's see.
There's no auto control and oh you mean down here in the bottom I see tab the pluses and minuses and all that yeah Yeah, I'm probably right you got to get out.
Let's see refresh data No, you know I gotta get out Like you got to get all the way to the program or just out of the patient just out of the patient I think No, what's the hell?
You have this because it's still in there is obsolete.
That's why I said you have to save the panel again to get that to go in there.
You are right.
Now if you save it now it's going to show up there because now it's at the bottom.
So this would final, final first do it.
- Does it make any difference?
- I don't think that part really matters too much 'cause he's not worried about the auto control.
- You're right, it does do it.
I just didn't save it.
- Yeah, yeah, it's there now.
- Yeah.
So we have sort of the MU core machine panel cover covered.
So shall we work on some orthos for Stuart now?
Yeah do one ortho one and then maybe one with like you said everything together.
What wrong button again?
Let's do a Ortho a Big C and a duffier, okay This is out of date but we have it.
So let's get one of these in date.
I don't know what happened.
Pick one of the last two, you want to who cano Rachelle or Rickle Shara.
You can't write down first.
birthday, though.
All right.
So now we're gonna save this.
We got to open the worksheet, right?
Don't you?
Result difference?
I actually don't have to, but I will.
Oh, yeah, we can put results in.
Shoot me.
And we're doing a C and a W, so that's a 2 plus, a 2 plus, a negative.
That's it.
[BLANK_AUDIO] >> Then you wanna pull up another- >> And then now, yeah, close that out and bring up the ortho.
I think it's the VRA.
I think you want to remove this selected cells before you don't select it yet.
You want to clear everything first because right now the three selected cells are still there.
There, there you go.
Now I'll select them.
Just a second.
I got an urgent message from Eric.
What's his name?
Do it the same thing as my wife's maiden name.
What is it?
John's blocking.
[ Pause ] (no audio) (silence) (silence) Darn it!
(silence) (silence) (silence) (silence) (silence) (silence) (silence) (silence) Ahhh!
Okay, sorry.
Where were we here?
We're selecting all these, right?
- Yep, and we're gonna result those for C and FBA.
I think you gotta add the patient though.
- Yeah.
I don't know.
- I think you've been putting one up there.
- I put, I didn't want one of them to get, wait, it does.
All right, I'm ready.
Finally, sorry.
It's okay.
2 2 0 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 That looks right Okay.
And just save the panel.
And what do you want to call it?
Yeah, I would just call it the panel number.
Yeah, panel number just did that in both places.
I think that's a good idea that you had earlier.
This called V Because every the patient's name is there too already.
So, you know, right?
So you got everything together tells you what panel you ran and later you can merge it together and just call it merge right merge one merge two And then now I guess you're gonna close this and just merge those two the screen and the panel together and see what we got So what you wanted to see in Duffy A?
>> Yeah, I'm trying to figure out why it's given us a hard time because of JSB, which is really weird.
It looks just because the JSB on the ortho panels, it doesn't have the JSA on a lot of them.
You see that?
>> Mm-hmm.
>> It's very bizarre.
Some of them have it and some of them don't.
It's very weird.
Well, so we'd have to, we can either choose a different panel for this or we can say, hey, you know, you gotta, you gotta get another cell if you want to rule out the JSB on this one.
You say, you know, chances of all these negative cells, you know, cell number three, six, seven, ten, and thirteen, all being only single dose for JSB.
Well 13 is but the other ones all being single this is very low But if you want to be assured then you'd have to grab another cell Okay And so, you know they can grab another panel let's do the we got this merge save it like that And then we'll grab a um An r what do they call that an r vrb?
So just call that merge one I think we've already got a merge one, but I want to call it merge one.
Oh, that has to be unique?
Well, uh, no, but it'll hurt us if it's not.
I don't think it does have to be unique.
I think you can overrule.
Well, let's see.
Yeah, see?
Yeah, I already used it.
So you might have to do like the last name of the patient in merge.
who can emerge.
Who can emerge one?
They have to come up with whatever they want to, you know?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
So now-- And now close everything.
to save this, right?
- I think you just saved it.
- Oh, so I did.
- Yeah, you don't need to save it.
I think you already saved it.
- Are we typing the patient now or not?
- No, 'cause we're gonna do one more panel.
We'll do the, we'll say, you know, we'll pick it, we'll just pick another panel just so you can see what it looks like when we merge another panel into it and hopefully that'll take care of the GSB.
I think it will.
- Okay, very good.
All right, so, Oh, God, this-- Just close that.
I'm trying to get rid of-- Clear everything.
Close that.
Yeah, I'm trying to get rid of this go to meeting thing was in my way.
So we're just going closing.
Yeah, that thing is annoying sometimes.
Yeah, there's eggs with that.
Another panel, did you say?
Yeah, we're going to do the VRB now.
Okay, different page like them all.
No, select them all use the same patient.
Okay, because we're going to add that add this to the patient just similar thing we do with the whole echo lumen thing we're going to do with the ortho we're going to have two panels on the screen.
And then let's go to the result.
You got a bug.
What is that?
I don't know, but let's hold everything right there while I get a hold of Stewart.
You can look at this.
No problem.
I see where I left my phone.
- No problem.
I'll see where I left my phone.
[ Pause ] Go!
[ Pause ] I'm in the meeting.
You need.
It's just friendly meeting, what's up?
Oh, we've been in my neutral party and it's.
Possibly, yes.
I don't have any.
Now, I don't, you haven't found my phone, but I realize I don't need it to text you.
Oh, yeah.
[ Pause ] All right, let's see if he shows.
So, this is actually a blessing that this didn't happen during the demo.
Oh, we would have been doing that.
But the best we can do is try to retrace our steps here.
But I think this is one that's been plaguing us about why it's happening, right?
Yeah, possibly.
So first, why don't you tell me what you were doing when it happened?
Okay, Alex, are you back?
All right.
So when I selected a patient, right?
That was when this came up.
I added a patient.
after that, yeah, let's just select the patient.
I hadn't resulted the panel, I just selected it and then I selected a patient and that's when we that's when this came up.
Now we've already used this patient for other panels recently but I don't know if that has anything to do with anything.
All right, so let's click show log file and then click on that window that appeared in the background.
>> That's not really showing the log file.
And you changed directories.
How about you let me drive?
>> Absolutely.
Happy to do it.
Let me see if I can find my -- open my controls enough to see them.
First I want them out of the Now I want to see them and I can't have you expand this thing This maybe Yikes there it is, okay That it people people people any people if you get back to the windows all requests Control from my side though might be easier You're back to Okay, okay, how are you going from screen to screen are you?
- I'm using option arrow.
- Okay, try option up arrow.
- Oops, that was control.
- Yeah, control, that's right.
- Control up.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- And it's either gonna be, it's gonna be one of the Windows 10s or the AP work, whichever.
- Yeah, that's it.
- That looks like it.
All right, now just hold tight.
I'm going to request control.
There we go.
All right.
Here we go.
All right.
[ Pause ] Okay, so it said that it says that you clicked on a cell.
AP controls phenotype cell.
So -- >> Oh, it didn't crash the cell, huh?
>> No.
>> Well, that's good anyway.
But it also, it's not reproducing.
That's a result-scred cell.
Well, this is-- I had not chosen the patient.
I think at the moment I chose the patient is when it-- Yeah, but it clearly says here that phenotype cell on mouse down and phenotype cell-- Now, forgive me, Alex, this is probably incorrect terminology, but it's internal, so it doesn't matter.
Phenotype cell means one of these cells in here.
Table cells, not blood cells.
Possibly in the hetero rows, or possibly here, but in any case, one of these columns.
So I'm guessing that when you selected the patient, you know, I'm just gonna take a wild guess that you maybe double clicked or clicked an extra time or hit the select button and double clicked and the second click went through to the table behind.
Does that sound possible?
Maybe an extra click?
- I think I might have double clicked on the patient.
But that's sort of.
- That's sort of normal.
I'm trying to figure out how.
- Maybe start from just the panel without the patient there start there.
Yeah so if I clear out I can't I can't clear the patient anymore with that starting it.
Yeah that's what I'm saying started over and just pick that same panel.
Yeah VRV 285.
[BLANK_AUDIO] Open the worksheet.
[BLANK_AUDIO] >> We hadn't, have we resulted in it?
We had.
>> No, there were no results on it.
>> I don't think there were any results yet, Alan.
>> Okay.
>> Okay.
>> And he searched by number one instead of that.
that he'd insert the H.
He just put number one in the patient ID and then he selected it.
- And then you think you double clicked here?
- Yeah, that's what I think.
It's fine, so.
- Yeah.
Well, I'll have to check to see if there's a chance Yeah, you see these may also be considered phenotype cells.
Now, I'm not reproducing it.
Do you want to try, Alan, see if you can reproduce it?
I can't think of anything more to do than what you've already done, unless Alex, you can think of something you think might have been going on.
I mean, we-- oh, hey, let's backtrack the whole thing.
I actually have it recorded, so a bit tedious.
But is it worth it to try to get to the bottom of this right now, Stuart to-- No, well, what I'm thinking, if you've got the recording and you don't have any additional ideas, then why don't you just let me know when the recording is converted and in the Dropbox.
And then I'll take a look.
Sounds good.
So that's good.
I'm going to close this meeting down, Alex, because otherwise the recording is going to be too unmanageable for Stuart to look at.
So I'm going to close it down.
I'll send you a new meeting request in a few minutes.
Sounds good.
All right, thanks.
Thanks, guys.
[ Pause ]
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